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S.S. Monoblock Pump

S.S. Centrifugal Monoblock Pump


SEAL PROOF has indigenously developed chemical process corrosion resistant pumps in wide range of application. Seal proof pumps are specially engineered and designed to exceed the requirement of all industry. The surest way of conveying, mixing, transferring and propelling without leakage and without maintenance.

All rotating parts are dynamically balanced results Vibration free operation

Longer life of bearings – low noise

Motor designed for wide voltage range 300-450 volts hence no fear of burn out due to voltage fluctuation and additional advantage of space saving – elimination of base plate special coupling and its guard


Industrial Application
Water Boosting
Suitable For Water Supply Scheme
Commercial Complexes

General Irrigation And Sprinkler Irrigation
Air Conditioning
Cooling Tower

Operating Range

Capacity - Q- Up To     120 M3/Hr.
TDH H - Up To             60 Mtr.
Pump Sizes - DN         25 mm To 100 mm
Speed - N -                   1450/2900 rpm
Temperature               up to 80 C for P.P. & other M.O.C. up to 250 C

Material of Construction

Graded Grey Cast Iron , S.S.316, 304, Polypropylene

All Wetted Parts Of Cast Iron /Gun Metal/SS-316/ Polypropylene

Boiler Feed Self Priming Pump * Boiler Feed Water Seals * Cartridge Double Acting Seal * Cartridge Seals For Reactors * Cartridge Seals For Slurry Pumps * Cartridge Single Acting Seal * Centrifugal Pumps * Chemical Pumps * Dairy Pump * Double Cartridge Seals For Pumps * Double Cartridge Seals For Slurry Application * Dry Seals * Dry Seals For Reactors * Heavy Duty Pump * High Pressure Seal * Magnetic Pump * Mechanical Seals * Mechanical Shaft Seals * Metal Bellow Mechanical * Metal Bellow Seals * Multi Spring * Multi Spring Seals * Multisegment Carbon Seal Rings * Polypropylene Pumps * Pumps Mechanical Seals * Pusher Seals * Rotary Gear Pumps * S. S. Monoblock Pump * Self Priming Pumps * Single Coils Spring Seals * Single Spring Seal * Split Seals * Teflon Bellow Seals * Teflon Lined Pump * Textile Seal * Thermosyphon Vessel * Turbines Mechanical Seals * Vertical Pumps * Chemical Plants (Mechanical Shaft Seals) * Agitators (Mechanical Shaft Seals) * Mechanical Seal * Single Coil Spring Seals