Cnc Control System
HMT-NUM is a CNC system package manufactured by CNC Systems Division, HMT Machine Tools Limited in Bangalore under technical collaboration with NUM AG of Switzerland. The legendary design and manufacturing capability of HMT coupled with cutting-edge CNC technology of NUM creates a synergy which offers high value products to the manufacturing community.
The HMT-NUM CNC is available in three variants (Flexium+ 6, Flexium+ 8 and Flexium + 68) and caters to the entire range of machining requirements; be it for metal cutting, power motion control, special purpose machines and a whole lot of other applications required to meet today's manufacturing demands. A wide range of servo motors and drive packages are available to meet every need of the industry. Extremely reliable hardware supported by industry-leading software products makes a powerful combination and supports all shop-floor operational requirements.
Engineering support is made available right through the machine development cycle from concept stage to assembly, interfacing and proving-out to provide a "Complete CNC Machine Automation Solution".
After-sales service support is provided in-house by a pan-India network of offices with trained engineers located at Bangalore, Coimbatore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Pune, Mumbai, Nagpur, Ahmedabad, Bhopal, Jabalpur, Kanpur, Jamshedpur, Kolkata, Delhi and Pinjore.
Technical training is provided by product experts at locations based on a calendar.