Products & Services

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Circular Lifting Magnets Lmr L

Elektromag... Optimum performance with  Ionger life

Ever since the company's formation  in 1958, Elektromag has championed  the task of transporting iron and steel using magnetic  power. Based on our past experience  of 50 years, our latest lifting magnets are developed. Our circular lifting magnets transport  steel blocks, pigs, and scrap in scrap yards and ports and transport  and process all forms  of scrap in steelworks   and foundries.  They  also  crush clinker in skull cracker ball operations.

What distinguishes  Elektromag's  products from the  rest are their quality  materials, quality of workmanship and extremely long life. Thousands  of Elektromag's  Circular  Lifting Magnets have been in use for  many years throughout the world. We can  provide you with specialdesigns and complete solutions.  We  provide  more details  of our products  and their capabilities in the data overleaf. Take advantage  of our expertise.

Elektromag's  Circular  Lifting Magnets:     All our circular lifting magnets are constructed      in exactly the same way:  in a cast housing, a coilfirmly connected to the  housing by means of a heatconductorwhich  lies around the  central pole. A hard manganese steel bumping plate seals away the magnet's interior. High-performance chains provide maximum safety  when  carrying the magnet  under load. The cable connection is also efficiently  protected.


The standard duty LMR - L model typically  transfers  scrap and light scrap with densities of 0.6 to 1 T/M' using mobile cranes. Standard models  are available in diameters: 500 to 3200 mm.

Elektromag  Circular Lifting Magnets  - the difference  is the quality 

Many Circular  lifting magnets tend to resemble one another:

Elektromag magnets outperform the  rest in many respects:

The cast housing: This  is made from quality cast steel, combining  extreme  ruggedness with high conductivity.

The  Bumping plate: A strong  plate cast from hard, wear- resistant,  manganese steel protects the coil but does not  interfere with  the  magnetic field.

The coil: This is made from Anodised  strip or aluminium  /copper conductor. The anodised aluminium strip requires no insulation  between turns  and  has a much better fill factor than copper coils, which  increases the load possibilities. The coil is also extremely temperature-resistant.

The heat conduction medium: This  insulates the coil from the casing both electrically  and  mechanically, conducting  any heat away outside.  lt must also withstand  critical temperature  spikes without  damage.  Circular  lifting  magnets can have operating  temperatures     of over 200"C in the coil. They  must also be able to withstand  high pressure during  heating.  To meet these requirements  we use the latest heat conduction materials, specially  manufactured to our  instructions.

The design: The magnetic  pole, the steel cross-section  and  the flow through the coil have all been precisely  tailored to  each other to provide  optimum transport  power  and weight conditions.


We provide the required power supply for each  of our magnets,  designed  to suit the magnet  and your own mains supply. Sets of backup  batteries  & battery charger  to  protect against  powerfailures that could cause the  load to fall. (optional)
 We also provide Spring / Sprocket driven cable reeling drums. (optional)


The longest operational life: Elektromag lifting magnets have  been  in use for decades.

Optimum performance  and weight conditions:  Your existing  crane can operate to its maximum capacity, with every load optimised.

Special designs for every application: All our magnets are weatherproof and designed foropen-air use. Magnets can be designed for extreme operating conditions:  for instance, Elektromag can supply  specially  insulated  magnets for  use in transporting    hot material.  Based on our experience  of installing thousands  of Elektromag Circular  Lifting Magnets, we can determine  and build the precise type of product suitable for your  task.

Based on our vast experience we can ensure the best results in every type of application  and can produce special designs to suit your requirements.

Complete solutions:  We examine your  requirements and your operating conditions  and then produce a complete solution  precisely  tailored to your needs with all the components  optimally  adapted to each other, from the power supply to the  magnet itself.

Our experience: We have a lot of practical  experience. From processing scrap, right through  to skull cracker  ball operations,  we have supplied equipment  for every conceivable  requirement.

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Circular Lifting Magnets Lmr H

The LMR - H models typically transfer scrap and light scrap with densities of 0.6 to 1 T/M' using cranes. These standard models are available in diameters:  700 to 2100 mm.

Elektromag Circular Lifting Magnets - the difference is the quality

Many Circular lifting magnets tend to resemble one another:

Elektromag magnets outperform the rest in many respects: 

The cast housing: This is made from quality cast steel, combining extreme ruggedness with high conductivity.        

The Bumping plate: A strong plate cast from hard, wear resistant, manganese steel protects the coil but does not interfere with the magnetic field.

The coil: This is made from Anodised strip or aluminium/ copper conductor. The anodised aluminium strip requires no insulation between turns and has a much better fill factor than copper coils, which increases the load possibilities.  The coil is also extremely temperature-resistant.

The heat conduction medium: This insulates the coil from the casing both electrically and mechanically, conducting any heat away outside. It must also withstand critical temperature spikes without damage.  Circular lifting magnets can have operating temperatures of over 200'C in the coil. They must also be able to withstand high pressure during heating. To meet these requirements we use the latest heat conduction   materials, specially manufactured to our instructions.

The design: The magnetic pole, the steel cross-section and the flow through the coil have all been precisely tailored to each other to provide optimum transport power and weight conditions.


 A) We provide the required power supply for each of our magnets, designed to suit the magnet and your own mains supply. Sets of backup batteries & battery charger to protect against power failures that could cause the load to fall.(optional)

 B) We also provide Spring/Sprocket driven cable reeling drums.(optional)


The longest operational life: Elektromag lifting magnets have been in use for decades.

Optimum performance and weight conditions:  Your existing crane can operate to its maximum capacity, with every load optimised.

Special designs for every application: All our magnets are weatherproof    and designed for open-air use. Magnets can be designed for extreme operating conditions:  for instance Elektromag can supply specially insulated magnets for use in transporting hot material.  Based on our experience of installing thousands of Elektromag Circular Lifting Magnets, we can determine and build the precise type of product suitable for your task.

Based on our vast experience we can ensure the best results in every type of application and can produce special designs to suit your requirements.

Complete solutions:  We examine your  requirements and your operating conditions  and then produce a complete solution  precisely  tailored to your needs with all the  components  optimally  adapted to each other, from the power  supply  to the  magnet itself.

Our experience: We have a lot of practical experience. From processing scrap, right through to skull cracker ball operations, we have supplied equipment for every conceivable requirement. 

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Circular Lifting Magnets Lmr.X And Lmr. Xs

The heavy duty LMR - X and extra heavy duty LMR – XS models are used for particularly  heavy loads when the requisite heavy duty cranes are available.  They transfer compressed scrap with typical  densities  in excess of 1 T/M3. Although  the diameters are the same  as for the standard range, they are designed for  higher performance.  They are therefore  heavier and require  heavy duty cranes. The XS models are distinguished from the X models by their taller coil,  producing an even higher  magnetic output.

Elektromag Circular  Lifting Magnets  - the difference  is the quality

Many Circular  lifting magnets tend to resemble one another:

Elektromag magnets outperform the  rest in many respects:

The cast housing: This  is made from quality cast steel, combining extreme  ruggedness with high conductivity.

The Bumping plate: A strong  plate cast from hard, wear-resistant,  manganese steel protects the coil but does not interfere with the  magnetic field.

The coil: This is made from Anodised  strip or aluminium/copper conductor. The anodised  aluminium  strip  requires  no insulation  between turns and  has a much better fill factor than copper coils, which  increases the load possibilities.  The coil is also extremely temperature-resistant.

The heat conduction medium: This  insulates the coil from the casing both electrically and mechanically, conducting any heat away outside.  lt must also withstand  critical temperature spikes without  damage.  Circular  lifting  magnets can have operating  temperatures    of over 200'C in the coil. They  must also be able to withstand  high pressure during  heating.  To meet these requirements  we use the latest heat conduction materials, specially  manufactured to our  instructions.

The design: The magnetic  pole, the steel cross-section  and the flow through the coil have all been precisely  tailored to each other to provide  optimum transport  power  and weight conditions.


We  provide the required power supply for each of our  magnets, designed to suit the magnet and your own mains supply.  Sets of backup batteries & battery charger to protect against  power failures that  could cause the load to fall. (optional)
We also provide  Spring / Sprocket  driven  cable reeling drums. (optional)


The longest operational life: Elektromag  lifting magnets   have  been  in use for decades.

