Products & Services

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Two Feet Tube Type

Features and Specifications

MOSFET / LSI Technology Latest MOSFET and Large Scale Integrated Circuits in used Result in high Brightness and Long Duration of Light higher Conversion Effeciency .
Duration 4 hours When Battery is Fully Charged.
Battery 2 x 6V Rechargeable Battery (Maintenance Free)
Charging Time 8 hours upto 90%. (When Completely Discharged).
Battery Charging The unit is to be connected to mains power line all the time battery management system (BMS) to be operative. Unit hardly draws any power
Protection Deep Discharge cut-off. (Battery voltage is constantly monitored while in operation and switches off automatically once battery voltage reaches a critical low voltage point.)
Reliability Use of MOSFET - INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ensures high reliability and durability and uniform brightness throughout back up operating cycle.
Indications Green : When charging on Mains - BMS ON.(2). 
Blue : When EM Light switch (1) is turned to ON position. (3) 
Red : When unit shuts down, on its low battery voltage.(4)
Auto - Start Light comes on automatically when power fails if Em Light ON/OFF switch (1) is in ON position BLue / White Indicator Lights.
Mounting Facility for wall mounting , table-top or portable ( by means of collapsible handle). Light weight - approx. 3.0 kgs.
Body & Styling Sleek, Moulded 'ABS' Plastic body with Clear Acrylic Cover to prevent rusting and electrical shocks, hence long lasting.... International styling
Warranty One Year Comprehensive Warranty except cabinet breakages.
Power Consumption Negligible

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Cfl Type

Features and Specifications

MOSFET / LSI Technology Use of Latest MOSFET and Large Scale Integrated Circuits in High Brightness and Long Duration Light Due to higher conversion efficiency.
Duration 3 1/2 / 4 hours when battery is fully charged.
Battery 6V Rechargeable Battery (Maintenance Free)
Charging time 8 hours upto 90% (when completely discharged).
Battery Charging The unit is to be kept connected to Mains power line all the time for charging. Special circuitry memorises charging time, off time and duration of discharge. (BMS Function)
Protection Deep Discharge cut-off. (Battery voltage is constantly monitored while in operation and switches off automatically once battery voltage reaches a critical low voltage point to Prevent deep Charging.)
Reliability Use of MOSFET - INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ensures high reliability durability and Uniform Brightness Throughout Back Up operating Cycle.
Indications Green : When charging on Mains - BMS ON. 
Red : When unit shuts down, on it own at low battery voltage.
Auto - Start Light comes on automatically when power fails if Em. Light ON/OFF switch is in ON position (White / Blue indicator lights). There is a no ON / OFF switch for charging.
Mounting Facility for wall mounting , table-top or portable.
Light weight - approx. 1.5 kgs.
Body & Styling Sleek, Moulded 'ABS' Plastic body with Clear Acrylic Cover to prevent rusting and electrical shocks, hence long lasting...... International styling
Warranty One Year comprehensive warranty, except cabinet breakages.
Power Consumption Negligible

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Cfl Types

Features and Specifications

MOSFET / LSI Technology Use of Latest MOSFET and Large Scale Integrated Circuits in High Brightness and Long Duration Light Due to higher conversion efficiency.
Duration 3 1/2 / 4 hours when battery is fully charged.
Battery 6V Rechargeable Battery (Maintenance Free)
Charging time 8 hours upto 90% (when completely discharged).
Battery Charging The unit is to be kept connected to Mains power line all the time for charging. Special circuitry memorises charging time, off time and duration of discharge. (BMS Function)
Protection Deep Discharge cut-off. (Battery voltage is constantly monitored while in operation and switches off automatically once battery voltage reaches a critical low voltage point to Prevent deep Charging.)
Reliability Use of MOSFET - INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ensures high reliability durability and Uniform Brightness Throughout Back Up operating Cycle.
Indications Green : When charging on Mains - BMS ON. 
Red : When unit shuts down, on it own at low battery voltage.
Auto - Start Light comes on automatically when power fails if Em. Light ON/OFF switch is in ON position (White / Blue indicator lights). There is a no ON / OFF switch for charging.
Mounting Facility for wall mounting , table-top or portable.
Light weight - approx. 1.5 kgs.
Body & Styling Sleek, Moulded 'ABS' Plastic body with Clear Acrylic Cover to prevent rusting and electrical shocks, hence long lasting...... International styling
Warranty One Year comprehensive warranty, except cabinet breakages.
Power Consumption Negligible

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Electronic Ballast (Chokes) For Fluorescent Lighting Application.

