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Batch Chlorinators

TiTaN's state of art RT CHLOR® SERIES BATCH HYPOCHLORITE generation systems (NaOCl Generators) / electrochlorinator converts brine solution to hypochlorite with the applied current voltage, by means of electrolysis into 1st grade sodium hypochlorite (ELECTRO HYPO). Hypochlorite thus generated are applied on-site, at the point of application. No chemicals other than common salt (food grade NaCl) are used throughout the process.

BATCH HYPO PRODUCTION (6-8hrs batch) : A saturated brine solution mixed with softened water (batch) fed through the hypochlorite generating electrolyzer(s). The batch is recirculated several times to raise the concentration till NaCl exhausts in solution. Batch produced hypochlorite, then stored into a degas/storage tank is injected into the water supply or wastewater systems for disinfection and treatment.

RT CHLOR® Batch Electrochlorinators are designed to generate hypochlorite for a wide range of applications in safe, low cost, reliable and portable packages.TiTaN® offers RT CHLOR® Batch Chlorinator System as Skid Mounted Batch Sodium Hypo System or loose components which includes KLOROGEN® Batch Chlorinator Electrolyzers, Replacement Cell Assembly for Existing Batch Chlorinators.


  • Municipal/ Corporation Drinking Water Treatment
  • Food processing Industries water treatment
  • Disinfection of potable water (drinking water)
  • Swimming pool water treatment (salt water chlorination)
  • Industrial Effluent Treatment ETP (BODs, CODs disinfection)
  • Industrial Sewage (waste) Treatment (STP)
  • Cooling Tower Water Treatment (biofouling control)
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