Optimum performance  and weight conditions:  Your existing  crane can operate  to its maximum capacity, with every load optimised.

Special  designs for every application: All our magnets are weatherproof  and designed for open-air  use.  Magnets can be designed for extreme operating conditions:  for instance, Elektromag can supply  specially  insulated  magnets for use in transporting  hot material. Based on our experience of installing thousands  of Elektromag  Circular  Lifting Magnets, we can determine  and build the precise type of product suitable for your task.

Based on our vast experience we can ensure the  best results in every type of application  and can produce special designs to suit your requirements.

Complete solutions:  We examine your  requirements and  your operating conditions  and then produce a complete solution  precisely  tailored to your needs with all the components  optimally  adapted to each other from the power supply to the  magnet itself.

Our experience: We have a lot of practical  experience. From processing scrap,  right through  to skull cracker  ball operations,  we have supplied equipment  for every conceivable.

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Rectangular Lifting Magnets Lmq B

ELEKTROMAG Rectangular Lifting Magnets, series LMQ B are mainly used for transport of  sheets, billets and slabs.

Around the central pole in the casing lies a coil-firmly connected to the casing by thermal conduction material. High- performance chains provide maximum safety when carrying the magnet.  The cable connection point is also efficiently protected.

Standard design WITHOUT POLE PLATE is used for transporting one-piece loads such as sheets or slabs. The pole plate design is used when the magnetic power must be distributed evenly over the full length of the magnet, as is the case, for instance, when transporting a layer of billets. All listed types are available with and without pole plate.

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Rectangular Lifting Magnets Lmq..U

ELEKTROMAGBundle Handling Magnets are designed to pick up tightly tied profile steel bundles with a high degree of safety. The transport can be considerably simplified by using magnets since:

There is no need for stoppers.
The bundles do not get damaged (torn/ripped up).
Only the crane operator does the work. 
The bundles can be stacked on the least amount of space.

The size and number of magnets depends on the thickness of the profile steels, the diameter of the bundle, the length of the bundle and the number of bundles to be lifted per layer. Our standard magnets are dimensioned for steel concrete bundles with a weight of 2 tons/bundle of 12m length, single  bar diameter  minimum  10 mm and use of 4 load – lifting magnets separated  by approx. 3.2 m at a traverse. The magnets are characterized as all other ELEKTROMAG load lifting magnets by a    suitable design and solid construction.

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Rectangular Lifting Magnets Lmq Bp Dr

ELEKTROMAG Wire Coil Handling Magnets are designed to handle loosely and tightly banded wire bundles with horizontal axis very safely. Thus the use of this magnet offers the following advantages:

Ropes or C-hooks need not be used.
The bundles will not become damaged (torn).
The crane driver alone can do all work.
The bundles can be piled up in smallest area.

The size and magnet depends on the length of the bundles (Please see drawing and table). If the magnet is long   enough, several individual bundles can be seized during one lifting operation.

Like all other ELEKTROMAG Lifting Magnets, the Magnets for handling wire bundles are properly and solidly constructed. The center pole and the slanting outer poles are suitable for the different bundle diameters.

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Permanent Magnetic Lifters

ELEKTROMAG Permanent Magnetic Lifters now have all the power and versatility of electro magnets with the added advantage of absolute safety and no dependence on power supply. The use of Rare Earth Magnets has resulted in powerful lifting capacity. Hence they are widely used for loading and unloading devices in factories, docks, warehouses and machine tool industries.

The safety aspects have been taken care of by providing a 3 to 1 safety factor and also a specially designed handle with safety lock. The magnets are guaranteed to retain original strength indefinitely under normal use.

One turn of the lever switches the magnet ON or OFF and makes it ideal for handing large and heavy workpieces easily by one operator offering an improved working condition with increased work efficiency.

Seven Models offer a wide choice of lifting capacities as also the special contoured or V-shaped pole profiles allows the same magnet to be used for lifting round bars or pipes and work pieces.

However, to obtain Maximum magnetic performance and successful magnetic handling, magnet must be placed on thick steel object or workpiece. Care must be taken to see that the surface of the workpiece is flat and there will be no “airgap” between the workpiece and the magnet.

Thin sheets, rough and irregular surfaces, odd shapes and rust can considerably diminish holding power and must be considered in determining a safety factor. The Permanent Magnetic Lifters function best at normal temperatures.

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Electro Clinging Magnets

ELEKTROMAG Electro Clinging Magnets are used as an efficient aid for repairing or assembling steel structures or for adjusting and holding of plates to be wielded together without edge.

The housings are made from steel with a high permeability. The excitation coils are made from copper wire and are cast into the housings with an insulation material class H.

On the top of the housing there are two tapped holes for connection purpose as well as two out -leading terminal ends of 250 mm length.

The clinging Magnets work on 24V. DV and are suitable for a 100 % heating up time.

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Small Circular Lifting Magnet

Type LR25O-N

The Type LR 250-N is supplied  with built-in rectifier and switch and the unit is supplied  ready for connection to AC supply with approx.  3 meters long rubber  cable and safety plug.

The magnet body is a dynamo steel casting of high permeability. The exciter coil is wound of copper wire and cast into the casting with impregnating and sealing compound of good heat conductivity. Two pairs of suspension plugs, one on the top ,the other  at the side permit suspension of the magnet with pole face located  either horizontally  or vertically.

An integrally cast terminal box at the top encloses the cable terminals, rectifier set in single phase bridge connection  and switch.

Type LR25O-N 2

The Type LR 250-N2 has the same dimensions  and technical  specifications  ,but is supplied with separate control unit. The coils are however  designed for use with the control unit of Type SLV only.


TYPE : SLV-4 Dl25O

The control unit is designed  with a rectifier set in single phase  bridge connection, switch,  pilot lamp, fine wire fuse and interruptor (UT).

This control  unit is suitable  for one to four  magnets   and all magnets connected  to one control unit are switched  ON and OFF in common.

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Transformer Rectifier Control Panel

MCCB rated 10kA
HRC fuses for incoming supply, secondary side,D.C. side and in control circuit.
3 phase indicating lamps.
Air cooled Transformer suitable for 415V, 3 phase, 50 Hz AC input with suitable tappings on the primary side and secondary side for 220VDC output.
Silicon diode bridge rectifier with surge suppressor network.
"ELEKTROMAG" Contactors for lift and drop.
Wire Wound Resistance box with discharge resistors and counter excitation resistor.
Master controller or push button station (indicate your choice in your order) with lift, inch/off and drop modes.
Duty Cycle Timer/Controller to monitor the 'ON-TIME' of the Lifting Magnet.
DC Ammeter (with Current Sensing Relay).
DC Voltmeter.

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Suspension And Overband Magnetic Separators Permanent

ELEKTROMAG Suspension Magnets are used when only small contamination levels are encountered. The material accumulated on the pole face must be removed at regular intervals. When stopping the plant and in case of power failure, the iron drops back into the material to be conveyed.

ELEKTROMAG Overband Magnetic Separators are used when substantial quantities of magnetic material and or long bulky pieces are contained in the conveyor burden. This material is attracted by the magnet and is transported out of the magnetic field and ejected by the discharge belt running around the magnet.

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Suspension And Overband Magnetic Separators Electromagnetic

Electromagnetic Suspension/Overband  Magnets are used for heavy duty applications which may be beyond the reach of Permanent Suspension/Overband  Magnets. They are used typically in applications such as Raw Material handling of Coal, Iron Ore, Limestone , Sugar cane etc. in Thermal Power Plants, Steel Plants , Ports, Sugar Mills etc. They are used for removing magnetic parts from non-magnetic materials in order to protect crusher, mills, processing plants etc. against too much wear and damage. They serve for cleaning non-magnetic bulk goods with iron contamination, for instance cleaning of foundry sand, coal and the like. They are used for recovering magnetic material from ore, steel mill slag etc.  Magnets can be installed for Belt widths ranging up to 2500 mm. width and Operating heights upto 1100 mm. The Electromagnet coil may be Natural Air Cooled or Oil Cooled depending on customer's preference.

