Two Feet Tube Type
Features and Specifications
MOSFET / LSI Technology Latest MOSFET and Large Scale Integrated Circuits in used Result in high Brightness and Long Duration of Light higher Conversion Effeciency .
Duration 4 hours When Battery is Fully Charged.
Battery 2 x 6V Rechargeable Battery (Maintenance Free)
Charging Time 8 hours upto 90%. (When Completely Discharged).
Battery Charging The unit is to be connected to mains power line all the time battery management system (BMS) to be operative. Unit hardly draws any power
Protection Deep Discharge cut-off. (Battery voltage is constantly monitored while in operation and switches off automatically once battery voltage reaches a critical low voltage point.)
Reliability Use of MOSFET - INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ensures high reliability and durability and uniform brightness throughout back up operating cycle.
Indications Green : When charging on Mains - BMS ON.(2).
Blue : When EM Light switch (1) is turned to ON position. (3)
Red : When unit shuts down, on its low battery voltage.(4)
Auto - Start Light comes on automatically when power fails if Em Light ON/OFF switch (1) is in ON position BLue / White Indicator Lights.
Mounting Facility for wall mounting , table-top or portable ( by means of collapsible handle). Light weight - approx. 3.0 kgs.
Body & Styling Sleek, Moulded 'ABS' Plastic body with Clear Acrylic Cover to prevent rusting and electrical shocks, hence long lasting.... International styling
Warranty One Year Comprehensive Warranty except cabinet breakages.
Power Consumption Negligible