Products & Services

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A.C. Module

It is useful in Front of Air Conditioner to provide a sterile, bacteria free & dust free Air of 0.3 microns in a particular temperature . It works on the Laminar Air Flow Principle .

•    HEPA of 0.3µ of an efficiency of 99.97% down to 0.3µ   media is of glass fiber & made of pleates back back &    forth in an anodized aluminum frame. 
•    Pre filter of dry fiber washable type with the frame of on all    the sides.
•    Statically Balanced motor blower Assembly ( Heavy Duty) 
•    Velocity at the output of HEPA is 90 + 20 FPM. 
•    Wooden / M.S Duly Power Coated / Stainless Steel 304    Body.

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Air Curtain

It is an elegantly designed sleek air curtain with a specially designed line flow fan capable of producing a uniform and powerful curtain of air, at a very low noise leave.

Velocity 14-15 mtr/sec OR   20-22 mtr/sec OR   26-28 mtr/sec
Body of construction  M.S. duly powder coated body or S.S. 304 body 
For height upto  7’    OR  10’   OR  10-14’

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Mobile Air Purifier

This is a medical grade Air Purifier and it has HEPA filter.
High grade prefilter absorbs odors and toxic gases. 
HEPA filter removes 99.97% of airborne particles, including mold, spores, and tobacco smoke. 
UV lamp is effective at eliminating bacteria and viruses smaller then 0.3 microns. 
Lab tests have shown that 90% of the bacteria and viruses are eliminated in the first pass. 

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Electronic Balance

 External calibration / Motorized Internal Calibration with    built in weight
• A built in under hook for below weighing
• Easy to read Backlight LCD Display
• Density measurement for solid & liquid (Optional)
• Standard RS 232 C Interface (Optional)
• Auto - Timing Calibration
• Percentage (%) Weighing
• High Resolution, Quick Weighing,
• Based on E.M.F.C. Technology
• Tare range upto max. Capacity
• Multiple Weighing Units
• Level Indicator, Adjustable fit
• Counting Weighing mode
• Units Conversion and data output
• Overload Protection

A. C. Module * Abbe Refractometer With Imported Optics * Abbe Refractometers * Abel Flash Point Apparatus * Aerosol Disinfector Or Humidifier * Air Curtain * Antibiotic Zone Reader * Autoclave Cylindrical Horizontal * Autoclave Horizontal Cylindrical * Autoclave Vertical * Automatic Autoclave With Printer * Automatic Polarimeter * B. O. D Incubators * Bacteriological Incubator * Bacteriologicil Incubator * Ball Mill * Barnstead Type Water Still * Bead Sterilizer * Bio Safety Cabinet * Biological Safety Cabinets * Bod Incubator * Bulk Density Apparatus * Bunsen Burner * Bursting Strength Tester * Butyro Refractometers * Capsule Filling Machine (Laboratory Size) * Carbon Sulphur Apparatus * Centrifuge Machine * Centrifuge With Heating Arrangement * Chemical Storage Cabinet * Circulators Bath * Clean Air Tent * Cod Digestion Apparatus * Collapsible Tube Filling And Sealing Equipment * Constant Temperature Bath * Cooling Water Bath * Currency Detector * De Humidifier * Density Apparatus * Digital Abbe Refractometer * Digital Antibiotic Zone Reader * Digital Bomb Calorimeter * Digital Conductivity Meter * Digital Flow Meter * Digital Photocolorimeter * Digital Spectrophotometer * Disintegration Test Machine * Dissolved Oxygen Meter * Distillation Apparatus * Double Drum Tablet Friability Test Apparatus * Dual Chamber Seed Germinator * Electronic Balance * Flame Photometer * Flash Point Apparatus * Freeze Dryer Lypholizer * Glass Distillation * Gyratory Sieve Shaker * Hand Refractdmeter * Hand Refractdmeter And Pocket Refractometer * Hand Sanitizer (Automatic) * Heating Mantel * Heating Mantle * High Precision Water Bath * Horizontal Laminar Air Flow * Hot Air Oven * Hot Plat * Hot Plate Dia Round * Hot Plates * Human Anatomical Models * Humidifier (Aerosol Disinfector) * Humidity Chambers * Humidity Oven * Infra Red Moisture Balance * Inoculation Hood * Jar Test Apparatus * Kahn Shaker * Lab Incubator * Lab Stirrer * Laboratory Apparatus * Laboratory Autoclaves * Laboratory Equipment * Laboratory Freezers * Laboratory Furnaces * Laboratory Hot Plates * Laboratory Incubator * Laboratory Instruments * Laboratory Machinery * Laboratory Ovens * Laboratory Scientific Instruments * Laboratory Shakers * Laboratory Stirrer * Laminar Air Flow * Laminar Air Flow Hanging Model * Laminar Air Flow Table Top Model * Laminar Flow * Leak Test Apparatus * Liquid Flow Meters * Liquid Level Indicator * Low Temperature Bath * Low Temperature Shaking Bath * Lyophilizer Freeze Dryer * Magnetic Stirrer * Manesty Type Water Still * Melting Point Appartus * Micro Print Bursting Strength Tester * Microbiological Blender * Microprocessor Based Auotmatic Bomb Calorimeter * Microprocessor Based Moisture Analyzer * Microprosser Based Moisture Analyzer * Mobile Air Purifier * Modulation Meters * Muffle Furnace * Oil Bath * Oil Free Pump * Orbital Shaker * Orbital Shaking Incubators * Pen Type Conductivity Meter * Penskey Martin Flash Point Apparatus * Pharmacy Instruments * Photostability Chamber * Platform Shaker * Pocket P. H. Meter * Polarimeter Equipment * Portable Autoclave * Pour Point Apparatus * Pour Point Bath * Products * Rate Meters * Receiprocated Kahn Shaker * Rectangular Horizontal Autoclave * Rectangular Hot Plate * Rectangular Hot Plates * Rectangular Vacuum Oven * Rota Mantle * Rotap Sieve Shaker * Round Hot Plates * Round Vacuum Oven * Science Laboratory Equipment * Science Laboratory Machinery * Seed Germinator * Serological Bath * Serological Water Bath * Shaking Bath * Single Stage Digital Dissolution Test Apparatus * Six Stage Digital Dissolution Test Apparatus * Soxhelete Unit * Soxhelete Units * Soxhlet Extraction Apparatus * Soxhlet Extraction Units * Spectro Photometer * Surgical Water Bath * Table Pattern Water Distillation * Table Top Sieve Shaker * Tablet Hardness Tester * Tray Drier * U. V. Cabinet * U. V. Currency Detector * Ultra Violet Cabinet * Ultrasonic Bath * Vacuum Oven * Vacuum Oven Cylindrical * Vertical Laminar Air Flow * Viscocity Bath * Water Bath * Water Baths * Water Still * Willey Mill * Vacuum Ovens * Stability Chambers * Walk In Stability Chamber