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Curtain Winching System

  • Description: Vijay Raj curtains are used to protect the birds from direct sunlight, rain and the harsh winter conditions. The curtain helps to maintain the inside temperature during brooding period.Vijay Raj curtains are made from a special HDPE woven fabric consisting of five layers with the fabric laminated on both the sides. The material is UV stabilized to avoid the harmful effect of the UV rays. The five layers are joined using a special type of electronic welding process to give a 100 percent water proof joint. Curtains are reinforced with Nylon ropes on all four sides to optimize quality and eyelets
  • Vijay Raj Industries has introduced the curtain winching system to assist the labourer to raise or lower the curtain with ease and simplicity.
  • Vijay Raj winches are made from the best quality steel and are powder coated to prevent the winches from rusting. The winches are also provided with a unique locking so that the curtains can be winched to the desired height without a reverse fall back. The other accessories required are the small pulley made from stainless steel and big pulleys which are made from M.S. with nickel coating on which the 3mm dia. and 5mm dia. wire rope run respectively. With the help of 'J' hooks, both the pulleys are fitted. A 25 mm dia. M.S. Pipe runs through the length of the curtain. One winch can raise or lower a curtain around 200 feet in length.
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