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Metal Detectors

Elektromag Metal Detectors are suitable for a wide range of applications in areas where bulk material being transported has to be checked for the presence of metal contamination.  Wherever metal pieces in the conveyed material may damage sensitive machinery, the Metal Detector will prevent extensive repairs and production break-down.  Typical areas of application include Thermal Power Stations, Steel Plants, Cement Plants, Stone and Earth Industry, Recycling Industry, Slag Processing Industry, etc.

The Metal Detecting Device consists of two components, the PROBE and the AMPLIFIER, both of which are interconnected by one coaxial cable.

The probe will be furnished to match your conveyor belt width.  There is a single probe and a tandem probe available.  The planar single probe will usually be mounted underneath the conveyor belt.

The tandem probe consists of two planar probes, one of which will be mounted underneath the conveyor belt, while the other probe will be held above the belt by special supports.

The tandem probe is distinguished by a sensitivity that is very uniform over the whole area in between the two planar probes.  This probe type is therefore recommended for great charging heights, or if high sensitivity is required.  The special supports will be furnished according to your belt charging height.

The amplifier contains the electronic circuitry.  The operating controls are on the front plate arranged for easy identification, and are accessible by opening a hinged door.

Actuating the function control button will simulate a metal piece in the conveyed material.  This feature allows testing the whole chain of operation of the Metal Detecting Device.

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Totally Enclosed Dust Tight Drum Machine

The equipment comes complete with a chute type feed hopper, adjustable  feed regulation  gate, magnetic  drum and geared  motor drive in a ready for use condition. Inlet and outlet openings are flanged for ease of connection to customers duct work.  Double or Triple Totally Enclosed Machines can also be supplied if required by clients.

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Electromagnetic Drums

Electromagnetic Drums are available in diameters ranging from 800mm diameter up to 1800mm diameter.  They are mainly used for heavy duty applications such as slag recycling applications or processing of sheet scrap, mixed scrap from motor car bodies.  Depending upon the diameter and the width of the Drums, the magnet support holds multiple steel cores and magnet coils.

The magnetic drum is equipped with a drum shell, made of non-magnetic abrasion resistant steel, with discharge strips and with lateral covers, made of light metal casting, with rotation supports – all these parts rotating around the magnetic system.  Ferrous particles contained in the conveyed goods, as far as magnetisable, are attracted by the magnetic system and are discharged at the end of the magnetic system by the discharge strips from the rotating drum jacket.

The rotation supports are equipped with largely dimensioned anti-friction bearings.  The mechanical drive is effected via a rotation support designed as driving pin.  This driving pin may be equipped with a sprocket wheel or a V-belt pulley.

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Magnetic Pulley Permanent

ELEKTROMAG Permanent Magnetic Pulleys are powered by ceramic focused-flux, barium-ferrite magnets for superior coercive force.

The Magnetism in a Permanent Magnetic Pulley is produced by an internal assembly of ceramic magnet material and steel. This assembly is enclosed by a flat non-magnetic stainless steel shell that is fastened to cast aluminium heads. The entire pulley is keyed to a solid steel shaft, extending through the width of the pulley and beyond it on both sides. The shaft revolves with the pulley as a single unit. Both heads on the pulley are tapered to allow good belt tracking. The Permanent Magnetic Pulley has a face width that is at least 50 mm greater than the belt width.

The magnetic strength of a Permanent Magnetic Pulley depends on its diameter. Larger diameters are stronger magnetically because they contain more ceramic magnet material. The ELEKTROMAG design concentrates attractive power on the pulley's peripheral surface where it is needed most.

ELEKTROMAG Permanent Magnetic Pulleys are easy to install with sizes to fit every operation from 315 mm to 1250 mm dia. The shafts can be machined to specifications on request.


No-sliprings/carbon brushes to be maintained
No Coils to burn-out
No electric wiring required for pulley
No Power consumption
No operating cost
No maintenance
No failure - hence no downtime
Uniformly powerful
Everlasting magnetic power guaranteed

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Magnetic Pulley Electromagnetic

ELEKTROMAG Electro Magnetic Pulleys have a magnet system of disk-shaped pole bodies with inserted coils. The pole bodies are made from steel of high permeability. The coils are normally made of Aluminium, rated for class ‘H’ insulation, however, Copper-coils can also be supplied. Pole bodies and coil form a complete unit. All coil connections are led to a terminal box on the face of the outer pole from where they are connected to sliprings through the shaft.

Non-magnetic coil covers are provided between the pole bodies in such a manner that protection against dust and water is guaranteed. The rings made of non-magnetic material at the two outer pole bodies guarantee a good support of the conveyor belt over the entire pulley width.

The electro-magnetic pulleys are placed in two generously dimensioned pedestals with self-aligning ball or roller bearings. The surfaces of the Electro-Magnetic Pulley are turned cylindrically.

D.C. is fed to the Electro-Magnetic Pulleys via two slip rings. The sliding contact device is enclosed in a dustproof housing and contains the necessary carbon brushes.

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Permanent Magnetic Concentrator Separators

The Permanent Magnetic Concentrator Separator is widely used for upgrading or concentrating material containing a very high percentage of magnetics or where magnetic/mechanical agitation is required for the separation of many difficult materials. It is ideal for the upgrading of sponge iron/cast iron borings, steel/brass/aluminium turning, chips and for mineral beneficiation applications such as the purification of dry ceramic and refractory materials, reclamation of abrasive grains, removal of iron contamination from chemical powders and grains and for many others such applications requiring maximum separation with a minimum product loss.

The separator basically consists of

A Motorised or an Electro Magnetic Vibratory Feeder with sub-hopper.
Two Conveyor Belts - The upper belt running ahead of the lower conveyor belt and in the same direction.
Powerful Permanent Magnet unit built up of Ceramic/Rare Earth Manet depending on nature of application.
Magnetics & Non-magnetics collection hopper.
The Drive
The Supporting Structure.

The Material to be treated is fed from the Vibratory Feeder on to the lower belt where after travelling a short distance it comes under the belt conveyor.  The  Upper belt conveyor  runs under  a  series  of powerful Permanent  Magnet  arranged  in such a manner  so that the material is exposed during its travel through a number  of magnetic  fields  of alternating  polarity. Due to the continuous repetitive agitation of the material non-magnetic material falls back on to the lower conveyor belt, while the magnetic material is retained on the  upper conveyor  belt due to the  force  of magnetic attraction. This ensures maximum recovery and purity of separated fractions. The Separated materials are carried and deposited into the respective magnetic and non-magnetic discharge chutes.

The separator is available in a wide range of size and capacities with belt width upto 1500mm as standard.


A Variable speed drive motor can be furnished in place of the standard constant speed motor if varied products are to be handled.
The built-in feeder and motor starter can be furnished separately for remote mounting where remote control is desired.
Multiple-stage units can be supplied for unusually difficult materials.

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Floor And Road Sweepers


"ELEKTROMAG" MAGNETIC FLOOR SWEEPER is the most effective and economical answer to damaging nails, screws, rods and dangerous scrap metal of all kinds lying scattered on roadways and factory premises. The Magnetic Sweeper can pick up everything from fine iron to heavy bolts, nuts, washers, screws, turning, borings,  rivets,  nails, pins, staples etc., lying on the floor.


The Magnetic Sweeper finds wide application in machine shops, repairshops, garages, metal working assembly plants, scrap yards, ships, warehouses, building constructions, airports and parking lots. A considerable amount of time is saved in magnetically sweeping up and reclaiming ferrous trash by this process instead of manually brushing the floor. The considerable savings resulting from the use of this Sweeper makes it pay for itself within a short time. Furthermore,  the Magnetic Sweeper  helps prevent  accidents  by removing  sharp edged  objects  that could  penetrate  shoes or injure  bare feet. Also, steel chips, turning embedded in shoes cause damage to office furnishings such as carpeting, flooring etc.




Floor Clearance 40mm

Standard sweeping widths: 300,450, 600, 750, 900 mm


The Hand Operated Magnetic Sweeper is of all steel construction. The main important feature of this sweeper is the use of powerful everlasting permanent magnets. An extra steel bottom plate is hinged to the main body. This plate intercepts the attracted metal and holds it securely. When the attached metal is to be released off the Sweeper away, just pull the lever and move the sweeper. All the metal immediately drops off. The Sweeper is ready for more sweeping as soon as the lever is moved backwards.  Two wheels are provided for easy maneuvering.


