Electrical Powder Curing Oven
EASY CURE Curing Ovens . . . cure parts uniformly and completely without discoloration or dirt rejects. Cure oven heating systems gradually and steadily raise the part temperature from the ambient temperature before the parts enter the oven up to the oven set point temperature. Once the parts reach the set point they will be maintained within 2 to 3% of this set point temperature from the top to the bottom of the parts for the remaining conveyor path in the oven. |
Oven Construction Our ovens are of a modular design using interlocking oven panels containing non-settling, non-combustible, non-asbestos type industrial insulation rated for 500ºF. These oven panels are supported by a substantial structural steel framework that is designed with an allowance to prevent uncontrolled expansion from repeated heat up and cool down cycles. EASY CURE ovens are designed to suit all modes of heating options available. We design ovens with following heating options:
The USP of our ovens lies in the fact we can provide any combination of heating options, so as to provide customer with alternative arrangement/s, to switch over instantly. For instance, the oven can be electrical cum gas-fired or electrical cum oil-fired, or gas-fired cum oil-fired or gas-fired cum electrical cum oil-fired. SALIENT FEATURES