
WELCOME TO GTZ India Private Limited

GTZ (India) Pvt. Ltd. - once the Indian Branch of the USA based business house, Getz Bros & Co. Inc. had started its operation in the business of Chemicals way back 1936 before undertaking the production of Metal Finishing Chemicals in 1985. ...

Products & Services

Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.

Acid Inhibitor * Acid Pickling Bath Inhibitors * Acid Zinc Plating Chemicals * Alloy Zinc Plating Chemical * Alloy Zinc Plating Chemicals * Aluminium Chromotising Chemicals * Anodizing Aluminium Treatment Chemicals * Anodizing And Aluminium Treatment Chemicals * Beverage Indusry Cleaner * Blackening Salts * Brass Plating Chemicals * Brewery And Beverage Industry Cleaner * Brewery Indusry Cleaner * Cadmium Plating Chemicals * Chromate Passivation Chemicals * Chrome Plating Chemicals * Chromium Electroplating Chemicals * Cleaning Bath Defoamers * Coating Chemicals * Copper Electroplating Chemicals * Copper Plating Chemicals * Cyanide Zinc Plating Chemical * Cyanide Zinc Plating Chemicals * Dairy Industry Cleaner * Degreasing Chemicals * Degreasing Salts * Derusting Chemicals * Electro Tinplating Line Speciality Chemical * Electrocleaners * Electroplating Chemical * Electroplating Chemicals * Electropolishing Chemical * Electropolishing Chemicals * Galvanizing Fluxes (Getflux Group) * Home * Leather Chemicals * Maintenance Cleaner * Metal Finishing Chemicals * Metal Treatment Chemicals * Nickel Plating Chemicals * Non Cyanide Zinc Plating Chemicals * Phosphating Chemicals * Picking And Passivation On Stainless Steel * Picking Chemical * Pickling Inhibitors * Plating Chemical * Plating Chemicals * Polymer Coating Chemicals And Lacquers * Printing Chemicals * Rust Preventive Chemicals * Soak Or Imersion Or Dunk Cleaners * Spray Cleaners * Steel Mill Chemical * Steel Mill Chemicals * Surfactant Enriched Industrial Steel Cleaners * Textile Chemical * Textile Chemicals * Tin Plating Process * Tin Plating Process Chemical * Anodizing Or Aluminium Treatment Chemicals * Organic Chemicals * Coatings Chemicals * Leather Processing Chemicals * Metal Finishing (Plating Chemicals) * Electro Less Nickel Chemicals * Gold Plating Chemicals * Electroplating (Plating Chemicals) * Chemicals For Plating On Plastics * Galvanization Chemical * Chromate Conversion Coating Chemicals * Basic Plating Chemicals * Chemical (Plating Chemicals) * Silver Plating Chemicals * Tin Plating Chemicals * Organic Protective Coating Chemicals * Zinc Plating Chemicals * Protective Coating Chemicals * Phosphates * Preservative Chemicals