

H. K. SHAH & CO.

 Specialist supplier, manufacturer, importer and exporter of all types of thermocouples and spares.

About Us

Established in the year 1960, H.K. Shah & Co. is noted as one of the leading Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters of Thermocouples, Thermocouple Ceramic Tubes, Thermocouple Ceramic Insulators, Temperature Sensors, Electrical Panel Components, etc. Moreover, we are also an importer of Raw Material & Components. Today, we have become the indubitable winner of the industry with our outstanding quality of products. Our two manufacturing units are well equipped with all the instruments required for quality test. We completely meet all the parameters of ISO 9000 quality standards.

We have more than 25 skilled employees and equally the best administration staff. We have gained immense reputation for our quality, service and providing customer satisfaction throughout India and into the export markets.

Product Range

Thermocouples (all types)
Thermocouple Assemblies
Temperature Controllers
Digital Thermometers
Infra Red Digital Thermometers
Thermocouple Heads-Flanges
Thermocouple Cables Compensating and Extension Grades
Temperature Handle Probes
Thermocouple Plugs and Sockets
Thermocouple Ceramic Tubes, Insulators and Terminal Blocks
Heater Ceramics End, Seal Bushes, Channels Tubes,  Formers Bushes
Thermocouple Wires
MGO Powders, Sealing Cements
PT-100, PT-1000, CU-53, RTD Elements
Mineral Insulated Thermocouple Cables
Instrument Fittings, Plugs, Unions, M.I. Spring Loaded Plates, Cable Clamps
Brass Parts, Bayonets, Adaptors
Instrument Test Leads, Probes
Panel Parts, Rocker Switches, Neon Pilot Lights, Holders, LED Modules
Thermostats, Energy Regulators, Infinite Switches
Industrial Heaters (all types).

Products & Services

Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.

Aluminum Dia Cast Oval Flange * Band Heater Ceramic * Brass Partsbayonetsadaptors * Control Panels Accessories * Digital Thermohygrometer * Digital Thermometers * Electrical Control Panels Accessories * Flanged Heater * Heater Ceramicsend Seal Busheschannelstubes Formersbushes * Heater Clamps * Heater Fins * Humidity Sensor * Industrial Heater Parts * Industrial Heaters (All Types) * Infinite Switches * Infra Red Digital Thermometers * Instrument Test Leadsprobes * Metal Thermowell * Mgo Powderssealing Cements * Mineral Insulated Thermocouple Cables * Ms Studs Pins * Rtd Elements * Temperature Handle Probes * Temperature Sensor * Temperature Transmitter * Temprature Handle Probes * Temprature Transmitter * Thermocouple Asemblies * Thermocouple Assemblies * Thermocouple Cable * Thermocouple Cables Compensating And Extension Grades * Thermocouple Ceramic Terminal Block * Thermocouple Ceramic Tubes And Sheaths * Thermocouple Ceramic Tubes Insulators And Terminal Blocks * Thermocouple Components * Thermocouple Connector Clamps * Thermocouple Connector Clamps Pot Seal * Thermocouple Connectors * Thermocouple Element Wires And Cables * Thermocouple Fittings * Thermocouple Flange * Thermocouple Heads * Thermocouple Headsflanges * Thermocouple Mini Head * Thermocouple Plugs Or Sockets * Thermocouple Pot Seal * Thermocouple Terminal Blocks * Thermocouples And Temperature Sensors * Thermohygrometers * Thermostatsenergy Regulators