Air Flow Monitor
Model PFI -100 is designed for measurement of air flow in the pipes for industrial applications. It measures air Flow in the range of 0 – 100 LPM. Model PFI-100 works on 240 V AC Mains Supply. It measures air flow in ½” dia pipe. This air flow is indicated on 4 x 20 char LCD Display. It also generates 4 to 20 mA output signal, linearly proportional to air flow in LPM.
Low and High level alarms can be set within the full range of air flow. Air flow totalizer is also provided to integrate air volume in Liters for the preset time.
Model PFI-100 sensor circuit housed in the probe unit, is a robust, all solid state device working on Kings law. The length of interconnecting cable between probe unit and readout unit can be 3 meters long. Necessary ½” pipe couplings are provided to enable user install the probe in the air line.