 For large scale  applications  Trailer Models,  Bracket  Models,  Fork Lift Models are available  for attachment to Trucks, Tractors,  Jeeps, Fork lift Trucks  &  other vehicles.

Floor Clearance : 40 mm to 125 mm. Standard  Sweeping  width range: 'l2OO mm to 2400  mm. Magnetic  Sweeping  is automatic  when  Sweeper  is carried/towed over road surfaces  at prescribed floor clearance/speed. Accumulated iron pieces are easily released by simply moving Hand Lever from 'pick up' to 'discharge' position.

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Rare Earth Rolls

RARE EARTH ROLLS  are used as head pulleys to purify or concentrate dry materials conveyed on thin,abrasion resistant belts,They are widely used for separations of weakly magnetic or fine iron contamination from range of a minerals such as Abrasives, Glass Sands, Bauxite upgrading, Beach Sands, Ceramic Raw materials, Chromite Ores, Diamond Ores, Graphite, Iron Ore, Manganese Ores, PET Plastics, Quartz, Refractory, Silica Minerals and several other applications.They are available as independent units or assembled into conveyor/separator machines as required.

The Rolls are available as standard 76 mm dia. Or 102 mm dia . and in widths upto 1000 mm.

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Magnetic Separator Accessory

D.C. Supply is required for the excitation of the magnet coils. A suitable transformer and rectifier is needed for each Electro Magnet. Switching ON/OFF is done on the three phase/A.C. side of the rectifier. By this kind of connection no additional protective measures against voltage peaks are required which arise by the high inductivity of the magnet when switching off.

The rectifiers and the three phase current motors are dimensioned for 415V/50Hz. The units can also be supplied for other voltages and frequencies, on request.

Elektromag manufactures and supplies appropriate accessories such as Transformer Rectifier Sets and Control Panels to provide DC Power supply to the Magnets and AC power to the Drive Motors used in Magnetic Separators.


The supply includes a control panel with powder coated paint suitable for 415V, 3 phase, 50Hz. incoming supply, incorporating the following components

Moulded case circuit breaker (MCCB) and indicating lamps for incoming supply.
Semiconductor fuses on secondary side of the transformer & HRC fuse for DC circuit.
Three phase air cooled transformer suitable for incoming supply with tappings on both primary and secondary sides.
Three phase silicon Bridge Rectifier.
Contactor for switching on magnet with necessary ON-Off push buttons.
Contactor for switching on motor with necessary ON-OFF push buttons.
Motor protection circuit breaker for motor.
MCB on primary & secondary side of the control transformer for control circuit.
Local / Remote Selector Switch for feedback of local / remote selection and terminals for   remote switching ON/OFF of the Magnet and Motor.
Digital voltage sensing relay with display for DC voltage.
Digital current sensing relay with display for DC current.

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Elektromag is a leader in application of vibration technology for conveying, screening, dosing and thermal processing of bulk materials. Elektromag-Joest is a joint venture between Elektomag and Joest Germany. Using the latest German technology and low cost of production in India, Elektromag-Joest, can design and manufacture world class vibration solutions economically.

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Spring Operated Cable Drum

Powered by clock type springs and rotating on sealed for life bearings.  ELEKTROMAG drum offer a convenient, cost effective means of supplying power to moving machinery. With  heavy  duty, one  piece  drum halves  and  a painted  finish the  reels are suitable for operation  in arduous  conditions.

Mechanical Construction

General Construction

By using one piece drum halves made from heavy gauge steel. ELEKTROMAG has designed a range of drum that is both strong and waterproof whilst employing the minimum of components.  The drum revolves on a pair of "sealed for life" ball races resulting in the complete reel being maintenance free.


ELEKTROMAG springs have been proved in service for many year and are manufactured from the highest quality materials.  They are of the “clock spring” or spiral wound type and by using the springs singly or assembled in series or in parallel, a wide range of performance characteristics is obtained from the standard range.

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Sprocket Cable Reeling Drum

These types of cable reeling drums are used to avoid tension on the cable. Hence recommended for lifting magnets / or any other vertical application on crane. However a drive mechanism is required to drive the reeling drum which is not required in case of spring operated or mortised reeling drum.

Following information is required send offer

Of the distance travelled by crane hook (up or down) in one rotation of the rope drum.
The shaft diameter of the rope drum where the sprocket for driving the cable reeling drum hill be time.
Rope Drum diameter .
No. of falls of Ropes.

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T.C. Series Stall Torque Motorised Cable Reels

The reel compartment is constructed from one piece drum halves manufactured in heavy gauge steel to produce range of reels that are both strong and waterproof whilst employing the minimum of components. The drum revolves on a pair of “sealed for life” maintenance-free ball races, is mounted on a heavy fabricated steel base frame and is driven via an enclosed drive by a squirrel cage geared torque motor complete with brake.

The sliprings are each complete with a double leg brush-holder providing 2 brushes per ring to cater for adequate capacity to cater for starting current peaks and are designed for up to 600V AC operating voltage to comply with the relevant IS, BS, VDE, CSA AND NEMA specifications regarding minimum air gaps and creepage distances.

The slipring compartment and motor are designed and built to IP55 protection.

The wide reel compartment enables greater cable lengths to be handled than would normally be possible whilst at the same time keeping the overall diameter of the reel to a minimum.

This enables an inexpensive motor drive system to be utilized, resulting in a compact reeling solution for horizontal recovery applications at speeds of up to 40/min. and accelerations of 0.2m/sec2 with the reel mounted 1.5m above ground level.

The reel is suitable for continuous energisation eliminating the need for any associated control system

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Torque Regulator Powered Cable Reels

ELEKTROMAG have available a complete range of motor driven torque regulator reels, The reels shown in this catalogue are direct reeling units where the cable compartment is mounted directly on the torque regulator For those applications where the length and weight of the cable is in excess of the design capability of the direct reeling units, we have the indirectly driven torque regulator reels. With these reels the torque regulator unit powers the reel compartment through a suitably selected transmission.

 ELEKTROMAG have produced in the TR range a reliable, low cost solution to the problems of reeling long lengths of cable at the high duty cycle rates demanded by today’s heavy industry. ELEKTROMAG range is now available for the complete range of cables for lengths from 3O to 1OOO meters, for voltages upto 11OOO volts.

Having decided to use a TR motor driven reel to power your particular moving machine, you will have selected a system that is easily installed, has an absolute minimum maintenance requirement and is virtually unaffected by extremes of temperature and environment. TR reels in their hundreds are now operating in steelworks, ship and ore stockyards, mines, factories etc., in most countries in the world.


Uses standard AC or DC motor as prime mover.
Design reduces substantially tensions in reeled cable as against other forms of drive.
Lubricated for life gearbox.
Range of drive units to suit various sizes and lengths of cable to be reeled.
Reduced overall size as compared with conventional motor.
Brake is a function of the design.
No chain drives, no maintenance.
Can be used in hazardous areas and shipboard.


The power unit drives the reel through an irreversible worrn and wheel transmission which is totally enclosed and lubricated for life. The reduction ratio of the gearbox is fixed and rotational speed of the output spindle is selected by fitting the appropriate speed motor unit. Since the motor mounts are designed to accept universally available stock motors, variations in reeling speeds are easily obtained. In all cases, rotational speed of output spindle is arranged to be in excess of that required for cable reeling which ensures correct cable retrieval under all operating conditions. The energy dissipating capability of the torque regulator unit is greater than the energy permissible through the gearbox thus ensuring adequate safety margins are applied to torque regulator unit. The torque regulator employs an advanced design friction principle and the unit incorporates a unique arrangement to give stable performance during all operating conditions. A very large area of friction lining in relation to the energy dissipated ensures an extremely long period between lining replacement. Special consideration has been given to lining renewal, if due to a particularly high duty cycle, this ultimately becomes necessary and the complete replacement of the linings can be accomplished by an unskilled person in less than 5O minutes. The heat dissipating arrangements employ a thermo syphon principle when the reel is in its stalled condition and self-induced air flow when the reel is revolving.

