Di Electric Breakdown Voltage
Test Method
The dielectric breakdown voltage of an insulating liquid is of importance as a measure of the liquid's ability to withstand electric stress without failure. The dielectric breakdown voltage serves to indicate the presence of contaminating agents such as water, dirt, cellulosic fibers, or conducting particles in the liquid, one or more of which may be present in significant concentrations when low breakdown voltages are obtained.
Standard: - This apparatus conforms to ASTM D1816 and other similar test methods..
Feature and Benefits
- Voltage Source:- Suitable step-up Transformer supplied from a variable sinusoidal low- voltage source with Voltage capacities range 0 to 100 kV rms
- Frequency:- from 25 to 800 Hz
- Voltage rise time& accuracy:- Suitable as per Method A,B, & C of ASTM D 149
- Voltage rise time Resolution:- 0.1 kV ±1%
- Test Vessels/Medium:-Suitable Oil media Tank in line with therequirement of Standard
- Test Temperature range:-10 °C to 65 °CTemperature resolution 1 °C or better