Teflon Lined Pump
The leading manufacturer of non-metalic pumps, Seal Proof now presents the SPE Series Lined pumps specially designed to handle a wide spectrum of highly corrosive media. It uses a hi-tech lining process, free from adhesive bonding. This eliminates peeling off of the lining from the metal body unlike other lined products. Rigorous quality checks through out the lining process ensures years of trouble. free operation. These pumps are available in a variety of lining materials to withstand severe corrosion and temperature conditions.
The hi-tech lining process involves high prssure moulding at high temperature to ensure uniform thickness of lining free from cavaties, air pockets, cold flows etc. A unique feature is the dove-tail grooves provided on the metal casing and backplate. This ensures a firm grip between the metal and lining material. A dynamically balanced, solid moulded, semi-open impeller with metallic insert gives mechanical strength and durability.
Material of Consturction
The SPE Series lined pumps are available in the following materials. LINING : PFA-(Teflon), FEP-(Teflon), PVDF
Casing and Backplate
Cast Steel, Stainless Steel 316. The M.O.C. is selected on the basis of the compatibility and temperature of the fluid handled as per the specific requirement. The pumps are available for high head and capacity.
Shafts are designed for high torque and power transmission with minimum vibration, deflection and noise level.
The sleeves are glided over the shaft, protecting it from corrosive application. Materials: Ceramic, Alloy-20, Hasteloy-c, Hasteloy-B, Monel, Titanium, Silicon Carbide etc
Mechanical Seals
Available with an option of being mounted either externally or internally. The pumps are fitted with specially designed single or double seals with suitable faces along with quenching arangement & necessary.
To ensure firm sealing, PTFE gaskets are provided at the joints
Casing / Backplate
The wetted areas are lined with compatible polymer. The casing has a rugged foot- mounting which is capable of handling high pressure, piping loads and system pressure. Concentric dove-tail grooves ensure a firm grip between the metal body and lining.
The impeller has a radial semi- open design, with large contoured flow passages. It is one piece, of robust construction, dynamically balanced and is provided with back vanes to minimise axial thrust for enhanced bearing life.
Applications and Industries Served
- Chemical processing
- Drugs and Pharmaceuticals
- Petrochemicals
- Effluent Treatment
- Food processing
- Fumes scrubbing
- Agro chemicals
- Tanneries
- Perfumeries
- Detergents and caustics
- Breweries
- Acid pickling
- Dyes and pigments
- Tanneries
- Paper and Pulp industries
- Photographic processing