The cable compartment is directly mounted on the torque regulator unit which is easily adjustable in output to suit the various combinations of cable size and length to be reeled. The speed differentials encountered during reeling in and out are accommodated by the torque regulator using the friction drive as a slipping interface.

When engineering torque motor or fluid coupling reels it is very easily established that the inertia of the torque motor rotor or fluid coupling casings coupled with the effect of back driving relatively high reduction ratios produce massive increase in cable tensions.

For this reason the slipping interface of the torque regulator has been positioned on the outboard shaft of the transmission thus isolating the reel from referred inertia effects. The irreversibility of the worm and wheel transmission and the stable torque characteristics of the torque regulator permit successful cable reeling on the basis of energising the motor for recovery only. The benefits of energising the reel motor for cable recovery solely are not only increased friction lining life and great  extended intervals between torque correction but of course massive savings in energy consumption.

N.B. For the fixed torque reels, owing to the relatively low torque output of these units, these can be energised continuously without any adverse effect on the friction lining life, thus eliminating the need for any control system.


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Spring Operated Reels

ELEKTROMAG Products’ range of dispensing hose reels are ideal for heavy duty use in Maintenance shops, garages, work shops and industrial units. The spring operated reels are constructed from one piece heavy gauge drum halves to give maximum mechanical strength and are supplied with a robust roller guide and stopcatch to relieve tension.

The product-consists of a minimum number of components and is maintenance-free as the drum revolves on a pair of ball races which are 'sealed for life'.

Another important advantage is that ELEKTROMAG dispensing hose reels are extremely mobile. Consequently, they can be used in the servicing of heavy construction, equipment-on site which reduces expensive ‘downtime’ considerably. ELEKTROMAG hose reels can dispense air, water, grease, steam, oil, electricity, gas Oxy-acetylene and petrol.

ELETKROMAG Hose Reels automatically take care of the hose which is not in use. There is less wear and tear on the hoses when they do not have to be dragged around the floor or driven over by trucks and other vehicles. Fewer chances of accidents due to employees tripping over hoses. The savings expensive hoses alone pay for the cost of the Hose Reel.

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Moulded Plastic Cable Drag Chains

ELEKTROMAG Moulded Plastic Cable Drag Chains are a logical addition to the range of the steel Cable Drag Chains which have proved themselves worldwide for over 25 years.

They can be used wherever the required energy input cables/hoses are light, the travel is small and the environmental conditions permit the use of plastics.

The chain links and separating plates for taking the cables/hoses, from a single unit in the ELEKTROMAG Cable Drag Chains. The  individual  chain  links can  be connected  by a snap  connection  enabling  them to be joined  to form  a chain of any  required length. One of the advantages of this system is that the customer can make up any required length of chain so that stocks can be kept and it is not necessary to place an order for each requirement.   

CHAIN TYPE  :  0320 ,  0320/1 ,  0450/1 ,  0450/11 ,  0625 ,  0700 (*) ,  0900 (*)

If the permissible unsupported length of the chain is exceeded, due to its elastic characteristics the upper section of the chain rests on the lower one. Due to the excellent anti-friction characteristics of the plastic material used, this does not impair the function of the chain when moving.

Chain Type 0700 (*) and 0900 (*) can be supplied with Alum. Stays for variable width

* Can also be supplied with variable plastic flaps (open) for widths 200,250, & 300 mm only .

To specify a ELEKTROMAG Moulded Plastic Cable Drag Chain, we require the following information:

Lenth of travel
Number and outside diameter of the cables/hoses to be installed
Required minimum bending radius of cables or hoses
Types of application (drwg. If possible)

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Steel Cable Drag Chains

ELEKTROMAG Steel Cable Drag Chains enable the conveyance of flexible cables/hoses etc. to movable units with maximum reliability.

The Steel Drag Chains are so constructed that they cannot bend below a fixed minimum radius to suit the cable or hose.

ELEKTROMAG Steel Cable Drag Chains are not only used for cable leads but also for hoses conveying gaseous, liquid or pulverised media. Single twisted leads can be conducted close to one another.


Avoidance of mechanical strain on the cables/hoses
No tensile stress or compression,
No frictional wear as there is no relative movement between the cable/ hoses and the cable drag chain.
No bending below an established radius.
No crushing, buckling or forming of loops, or torsion strain.

CHAIN TYPE   :    0650/0650.1,  0950, 1250, 1800, 2500, 3200


Frame stay – with detachable profile bar
Solid frame stay – with sliding rail
Unsplit hole stay – Split hole stay



To guarantee optimum operation of the ELEKTROMAG. Cable Drag Chain, a clean flat surface should be provided. lf this is not possible then a Trough is required.

Steelband covering

ELEKTROMAG Cable Drag Chains with Steelbands are used where it is necessary to protect the cables/hoses from hot chips and dust etc.

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Electro Hydraulic Thrustor Operated Brakes Type Mtob

Electro Hydraulic Thrustor Brake is a heavy duty brake designed to withstand the severe duty conditions imposed by heavy duty machinery in various industries. Electro Hydraulic Thrustor transmits useful thrust through the lever onto the brake shoe thereby releasing the brake. When the power is switched OFF, the brake is smoothly applied because the hydraulic thrust acting against the spring pressure is gradually reduced.

Non-Asbestos (Asbestos-Free) lining can be supplied as optional at extra cost.

Electro Hydraulic Thrustor: It consists of a cylinder filled with oil and having a centrifugal pump at the bottom of the cylinder. The centrifugal pump is driven by a 3phase fractional horse power Class ‘B’ insulated, continuously rated rotor and stator. Specially designed radial impeller permits operation of the pump in either direction of rotation. Thrustor conforming to IP-55 & adjustable time lag on both up & down stroke can be supplied at extra price.

100 mm to 1000 mm diameter, Torque range from 61 kgm to 2500 kgm

Following information are required to quote

HP / KW of Motor
RPM of Motor
Shaft dia or Brake Drum dia

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Steel Mill Duty D.C. Electro Magnetic Brake Type Ipb

D.C.Electro Magnetic Shunt Brake is designed to withstand a large number of switching operations per hour. The minimum number of pivots ensures minimum wear & tear of moving parts. The Brakes are manufactured for different voltages and are supplied if necessary with Transformer Rectifier Panels. This brake confirms to IPSS specification.

100 mm to 600 mm diameter, Torque range from 2.2 kgm to 650 kgm

Following information are required to quote

HP / KW of Motor
RPM of Motor
Shaft dia or Brake Drum dia

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Single Phase Electro Magnetic Brake Type Emb

‘ELEKTROMAG’ Electro Magnetic Single Phase A.C. Brake is rugged constructed to withstand the effect of mechanical shocks and vibrations. Brake complies to B.S Specification.

A hand release lever is provided for manual release of the brake. A.C. EM Brakes can also be supplied with Dust Proof Cover made up of sheet steel for only the magnet at extra cost.

100 mm to 400 mm diameter, Torque range from 2.2 kgm to 80 kgm

Following information are required to quote

HP / KW of Motor
RPM of Motor
Shaft dia or Brake Drum dia

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C.I. Brake Drum Coupling

These are used to couple Motor shaft and Gear Shaft with the capability of holding Brakes. We manufacture these coupling in different sizes according to the Brakes Drum Diameter (100mm dia. – 400mm dia.). The Coupling are made of Cast Iron and supplied with Pilot Bore.

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Brake Drum (Only)

This is used for the brake shoe to brake, motor shaft to bring the motor to a stop. We manufacture & supply Brake Drum from 100mm-600mm dia. The Coupling are made of Cast Iron and supplied with Pilot Bore.

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Ball Handle Master Controller (Single Break Contacts) Type Od

Following information are required to quote

No. of Steps
No. of Cams
Return handle or Stayput type handle
Cam sequence diagram

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Joy Stick Master Controller

Following information are required to quote

No. of Steps
No. of Cams
Return handle or Stayput type handle
Cam sequence diagram

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Radio Remote Controls From Cattron Theimeg

The compact Excalibur is the entry model into the Cattron-Theimeg ct24-class. Hard to believe that this device weighing only 300 grams can move loads weighing tons on cranes and grabbers almost as if they were toys. The Excalibur is not only very small; it also has state-of-the-art-technology. It sets new standards in terms of handling, operating safety and flexibility. And all that at a price which is really excellent value for money.


