Products & Services

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Broken Bag Indicator

Broken Bag Indicator, PBI-1 offered by Para Electronics, is suitable for Fluidized Air Bed Dryers used in Pharma and Chemical Industries.

PBI-1 works on tribo-electric principle. Current pulses generated due to the impact of powder leak, are sensed by the probe unit mounted in the exhaust duct .These input pulses are converted in to 4 to 20 mA output. The Readout unit displays the current value in % on a Bar Graph Display. 4 to 20 mA output and potential free Alarm Relay Contacts are available for PLC operations.

To avoid false alarms and to detect genuine broken bag, time delayed alarm circuit is incorporated in the readout unit. Delay time is adjustable between 7 to 70 seconds.

Self diagnostic current input signal is internally fed to the probe to continuously monitor th

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Air Flow Monitor

Model PFI -100 is designed for measurement of air flow in the pipes for industrial applications. It measures air Flow in the range of 0 – 100 LPM. Model PFI-100 works on 240 V AC Mains Supply. It measures air flow in ½” dia pipe. This air flow is indicated on 4 x 20 char LCD Display. It also generates 4 to 20 mA output signal, linearly proportional to air flow in LPM.

Low and High level alarms can be set within the full range of air flow. Air flow totalizer is also provided to integrate air volume in Liters for the preset time.

Model PFI-100 sensor circuit housed in the probe unit, is a robust, all solid state device working on Kings law. The length of interconnecting cable between probe unit and readout unit can be 3 meters long. Necessary ½” pipe couplings are provided to enable user install the probe in the air line.

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Static Charge Controller

Static Charge Controller is a mains operated electronic control unit and generates AC high voltage supply to drive ionisers. Different types of ionisers can be connected to the control unit.

Static Charge Eliminator SCE-1M

High Voltage : 5KV AC

Capacity : Can drive total of 4 Meter length of Hot Bar and cable. The efficiency of elimination decreases as the length of the cable increases.

Facilities : Provision to connect three nos. PARA Ionisers. Air-inlet and three air- outlets for ionisers requiring compressed air supply.

Safety Feature : Auto reset electronic switch disconnects H.V supply to ioniser in the event of overload due to :

Operator inadvertently touching sharp needle points of the ioniser.

An unlikely event of ioniser short circuiting or ioniser H.V current exceeding preset limit.

Power Requirement : 240V/120V, 50/60 Hz AC, 10VA max.

Mechanical Dimensions (in mm) : 150W X 150H X 210D

Weight : 5Kg approx.

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Destructive Tester

GEDET is a versatile and sophisticated instrument for measurement of coatings of metal or alloy on substrates by electroplating or other methods. It is simple enough to be welcomed by operator of average skill when a large number of routine measurements on standard metallic coating are to be made. At the same time, it is sophisticated enough to be employed by a scientist for his investigation purposes on metallic and alloy coatings. It works on Coulometric principle. It has a very high accuracy and repeatability. It can measure thickness on flat or curved surfaces. GEDET also measures coating on known length of wire or pins using Acrylic cell which is supplied as an accessory.

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Para Nuclear Counter

Para Nuclear Counter, Model PNC-1G is a micro controller based, economical, stand alone, portable mains operated instrument for Nuclear Counting application. It is a versatile instrument can be programmed as Preset Timer.

Model PNC-1G uses GM tube as nuclear radiation detector. Necessary electronics & high voltage supply are housed in the equipment. Coaxial cable with UHF connector connects the GM tube to Model PNC-1G.PNC-1G can store 1000 readings in a non-volatile memory. These readings can be downloaded to PC via USB interface. These readings can also be scanned on LCD display after the counting experiment.

PNC-1G is also equipped with special Plateau Mode. In this mode, HV is automatically increased in steps of 50 Volts. For each HV setting, average counts reading is stored in the memory. These readings are recalled to view them on LCD. User can transfer these readings to PC using data transfer software which will generate plateau graph indicating Plateau slope.

PNC-1G is ideally suited for Nuclear Experiments carried out in Universities and colleges. It is also useful for (Gamma / Beta) radiation counting for Health Physics applications in radioisotope laboratories, nuclear reactors, nuclear power plants, nuclear medicine centers etc. End window GM tube Model 712 or equivalent can be supplied along with a planchet holder as an accessory for Model PNC-1G. Any other End Window GM tube can also be supplied as an option. Appropriate GM tube is selected, depending upon the application.

Lead Shield with door assembly is available as optional accessory for low level counting applications. It houses the GM Tube and planchet holder. Shield dimensions are development on the selected GM Tube.

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Dual Channel Alpha Beta Counter

Dual Channel Alpha Beta Counter model PNC-αβ is a micro-controller based, economical, stand alone, mains operated instrument for Dual Channel Nuclear Counting application for Alpha – Beta radiations. It is a versatile instrument designed to cater the counting application requirements.

Dual Channel Alpha Beta Counter Model PNC-αβ, uses Composite Detector (Plastic Scintillator and ZnS(Ag) Scintillator) for detection and measurement of alpha / beta radiation. High voltage required for the detector is generated in instrument. The load resistor for Photo Multiplier Tube (PMT) and the front end electronics for pulse processing circuits for the detector is housed in unit.

Dual Channel Alpha Beta Counter Model PNC-αβ, stores 1000 counts data (500 Alpha + 500 Beta) in a non-volatile memory. It generates formatted USB 2.0 output for transferring data to PC. USB male connector on the front panel is provided for transferring the data to PC. Support software for data transfer in Windows environment, is provided with system.

Model PNC-αβ is useful for radiation counting for Health Physics applications in radioisotope laboratories, nuclear reactors, nuclear power plants, nuclear medicine centers etc.

A Drawer Assembly to hold 1" dia or 2" dia filter paper is supplied as standard accessory. The detector mounts upside down on the drawer assembly such that myler face of the detector is just 2 mm above the sample filter paper.

Air Flow Monitor * Broken Bag Indicator * Coating Thickness Gauges * Coating Thickness Testers * Destructive Tester * Dual Channel Alpha Beta Counter * Para Nuclear Counter * Plating Testing Machinery * Plating Thickness Testing Machinery * Static Charge Controller * Testing Gauges For Thickness * Thickness Testers * Thickness Testing Gauges * Thickness Gauges * Testing Equipments (Coating Thickness Testing Gauges) * Testing Machinery (Coating Thickness Testing Gauges) * Plating Testing Equipments