Electronic Ballast-saves Energy in 3 ways.

High frequency Electronic Ballast enable a fluorescent lamp to generate same amount of light using less energy due to rapid ionistion this alone results in 10% to 15% power saving

Lamp fixture using high frequency ballast operate cooler and allows lamps to operate more effeciently. Saving 5% to 10% accrue from less need to air conditioning

Use of electonic ballast themselves saves approx.40% power than their conventional core & coil part

Thus total saving by Electronic ballast could be in excess of 60% or more and use of energy efficient Lamps such as compact fluorescent light(CFL) can result in power saving upto 85%!

Electronic ballast for 4 feet 40 W / 36 W tubes. Feature:
40% power saving
0.98 power factor
Instant start, No need for Starter
Low voltage operation upto 90 volts
EMI & RFI suppressed, hence no interference to computer / TV etc.
FIRE proof metal body
Size matches that of conventional choke for fitting
Low heat generation 
Significantly increase tube life
State-of-the art technology to meet harsh indian conditions
Transient voltage protected
Weight: 180 grams

Commercial Establishment, Industries, Apartments, Schools, Offices, Hospital.

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For All Types Of Cfl

Electronic Ballast for 8 w and 20 w fluorescent tube, Ultraviolet tubes and all types for Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) 
Saves Electricity upto 85% (used with CFL) 40% for fluorescent tubes.
Very low temperature rise
Very low temperature rise.
Low voltage operation possible
Significantly extends life of tube
Weight is only 85 gram as compared to 400 gms of copper choke
Size 85 x 35 x 45 mm L x H x B

Commercial Establishment, Shops, Industies, Water purifiers, Study table, Corridor, Lifts.

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Active Power Factor Types

Input voltage Operating Range : 110V to 265 V
Power factor : > 98%
THD : < 10%
Wattage : 36/40 watts

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Cfl Adapter

Electronic Ballast for 8 w and 20 w fluorescent tube, Ultraviolet tubes and all types for Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) 
Saves Electricity upto 85% (used with CFL) 40% for fluorescent tubes.
Very low temperature rise
Very low temperature rise.
Low voltage operation possible
Significantly extends life of tube
Weight is only 85 gram as compared to 400 gms of copper choke
Size 85 x 35 x 45 mm L x H x B

Commercial Establishment, Shops, Industies, Water purifiers, Study table, Corridor, Lifts.

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Electronic Control Gears For Airport Runway And Taxiing Track Sign Board

Electronic control units for conversion of runway Lighting supply derived from airport CCR room for fluorescent tube and LED display sign boards as per site requirements

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Electronic Transformers For Halogen Lamp

Features and Specifications

Light Weight (only 100 gms. compared to 1 kg of normal copper-iron transformer.
Compact Size ( 85/32/45 mm ).
30% power saving.
Low rise in temperature.
Increases lamp life.
Easy Maintenance.
Powder Coated Aluminium body (fire-proof).
Easy placement & removal through lamp aperture without damaging false ceiling.

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Power Relays Ac And Dc

Contact Rating  : 30 Amps at 250 V. AC
Contact Arrangement : Rsistion Load
                                 1                          2                           3