Hardly any other system of this size offers such a wide range of functions and capabilities. Two transmitter housing sizes are available: With 6 or 8 and 10 or 12 pushbuttons with excellent tactile feedback and an extremely long working life of more than 1 million switching cycles. The range of applications therefore covers everything from light overhead gantry cranes via tower cranes through to dual-hoist cranes or grabbers. 

Thanks to the one-piece elastic mat with integrated push-buttons the Excalibur also defies winds, weather and adverse conditions. It even operates at winter temperatures down to -200. An integrated pressure element avoids condensation inside the housing, caused by temperature changes.

Sets standards in terms of ergonomics, operational safety and flexibility.
Can be used worldwide thanks to its versatile configuration options.
Applications from simple hoists, machine control or gate control through to large overhead travelling cranes with 2 trolleys and/or additional functions such as a grabber, a magnet etc.
For tandem and dual-transmitter operation (request & release)

The system is rounded off by a sophisticated safety and servicing concept. The basis of this new innovative concept forms a newly developed electronic key, TransKey, which is based on RFID technology. Only with this key you can put the Excalibur into use and control the associated crane. The chip in the TransKey also allows individual configuration of the software to exactly match your requirements.
The newly developed ct24 receiver range is the ideal complement for the Excalibur. It is based on the same pioneering technology and it also has a dual-processor and TransKey. The ct24 series, however, is not only compatible with the Excalibur. The receivers are thus independent and open for new innovations. 
The technology is impressive: Depending on the number of output commands the Excalibur can be used in combination with 3 different ct24 receivers; 9, 12 or 17 output relays are available. Regardless of whether the task is simple or extremely complex it thus provides a solution for all possible applications

The standard version of the receiver housing features two cable glands. If required each receiver can also be supplied with Harting Han24, Han32 or Han64 connectors.

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Dc Contactor

These are designed for heavy duty Mill & Crane duty frequent operations suitable for voltage upto 600 Volts DC. Contactors are designed for mechanical duty Class 10 as per IS: 2959:1975. Rating ranging from 50Amps upto 600Amps are available in four types:   1) Single Pole D.C Contactor  2) Double Pole D.C. Contactor.   3) Triple Pole D.C Contactor  4) Four Pole D.C. Contactor. 

Details require for enquiry from clients are Current Range, Nos. of Poles, AC/DC, No. of Auxiliary Contacts, Operating Coils Voltage & type of Main Contacts –normally open or closed.

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Stainless Steel Wire Formed Grid Resistance Box Type Ss

Resistors type ‘SS’ are manufactured from Stainless Steel (AISI 304), wire formed grids making them rustless, unbreakable and light in weight. There is provision at each grid to have a tapping, so that resistance value between steps could be altered.

Following information are required to quote

HP/KW of motor
Rotor Voltage (RV)
Rotor Current (RA)
Rating (5mm / 10mm / continuous)
Total resistance / phase
No. of steps resistances
Resistance values at each step
IP – Protection required (STD IP-23)
Temp. rise required (STD 375º C)
Draw-out type consumption required / not required
Electrical clearance (25mm standard)

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Wire Wound Grid Resistance Box Type Ww

Resistors type ‘WW’ are manufactured with Stainless Steel Wire (AISI 304) having temperature co-efficient of 0.094% per*C wound on Steel Plate with Porcelain Channels at the edges. These Resistors are widely used for Higher Resistances Values, but Low Current.

Following information are required to quote

HP/KW of motor
Rotor Voltage (RV)
Rotor Current (RA)
Rating (5mm / 10mm / continuous)
Total resistance / phase
No. of steps resistances
Resistance values at each step
IP – Protection required (STD IP-23)
Temp. rise required (STD 375º C)
Draw-out type consumption required / not required
Electrical clearance (25mm standard)

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Punched Stainless Steel Grid Resistance Box Type Pss

Resistors type 'PSS' are manufactured with grids punched out from Stainless Steel Plate (AISI 304). Each Resistor Grid has provision for termination which helps in changing the step Resistance Values of a given Resistor Assembly with out dismantling the whole assembly. These grids retain the end of the Grids and still remain cool which eliminates the hot spots from developing.

Following information are required to quote

HP/KW of motor
Rotor Voltage (RV)
Rotor Current (RA)
Rating (5mm / 10mm / continuous)
Total resistance / phase
No. of steps resistances
Resistance values at each step
IP – Protection required (STD IP-23)
Temp. rise required (STD 375º C)
Draw-out type consumption required / not required
Electrical clearance (25mm standard)

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Punched Fechral Grid Resistance Box Type Fs

Resistors type ‘FS’ are manufactured with grids punched out of Plates of Steel – Chromium-Aluminium Alloy (widely known as ‘Fe Cr Al’ –AISI 406).

Following information are required to quote

HP/KW of motor
Rotor Voltage (RV)
Rotor Current (RA)
Rating (5mm / 10mm / continuous)
Total resistance / phase
No. of steps resistances
Resistance values at each step
IP – Protection required (STD IP-23)
Temp. rise required (STD 375º C)
Draw-out type consumption required / not required
Electrical clearance (25mm standard)

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Neutral Grounding Resistor

An Earthing Resistor is primarily a safety device. It drastically reduces shock hazards to personnel and equipment. We have, therefore, developed Earthing Resistors for your benefit. Grids are manufactured from a special alloy of stainless steel which makes them rustless and unbreakable thus eliminating maintenance problem and suitable for installation in outdoor atmosphere.

Following information are required to quote

HP/KW of motor
Rotor Voltage (RV)
Rotor Current (RA)
Rating (5mm / 10mm / continuous)
Total resistance / phase
No. of steps resistances
Resistance values at each step
IP – Protection required (STD IP-23)
Temp. rise required (STD 375º C)
Draw-out type consumption required / not required
Electrical clearance (25mm standard)

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Electromagnetic Clutch

'ELEKTROMAG' Electro Magnetic Clutches are used where frequent load cycling takes place. Where a motor must be accelerated and decelerated, there is motor heating which reduces the motor life. By installing a Clutch the motor can be operated at its normal speed and the load can be cycled by engaging and disengaging the clutch.

'ELEKTROMAG' Clutches have been designed for installations where a smooth take-up of drive is essential. Such applications include wire drawing, textile machines, rolling mills, welding plants, machine tools, shearing machine, etc.



‘ELEKTROMAG’ Rotor type Clutches are used in applications where the ATMOSPHERE IS DIRTY and likely to affect the slipring and carbon brushes. These Clutches eliminate the need of carbon brushes as the coil body is stationary and a rotor ratates around the coil body. When the coil is energized the lines of force travel from the coil to the Rotor and the armature plate is attracted to the Rotor and thus engages the drive system.

Following information are required to quote

HP/KW of motor
RPM of motor where clutch is mounted
Shaft dia
Safety factor required
Application for each clutch is required
Operating voltage required (STD 90 VDC)

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Roller Lever Shunt Limit Switch Type Sls

These are available in IP-44 (in sheet metal), IP-55 (in Cast Iron) and Flame Proof (in Cast Aluminium LM-6)

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Geared Rotary Shunt Limit Switch Type Grls

These are available in IP-44 (in sheet metal), IP-55 (in Cast Iron) and Flame Proof (in Cast Aluminium LM-6)

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Counter Weight Hoist Limit Switch Type Mhls

These are available in IP-44 (in Cast Iron), IP-55 (in Cast Iron) and Flame Proof (in Cast Aluminium LM-6)

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Grate Flooring And Railing

Serving the broad ranging needs of design professionals as well as the specific needs of the occasional end user,PMS Grating offers not only an extensive line of grating products, but can custom fabricate your grating to suit the extra configuration of your applications. In most cases the grating is shop fabricated to fit the contours and intricacies of each job, with the finish applied prior to arriving at the jobsite. Once anchored in place, the floor is immediately ready for service, thereby minimizing costly field labor.

These features, combined with unparalleled dedication to service make PMS Grating, Inc. Your clear choice for grating. Design consultation, vast inventories, complete fabrication facilities and immediate delivery are the bench marks that have led to the success of our company. Your inquiries are warmly welcomed.

