Ultra Violet Cabinet
DESCRIPTION : This chromatogram viewing cabinet combines both long and short wave ultra violet and also white light in a compact table- unit. This self-contained unit is designed for easy viewing and marking of chromatograms and also for general fluorescence studies.
Chromatograms can be viewed with 3600-4000Au long wave or 2500Au short wave ultra violet or with white light. The ultra violet lights can also be used in combination if desired.
Black curtain on the front ensure darkness and brilliant fluorescence inside the cabinet, at the same time enabling the operator to adjust the samples and lights easily or marking the fluorescent spots.
Long wave : Fluorescing Spots on chromatograms can locate compounds like dyestuffs, vanillin, flavones, alkaloids etc.
Short wave: Detects compounds, such as barbiturates, purine and pyrimidine derivatives, PTH-amino acids, DNP-amino acids and steroids.
In detection of traces of minerals, study of old inspections forgeries, chemical erasures, stains etc..
The cabinet finds application in quality control especially with pharmaceuticals, electronics and industrial fabrication materials.
(i) U.V. cabinet for viewing chromatograms with 365 nm wavelength
(ii) Contains Long wave(365nm) and short wave(254nm) UV lamps in combination mode.
(iii) Same as (ii) but with electronic choke
(iv) Outer body made of M.S. Body duly powder coated / S.S. 304 Body / Acrylic sheet shock proof body with or without filter