                             CO, NO, NC       CO, NO, NC           CO, NO, NC
Contact Material : Silver Cadmium / Silver Cadmium Oxide
Contact Resistance (initial) : 30 milli Ohms Max.
Insulation Resistance 2 kV between Body & Contact
Di-Electric Strength : 1.5 kV between Body & Coil
                               1 kV between Open Contacts
Mounting : Chassis Mounting Open
Sensitivity: 1.8 Watts Max Typical
Operating Voltage : 6 to 250 V AC / DC
Operate Time : <= 30 milli second at rated voltage
Release Time. : <= 20 milli seconds
Coil Data : See Coil Data table
Mechanical Life Expectancy : > 2 million operations
Dimensions : 85 / 55 / 65 mm
Weight : 250 gms.
General Applications : Heavy Voltage Stabilizers, Remote power control, Timers, Apparatus,, Motor Starters, 
                                 Photo Copying machineries, Controls Panels, Process Control Instrumentation equipments etc 

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Miniature Relays

Contact Rating : 6 Amps at 250 V. AC
Contact Arrangement : Resistive Load
                                         1                              2                                       3

                                 CO, NO, NC                CO, NO, NC                   CO, NO, NC
Contact Material : Silver Cadmium / Silver Cadmium Oxide
Contact Resistance (initial) : 50, milli Ohms Max.
Insulation Resistance : 2 kV between Body & Contact
Di-Electric Strength : 1.5 kV between Body & Coil
                               1.0 kV between Open Contacts
Mounting : Chassis Mounting Open Contracts Dustproof cover and Plug in
Sensitivity : 1.2 Watts Max DC. 2.5 Watts Max AC.
Operating Voltage : 3 to 250 V AC / DC
Operate Time : <= 20 milli seconds at nominal rated voltage
Release Time. : <= 10 milli seconds
Coil Data : See Coil Data table
Mechanical Life Expectancy : > 3 million operations
Dimensions : 43 x 30 x 28 mm
Weight : Open type 60 gm. Dust proof 70 gm.
General Applications : Emergency lights Voltage Stabilizer, Timer, Elevators, Temperature Controllers, Textile Machineries, Single phasing                                                preventors, Controls Panels, Process Control instrumentations and Tele Communication

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Plug In Relays

Contact Rating : 6 Amps at 250 V. AC
Contact Arrangement : Resistive Load
                                         1                     2                     3

                                 CO, NO, NC     CO, NO, NC     CO, NO, NC
Contact Material : Silver Cadmium / Silver Cadmium Oxide
Contact Resistance (initial) : 50, milli Ohms Max.
Insulation Resistance : 2 kV between Body & Contact
Di-Electric Strength : 1.5 kV between Body & Coil 1.0 kV between Open Contacts
Mounting : Chassis Mounting Open Contracts Dustproof cover and Plug in
Sensitivity : 1.2 Watts Max DC. 2.5 Watts Max AC.
Operating Voltage:  3 to 250 V AC / DC
Operate Time : <= 20 milli seconds at nominal rated voltage
Release Time. : <= 10 milli seconds
Coil Data : See Coil Data table
Mechanical Life Expectancy ; > 3 million operations
Dimensions : 43 x 30 x 28 mm
Weight : Open type 60 gm. Dust proof 70 gm.
General Applications : Emergency lights Voltage Stabilizer, Timer, Elevators, Temperature Controllers, Textile Machineries, Single phasing                                                preventors, Controls Panels, Process Control instrumentations and Tele Communication

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Led Driver And Smpss

Constant voltage and constant current versions of power supplies for LED lighting and other applications as per customers’ specifications.

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Timers For Key Tag System For Hotel Industry

Timing controls for automatic lighting / Air conditioner / geyser and other appliances mainly used in hotel industries as per customer requirements.

Active Power Factor Types * Cfl Adapter * Cfl Adaptor * Cfl Type * Cfl Types * Decorative Lights * Directional Relays * Earth Leakage Relays * Electronic Ballast (Chokes) For Fluorescent Lighting Application * Electronic Control Gears For Airport Runway And Taxiing Track Sign Board * Electronic Relays * Electronic Transformers For Halogen Lamp * Emergency Lights * For All Types Of Cfl * Led Driver And Smpss * Magnetic Relays * Miniature Relays * Plug In Relays * Power Protection Relays * Power Relays * Power Relays Ac And Dc * Products * Relays * Smps Led Driver * Sugar Cube Relays * Timers For Key Tag System For Hotel Industry * Two Feet Tube Type