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Pl Lamps

2 PL Lamps 18 W (CFL) Double Parabolic Louvre (9 Cells - Square) made from Reflector Diffuse (Matt) finish imported Pre-anodised Aluminium having 86% reflectivity manufactured by Almeco, Italy.

These Louvres are also available as tailor made due to CNC Flexible programming Machines and can be manufactured to suit your existing housings and also in Specular Mirror finish imported Pre-anodised Aluminium having 86% reflectivity manufactured by Almeco, Italy mainly used for CFLs.

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Lamps Cluster Design

2 Lamps 28 W (T5 - Cluster Design) Double Parabolic Louvre made from imported high purity Aluminium PVD coated on Anodised Aluminium called "Vega" having 95% reflectivity manufactured by Almeco, Italy suitable mainly for Surface Mounted Luminaire, Recessed mounted Luminaire or suspended Pendent type Luminaire.

These Louvres are also available as tailor made due to CNC Flexible programming Machines and can be manufactured to suit your existing housings and in Specular or Reflector Diffuse (Matt) finish imported Pre-anodised Aluminium having 86% reflectivity manufactured by Almeco, Italy mainly used for all watts of T5 Lamps.

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Lamps Infill Design

4 Lamps 14 W (T5 - Infill Design) Double Parabolic Louvre made from imported high purity Aluminium PVD coated on Anodised Aluminium called "Vega" having 95% reflectivity manufactured by Almeco, Italy suitable for Surface Mounted Luminaire or even in 600 x 600 Recessed mounted Luminaire with Infills made from pre-anodised Aluminium in Contrast Finish and curved, which helps in enhancing aesthetic look of Luminaire. 

These Louvres are also available as tailor made due to CNC Flexible programming Machines and can be manufactured to suit your existing housings and in Specular or Reflector Diffuse (Matt) finish imported Pre-anodised Aluminium having 86% reflectivity manufactured by Almeco, Italy mainly used for all watts of T5 Lamps.

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2 Lamp 14 W (T5) Double Parabolic Louvre without any side flange, made from Reflector Diffuse (Matt) finish imported Pre-anodised Aluminium having 86% reflectivity manufactured by Almeco, Italy mainly designed for Direct-indirect Luminaire.

These Louvres are also available as tailor made due to CNC Flexible programming Machines and can be manufactured to suit your existing housings and also in Specular Mirror finish imported Pre-anodised Aluminium having 86% reflectivity manufactured by Almeco, Italy mainly used for T5 Lamps and CFLs

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Lamp Cluster Design

3 Lamps 14 W (T5 - Cluster Design) Double Parabolic Louvre made from imported high purity Aluminium PVD coated on Anodised Aluminium called "Vega" having 95% reflectivity manufactured by Almeco, Italy suitable for Surface Mounted Luminaire or even in 600 x 600 Recessed mounted Luminaire with side Infills.

These Louvres are also available as tailor made due to CNC Flexible programming Machines and can be manufactured to suit your existing housings and in Specular or Reflector Diffuse (Matt) finish imported Pre-anodised Aluminium having 86% reflectivity manufactured by Almeco, Italy mainly used for all watts of T5 Lamps.

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4 Lamps 18 W (T8) Double Parabolic Louvre suitable for 600 x 600 Luminaire made from imported Pre-anodised Aluminium having 86% reflectivity manufactured by Almeco, Italy.

These Louvres are also available as tailor made due to CNC Flexible programming Machines and can be manufactured to suit to your existing housings and in Specular or Reflector Diffuse (Matt) finish imported Pre-anodised Aluminium having 86% reflectivity manufactured by Almeco, Italy for all watts of T8 Lamps and CFL Lamps.

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Back Reflector

Back Reflector made from imported high purity Aluminium PVD coated on Anodised Aluminium called "Vega" having 95% reflectivity manufactured by Almeco, Italy.

These reflectors are also available as tailor made and mainly used for all watts of T5 Lamps and T8 Lamps. Similarly, these reflectors will be available in Specular or Reflector Diffuse (Matt) finish imported Pre-anodised Aluminium having 86% reflectivity manufactured by Almeco, Italy.

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Almeco Lightings

Aluminium is a very modern metal with many applications, thanks not only to its corrosion resistance, strength and formability, which make it ideal for various types of mechanical working, but also for its excellent light reflecting properties and surface finishes which make it very versatile and suitable for a wide range of lighting devices

The Almeco Group has always focused on the production of anodized surfaces with special finishes for application in the technical lighting sector. Over the last 50 years it has accumulated great expertise in the production of reflective surfaces treatments, both with its pre-anodized and Vega sheet and strip range and the formed reflector products.

Its materials and components find application in:

reflectors for fluorescent lamps;
industrial and retail lighting;
street and outdoor lighting;
retrofit lighting systems;
daylighting systems;
reflective blinds;
spot lights.

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Almeco Decors

Architects and designers are constantly on the lookout for new materials to use in their projects: to improve functionality, to reduce costs and environmental impact, to make designs more eye-catching, but also to create aesthetically pleasing architectural spaces and accessories.

All of these demands, different but related, are satisfied with Almeco's Décor solutions.
Aluminium is increasingly appreciated in decorative and functional solutions for its reflective properties, lightness, long-lasting nature and versatility.


BandoxalDecor, polished and anodised aluminium, is the innovative product of two prestigious companies in the decorative sector: Almeco and Satma, now jointly Almeco sas.

BandoxalDecor, produced by Almeco sas, is available in a variety of colours, metallic shades and surface finishes: glossy, satiny, embossed, brushed or with special textures and patterns.

Totally recyclable, luminous, antistatic, scratch and fingerprint resistant and long-lasting, BandoxalDecor's aluminium is relatively light, a fundamental characteristic for light yet strong structures, and is well-suited for soft, defined lines.

BandoxalDecor is especially appropriate for design and interior décor and the revamping of walls, ceilings and various high-tech interior solutions. Its versatility makes it a better option than other materials such as steel, brass or copper.

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Specular Parabolic Louvers With Permaluxtm Finish




The PERMALUXTM advantage:

A premium finish for outstanding lighting installations.


The Louvers are manufactured in a state-of-the art manufacturing facility established as a joint venture with SLG Lighting U.S.A


 Parasquare P5 Louvers are injection moulded parabolic louvers. These Louvers

Are vacuum metallized with specular silver finish to enhance light. The P5 Louvers offers good glare controlling properties coupled with modern aesthetics.

P5 is the low brightness louver when energy budgeting is critical and controlled luminance is required. The (19x 19x 9mm) flat back Louver design affords efficiencies equal to those of lenses while maintaining 99% of its distribution in the 0-60 degree zone.

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Solar Cookers

Elektromag has developed a new concept in community solar cookers : ‘Paneled Solar Concentrating Community Cooker’. This is a truly DIY (Do It Yourself) kit, that comes in compact packing. Central opening provides passage for the wind. This prevents the likelihood of toppling over. Reflector dish is manufactured on specially designed dies which provide consistent accurate panel profile. This low cost easy to operate and practically maintenance free solar cooker is best suited for small communities like rural schools, Aanganwadis, old age homes, hospices, orphanages, religious places etc. where cooking is done for 25 to 100 people.


Aperture area: 4 sqm. 
Reflectors : Anodised, polished, hardened, high purity, aluminium reflectors. For coastal region or solar cookers in chemical zones special SWR (Solar Weather Resistant) reflectors are used.
Number of panels: 8, two sets of 4 panels each.
Focal length: 500 mm.
Tracking : Manual. Around horizontal axis through friction clutch and around vertical axis on industrial grade castors.
Installation : Cooker does not need installation. Its constructed on four industrial grade castor wheels and can be moved from one location to other.
Weight : Approximately 90 kgs. 
Heat rate: 1500 Watts.
Cooking capacity: 5 kg of rice in one hour.
Fuel Saving (LPG): 500 gms per hour. 

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Reflective Surfaces

The highly reflecting vega energy specular surfaces are a key component of concentrating solar systems.
They concentrate the solar radiation precisely to achieve extreme energy densities. 

