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Special Ovens


  • Cabinet Double walled cabinet with outer wall made of mild steel, and inner chamber can be of mild steel, or stainless steel as required.
  • Insulation Glass wool filled between the walls to a minimum thickness of 2 inch.
  • The door is fitted with heavy chrome plated brass hinges, and it contains a 'spring and roller' type latch.
  • Element Cover In PEW-250FS, the element cover is without perforations and it covers the heaters completely.
  • Finish Outer side is painted with enamel paint. The inner side (in case of mild steel) is painted with heat-resistive aluminum paint.

Heating and Control

  • Heating is carried out by a specially designed low-rating heater.
  • Control The temperature is controlled by a specially fabricated thermostat. For better accuracy and safety of the oven, Digital Temperature Controller (PEW-202) can be provided at an extra cost.
  • Temp. Range 5OC above the ambient temperature to 250OC maximum. (up to 300OC can be provided, at an extra cost)
  • Accuracy Better than ± 2OC below 80OC and Better than ± 1OC above 80OC.
Auto Claves * Bacteriological Incubator * Bacteriologicil Incubator * Barnstead Type Water Still * Bod Incubator * Bunsen Burner * Centrifuge Machine * Circulators Bath * Constant Temperature Bath * Cylindrical Water Baths * Digital Flow Meter * Dissolved Oxygen Meter * Double Walled Universal Water Bath * Double Walled Universal Water Baths * Double Walled With Rings Water Bath * Double Walled With Rings Water Baths * Flame Photometer * Furnaces Laboratory * Grounded Heating Tapes * Heating Cords * Heating Mantle * Heating Tapes * Heavy Duty Ovens * Hot Air Oven * Hot Plates * Human Anatomical Models * Humidity Chambers * Humidity Oven * Incubator * Lab Incubator * Laboratory Apparatus * Laboratory Autoclaves * Laboratory Freezers * Laboratory Furnaces * Laboratory Hot Plates * Laboratory Incubator * Laboratory Instruments * Laboratory Jacks * Laboratory Machinery * Laboratory Ovens * Laboratory Scientific Instruments * Laboratory Shakers * Laboratory Stirrer * Laminar Air Flow * Laminar Flow * Leak Test Apparatus * Liquid Flow Meters * Liquid Level Indicator * Low Temperature Bath * Low Temperature Shaking Bath * Magnetic Stirrer * Manesty Type Water Still * Melting Point Appartus * Muffle Furnace * Oil Bath * Orbital Shaker * Ovens Laboratory * Photostability Chamber * Platform Shaker * Pour Point Apparatus * Pour Point Bath * Quick Heating Flexible Cords * Rate Meters * Rectangular Hot Plate * Rectangular Hot Plates * Rectangular Vacuum Oven * Rectangular Vacuum Ovens * Rota Mantle * Round Hot Plates * Round Vacuum Oven * Round Vacuum Ovens * Science Laboratory Machinery * Serological Bath * Serological Water Bath * Serological Water Baths * Shaking Bath * Solid State Fuse For Furnaces * Soxhelete Units * Soxhlet Extraction Heater * Soxhlet Extraction Heaters * Soxhlet Hot Plate * Special Ovens * Spectrophotometer * Surgical Water Bath * Tablet Disintegration Test Machine * Tablet Disintegration Test Machines * Tablet Dissolution Rate Test Equipment * Tablet Dissolution Rate Test Equipments * Thermostatic Ovens * Tray Drier Ovens * U. V. Cabinet * Vacuum Oven * Viscocity Bath * Water Bath * Water Baths * Water Still * Laboratory Equipment * Hot Plat * Soxhelete Unit * Vacuum Ovens * Science Laboratory Equipment * Stability Chambers * Walk In Stability Chamber
