Mother Liquor Pre Heater
An equipment of its kind of falling film heat exchangers in the ammonia recovery system, which stands for technological improvement of Solvay's Soda Ash manufacturing technology. This equipment eliminates periodic maintenance and tube replacements in gas coolers as well other equipments.
TiTaN supplied the 20 Tons titanium tubes bundle along with flow distribution cartridges which is the critical element of this falling film type heat exchanger's performance. TiTaN assembled the FRP shell with tube bundle & flow elements at-site with a specialized team of engineers to supervise the critical installation and commissioning.
Having expertise in titanium and non-metallic structure, TiTaN could easily handle this supply crossing out the critical tasks below
- Design of the non-homogenous structure viz., non-metallic shell with titanium bundle
- Detailing for assembly of non-metallic shell with titanium bundle
- Detailing for testing, erection and commissioning.
- Erection of non-homogenous structure at site, at an elevation of 50 meter & above.