Products & Services

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Dosing Pumps

Used extensively for various applications:
In waste water treatment plants, industrial effluent treatment plants
In sugar and fertilizers industry
For water treatment for boilers
For swimming pool applications, etc

Design Highlights / Features

High quality and long lasting brands
Available in solenoid drive as well as motor drive
Available in M.O.C of Stainless Steel, P.P, PVC etc. therefore applicable for numerous industrial fluid transfer applications
High precision and accuracy
Pumps conform to API (International) Standards

Bar Bending Machines * Bare Engines * Barrel Pumps * Concrete Cube Testing Machines * Concrete Groove Cutters * Concrete Grout Pumps * Concrete Mixers * Concrete Moulds * Concrete Pumps * Concrete Surface Finishing Screeds * Concrete Tramping Rammers * Concrete Vibrators * Concrete Wheel Barrows * De Watering Pumps * Dosing Pumps * Earth Compactors * Engine Pumps * Gear Pumps * Generator Sets * Monobloc Electric Pumps * P. P. Monoblock Pumps * Pressure Booster Pumps And Systems * Products * S. S. Monoblock Pumps * Submersible Electric Pumps * Submersible Pumps * Submersible Pumps Mfgrs. And Dealers * Borewell Submersible Pump Set