Products & Services

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Master 3D


With MASTER 3D Elettrolaser has created the most comprehensive laser welding and easy to use that was ever made​​.


Easily weld precious metals and other, including platinum, titanium, gold,silver and palladium.
Repairs old jewellery perfectly.

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Master 100 Laser

MASTER 100 was created in 2007 and is a welding laser, smaller in size and with a sinuous and eye-catching design, that offers high work performances at low consumption and zero maintenance.Despite being a very compact machine, it has a very powerful integrated cooling system; access to the welding is easy, as  inspection, thanks to the front door opening.

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Mega Laser Soldering

MEGA is the first machine created by Elettrolaser: from a technological point of view it contains a concentration of six year study in the electronic, optical and mechanical field. The new digital microprocessor, works 100 times faster than traditional systems, and is able to measure the high energy precisely, analysing it and sampling it every 100 micro seconds.


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Mega Ultra Laser

MEGA ULTRA is the most complete machine developed by Elettrolaser, to meet the continuous requests from an evolving market

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G. B. 2001 Micro Torch

The original BLAZER hand-held butane refillable micro torch featuring the state-of-the-art Piezo Quartz Crystal Electronic instant ignition.  

The GB 2001 features a powerful 2500ºF butane blue torch flame and air flow adjustment dial for superior flame controlwith pin point accuracy at your finger tips. 

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Electrolytic Welding Machine

The electrolytic welding flame is directed by a needle,  which performs and guarantee a delicate and accurate finishing.

The electrolytic welding process is clean and economic. The hydrogen combustion created by water electrolysis DOES NOT PRODUCE RESIDUES.

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60W Desktop Laser Welder

High precision Nd:Yag welding system. easyness of use, reduced maintenance and long lasting duration of the lamp aresome of the characteristics of this machine combined with a soft and attractive design.

3Z Studio Printers * Acrobat Microscope * Asiga Pro * Auto Investment Mixture * Automatic Digital Wax Injector * Booming Machine * Chicago Hammer * Desktop Laser Welder * Digital Imaging Box * Digital Incontrol Vacuum Wax Intector * Electrolytic Welding Machine * Erwin Sick Triple Reflector * Fiberlux 3D * Laser Marking Machine Fiberlux * Fiberlux Micro Cut * Free Form Pico Plus * Freedom Motor * Freeform Pico And Pico Plus * Galvanic Plating Machine * Galvanic Plating Machines And Equipments * Gold Jewellery Machinery And Tools * Graver Helper * H. S. S. Micro Graver * High Production Centrifugal Casting Machine * Hydromax Micro Brazer And Solder Machine * Investment Vacuum Mixer * Jewel C. A. D. Pro * Jewellery Casting Machine * Jewellery Enamal Machine * Jewellery Factory Setup * Jewellery Machinery For Gold * Jewllery Steam Cleaner * L. E. D. Microscope Ring Light * Large Opening To The Welding Chamber * Magnablock With Attachment * Master 3D * Micro Torch * Microscope * Mod Automatic * Mod Supratherm Burnout Furnaces * Platinarum Vac * Polupropulene Galvanic Plating Unit * Pressovac * Rhodium And Gilding Tanks Galvanic Plating Machine * Rotating Burnout Furnaces * Steam Cleaner * Strong Micro Motor * Studio Printers * Turbo Tumbler * Turbo Tumblers * Ultrafiltration Machines * Ultrasonic Cleaness * Vacuum And Pressure Casting Machine * Vacuum Casting Machine * Vacuum Induction Centrifugal Casting Machine * Vacuum Investment Mixer * Vacuum Wax Injector * Water Jet Cabin Casting Machine * Water Treatment Plant * Wet Sandblasting Machine * Water Treatment * Stainless Steel Galvanic Plating Unit * Laser Marking Machine * Laser Marking * Fibre Electrode Plating Unit * Fiberlux Marking * End Pump Laser Marker * Enamel Small Oven * Enamel Machine * Electrolytic Soldering Machine * Easy 50 * Complete Dual Angle Sharpening System * Jewellery Making Machine * Jewellery Tools