By using vega energy mirrors with their outstanding reflecting properties the performance can be increased significantly in concentrating parabolic systems (CSP) for the generation of solar thermal electricity, or process heat for industrial applications, air conditioning or sea water desalination. 
Performance improvements can also be reached by using vega energy mirrors in combinations with flat plate or vacuum tube solar thermal collectors and in combination with PV arrays.

vega energy is "made in Germany".
In Bernburg (Saxony-Anhalt), Almeco installed one of the most modern PVD coating systems in the world for roll-to-roll manufacturing of highly reflective aluminium surfaces.

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Solar Absorber

Solar thermal collectors use the power of the sun to provide heat for space heating and hot water -- for free, reliably, and without an environmental impact.
The heart of flat-plate and evacuated-tube collectors is the absorber.
It takes up the energy in sunlight and converts it into heat. The more efficient the absorber, the greater the collector's output.

With its highly selective blue TiNOX energy absorbers, Almeco sets industry standards.
These products absorb 95% of incident sunlight.
At the same time, they only lose some 4% of heat radiation, so that around 90% of the solar energy can be used as heat. 

In this way, manufacturers of flat-plate and evacuated-tube collectors can ensure the greatest quality and maximum yield for their customers. Almeco applies its highly selective absorber layers both to aluminum and copper substrates in a high-tech coating process.
Collector manufacturers are then able to offer a wide range of high-quality products with TiNOX energy.
No other company in the world has as much experience in the production of highly selective absorbers; after all, TiNOX invented this technology in the mid-1990s and has continued to further develop it since. 

All TiNOX energy products are made in Germany on modern production lines in Munich and Bernburg (Saxony-Anhalt). Almeco offers a 10-year guarantee for its TiNOX energy products. A number of renowned testing institutes have confirmed the high quality of TiNOX energy absorber's with their findings.
One part of these inspections was the "task X" test, which simulates the effect of years of temperature fluctuations and exposure to the environment on the absorber's selected layers.
Absorbers that pass this test will still provide 95% of their original output even after 25 years.

TiNOX energy has the Task X certificate from the following institutes:

Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, Freiburg (ISE)
Institute of Solar Technology, Rapperswill College (SPF)

Almeco GmbH fulfills the quality standards required for compliance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2000; Environmental Management StandardISO 14001 and Occupational Health and Safety management standard OHSAS 18001.

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Omega Concrete Mixers

The traditional barrel concrete mixer has been very well established over the past decades. The barrel mobile mixer has fulfilled a role over these decades but not without issues. These issues include:

1.  once a barrel mixer truck is loaded, there is a fixed time before the concrete sets or the quality will diminish quickly.
2.  once a barrel truck is loaded, the concrete mix design cannot be changed, and
3. If the entire load isn’t utilized, the remaining concrete is wasted – environmental and cost issues.

Omega Concrete Mixers is leading the way in the mobile mixer industry to enhance the utilization of volumetric mobile concrete mixer solutions. The mobile concrete mixer can be a profitable venture in many fields. The following are example of area’s in which the Mobile Mixer can be utilized:

.  On-site Batching

.  Commercial / Industrial – All facets

.   Many more

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Omega Concrete Mixer

The traditional barrel concrete mixer has been very well established over the past decades. The barrel mobile mixer has fulfilled a role over these decades but not without issues. These issues include:

1.  once a barrel mixer truck is loaded, there is a fixed time before the concrete sets or the quality will diminish quickly.
2.  once a barrel truck is loaded, the concrete mix design cannot be changed, and
3. If the entire load isn’t utilized, the remaining concrete is wasted – environmental and cost issues.

Omega Concrete Mixers is leading the way in the mobile mixer industry to enhance the utilization of volumetric mobile concrete mixer solutions. The mobile concrete mixer can be a profitable venture in many fields. The following are example of area’s in which the Mobile Mixer can be utilized:

.  On-site Batching

.  Commercial / Industrial – All facets

.   Many more

Almeco Decors * Almeco Lightings * Back Reflector * Ball Handle Master Controller (Single Break Contacts) Type Od * Brake Drum (Only) * C. I. Brake Drum Coupling * Cable Drag Chains * Cable Reeling Drum Torque Regulated * Cable Reeling Drums Spring Loaded * Chip Conveyor * Circular Lifting Magnets Lmr H * Circular Lifting Magnets Lmr L * Circular Lifting Magnets Lmr. X And Lmr. Xs * Control Gear Machinery For Hoists * Counter Weight Hoist Limit Switch Type Mhls * Crane Control Gear Machinery * Dc Contactor * E. O. T Crane Control Gear Equipment * Electro Clinging Magnets * Electro Hydraulic Thrustor Operated Brakes Type Mtob * Electro Magnet * Electro Magnetic Vibrating Feeders * Electromagnetic Clutch * Electromagnetic Drums * Electronic Metal Detectors * Eot Cranes Control Gear Machinery * Floor And Road Sweepers * Geared Rotary Shunt Limit Switch Type Grls * Grate Flooring And Railing * Helical Conveyors * Hoists Gear Control Machinery * Hose Reeling Drums * Joy Stick Master Controller * Lamp * Lamp Cluster Design * Lamps * Lamps Cluster Design * Lamps Infill Design * Lifting Magnets * Magnetic Drum * Magnetic Pulley * Magnetic Pulley Electromagnetic * Magnetic Pulley Permanent * Magnetic Separator Accessory * Magnetic Separators * Metal Detectors * Moulded Plastic Cable Drag Chains * Neutral Grounding Resistor * Omega Concrete Mixer * Omega Concrete Mixers * Permanent Magnetic Concentrator Separators * Permanent Magnetic Lifters * Permanent Magnets * Pl Lamps * Products * Punched Fechral Grid Resistance Box Type Fs * Punched Stainless Steel Grid Resistance Box Type Pss * Radio Remote Controls From Cattron Theimeg * Rare Earth Rolls * Rectangular Lifting Magnets Lmq B * Rectangular Lifting Magnets Lmq Bp Dr * Rectangular Lifting Magnets Lmq. . U * Reflective Surfaces * Resistance Boxes * Roller Lever Shunt Limit Switch Type Sls * Safety Conductor System * Single Phase Electro Magnetic Brake Type Emb * Slipring Columns * Small Circular Lifting Magnet * Small Parts Conveyors * Solar Absorber * Solar Cookers * Specular Parabolic Louvers With Permaluxtm Finish * Spiral Conveyors * Spring Operated Cable Drum * Spring Operated Reels * Sprocket Cable Reeling Drum * Stainless Steel Wire Formed Grid Resistance Box Type Ss * Steel Cable Drag Chains * Steel Mill Duty D. C. Electro Magnetic Brake Type Ipb * Suspension And Overband Magnetic Separators Electromagnetic * Suspension And Overband Magnetic Separators Permanent * T. C. Series Stall Torque Motorised Cable Reels * Thrustors * Torque Regulator Powered Cable Reels * Totally Enclosed Dust Tight Drum Machine * Transformer Rectifier Control Panel * Unbalance Vibrator Motors * Vibrating Feeders With Unbalance Motor Drive * Vibrating Tables * Vibrations * Vibratory Furnace Charging Device * Way Wipers * Wire Wound Grid Resistance Box Type Ww * Material Handling Machinery (Vibrating Machinery) * Material Handling Equipments (Vibrating Equipments) * Vibrating Feeders * Vibrating Equipments * Vibration Exciters * Vibratory Equipment * Magnetic Clutch * Disc Brake * Control Gear Equipments For Hoists * Gear (Gear Control Equipments For Hoists) * Grab Differential Limit Switch * Gear (Gear Control Machinery For Hoists) * Material Handling Equipments (Gear Control Equipments For Hoists) * Cranes Control Gear Equipments * Material Handling Machinery (Gear Control Machinery For Hoists) * Electro Hydraulic Thruster Brake * Electro Magnetic Thruster Brakes * Crane Control Gear Equipments * Eot Cranes Control Gear Equipments * Eot Crane Control Equipments * Master Controller * Hoists Gear Control Equipments * S. S Punch Grid Resistance Box * Magnetic Equipments * Magnetic Drives * Material Handling Equipments (Magnetic Equipments) * Electro Magnets * Material Handling Machinery (Magnetic Machinery)