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Static Charge Controller

Static Charge Controller is a mains operated electronic control unit and generates AC high voltage supply to drive ionisers. Different types of ionisers can be connected to the control unit.

Static Charge Eliminator SCE-1M

High Voltage : 5KV AC

Capacity : Can drive total of 4 Meter length of Hot Bar and cable. The efficiency of elimination decreases as the length of the cable increases.

Facilities : Provision to connect three nos. PARA Ionisers. Air-inlet and three air- outlets for ionisers requiring compressed air supply.

Safety Feature : Auto reset electronic switch disconnects H.V supply to ioniser in the event of overload due to :

Operator inadvertently touching sharp needle points of the ioniser.

An unlikely event of ioniser short circuiting or ioniser H.V current exceeding preset limit.

Power Requirement : 240V/120V, 50/60 Hz AC, 10VA max.

Mechanical Dimensions (in mm) : 150W X 150H X 210D

Weight : 5Kg approx.

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