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Sodium Chlorate Manufacturing System

TiTaN’s Sodium chlorate manufacturing system consists of Electrolyzers, a reactor, a cooler, Crystallizer, Centrifuge, Dryer, Inter-connecting piping. When direct current is applied, the hydrogen gas is evolved at the Cathode, which displaces liquor and reduces the specific gravity of the electrolyte in the electrolyser and the outlet piping. The differential specific gravity between the liquor in the electrolyser and that in the reactor creates a high rate of circulation. The circulation is through the cooler, into the bottom of each cell in the electrolyser, between the anodes and cathodes in the cells.

Where electrolysis occur, up the riser pipes to the degasifier (where the hydrogen separates) and back to the top of the reactor.The heat produced in the electrolysers is removed by an external cooler, which maintains the electrolytic system at its optimum operating temperature. The reactor is designed to provide the retention time required for conversion of intermediate reaction products to sodium chlorate.The liquor from the reactor is treated to remove the sodium hypochlorite and then fed to the crystallization system. The crystallization system consists of a crystallizer, Vacuum equipment, a centrifuge and dryer. The crystallizer operates under vacuum conditions. In the vessel, water is flashed from hot incoming hypo-free chlorate liquor and crystal formation and growth takes place. The mother liquor is returned to the Electrolysers. The crystals are washed and dried to form the final product.


The manufacturing process of Sodium chlorate involves the electrolysis of an acidified sodium chloride solution in a specially designed Electrolyser.First, raw brine is treated to remove impurities such as calcium and magnesium. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) is added to control the pH and improve efficiency. Sodium dichromate is used as a catalyst, to inhibit electrochemical side reactions and as a pH buffer.


Minimum Power consumption.
Requires minimum space with compact electrolyzers designs.
High performance with specially designed cell of parameters such as electrode sizes, thickness, electrolytic gap and anode coating options.
Low maintenance and long service by using highly durable materials and components.
Easy maintenance of anode coatings and electrolyzer components.

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