Chemical Pumps
End Suction, Horizontal, Centrifugal Coupled Pumps With Semi Open Impeller
Non clogging tendency
Handle light slurries
Without problems
Micrometric wear adjustable facility hence
Worries at constant head for longer period
Grease/Oil lubricated bearing
Dynamically balanced impeller
Less noise
No vibration
Centre delivery
No Air locking
Organic/Inorganic Chemical |
Pharmaceutical |
Operating Range
Capacity - Q- Up To 80 M3/Hr.
TDH H - Up To 62 Mtr.
Pump Sizes - DN 25 mm To 50 mm
Speed - N - 1440/2880 rpm at 50 Hz and 1750/3500 rpm at 60 Hz
Temperature 110 C
Material of Construction
Cast Iron |
Carbon Steel (WCB) |
Optional Accessories
M.S. Fabricated Base Frame/Flexible Coupling/Coupling Guard/Foundation Bolt.