Bundle Heater
As the name suggests, Bundle rod heaters consist of circular ceramic beads that hold the heating elements. They are designed for life long maintenance-free operation. These heaters can be used as standalone elements or inside radiant tubes, given their innovative design. Bundle rod heating elements are known to deliver much higher power than conventional heaters. If combined with the radiant tube, it forms a system which delivers high power, is rugged, versatile and is low on maintenance. These heaters achieve temperatures quickly and can be mounted horizontally or vertically.
Due to its ruggedness and versatility, these heaters are easy to install as well as replace. Easy repair and high-temperature performance gives these heaters an edge over the others. Custom designed as per the voltage and wattage required, bundle heaters are used in heat treat furnaces and die casting machines to molten salt baths and incinerators. These heaters are also useful in converting gas-fired furnaces to electric heating.
- Reduces carbon dioxide emissions
- Minimized environmental impact
- Inside radiant tubes or as standalone elements
- Higher output
- Low cost
- Reliable production
- Uninterrupted operation