Products & Services

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Anhydrous Ammonia

he main raw material for Ammonia is Naphtha and Associated Gas.


In the manufacture of Explosives Ammonium Nitrate and Nitrite, Nitroglycerine, Tri-Nitrotoluene, Nitrocellulose and other Nitrogen Compounds used in the manufacture of Explosives.
Manufacture of chemicals like Methylamines, Monoethylamine, Melamine, Amino-Resins, Cynamides, Fertilizers, Petrochemical Products, etc.• As a refrigerant in both compression and absorption system. Certain characteristics of Ammonia such as high latent heat, low vapour density, chemical stability, low corrosion to iron parts promote its use in large industrial installations.
In Pulp and Paper Industry For pulping of wood and as a dispersant for casin in the coating of paper industry.
In the Metal Industry For retaining of scrap metal. In the extraction of certain metals e.g. copper, nickel, molybdenum and tungsten from their ores. In metal treating where cracked ammonia is used as a reducing atmosphere for the bright annealing of stainless steels, nickel and its alloys for reduction of metal oxides.
Nitriding of steel for case-hardening.
As a corrosion inhibitor at petroleum refineries and natural gas plant and to neutralise the acid constituents of oil, thereby protecting refinery equipment.
In the Rubber Industry For the stabilization of natural rubber and synthetic latex to prevent coagulation during transportation and storage.
In Food and Beverages industries As a source of Nitrogen required for the growth of yeast and micro-organisms. Also to include pH control in the yeast production. As ammoniating agent for glycerizing, extractant, for bitter principles and source of Nitrogen for ruminant feeding when properly mixed with molasses.
In Leather Industries As airing agent in making leather and as a slime and mould in preventing tanning liquors, in the manufacture of Moth-proofing and other protective agents for furs and hides.
Synthetic drugs manufacture In the manufacture of pharmaceuticals such as Sulfanilamide, Sulfathiazole, Sulfapyrridine and other Sulfadrugs. Antibacterial Agents, Vitamins, Antimalarials, Methionine and other Aminoacids and of Denitrifrices, Lotions and Cosmetics.
In the manufacture of household Ammonia Detergents and Cleansers.
In combination with chlorine to purify industrial and municipal water supplies and as an Oxygen Scavanger in treating and boiler feed water.
Ammonia blue printing
In production of Nitrogen Dioxide required for converting Sulphur Dioxide in lead chamber process for manufacturing Sulphuric Acid.
In Alkali Industry in the production of Soda-Ash (Solvay Process).
In the manufacture of Caprolactam, Urea etc.
In the manufacture of Rocket Fuels.
In the manufacture of Nitric Acid, Liquor Ammonia.
In the manufacture of numerous organic and inorganic chemicals such as Cyanides, Amides, Nitrites and Dye Intermediates.


GSFC has facility to fill up large Rail Tanker Wagons and Road Tankers.

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Argon Gas

GSFC has Air Separation Unit with a capacity to manufacture 3.2 million NM3 per year Argon Gas.

Inert gas shield in arc welding.
Welding and cutting of Aluminum, Stainless Steel, Titanium etc. mainly to create an inert zone.
In electronics, lamp and valve manufacture.
In metal refining, treatment and brazing.
In degassing of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys.
Vacuum Spectrometry.
A.O.D. process for stainless steel manufacture.
Heat treatment of reactive metals and alloys.
Refining of copper.
Geiger counting tubes.
Flushing molten metals to eliminate porosity.
Aircraft and missile industries.
Titanium and Zirconium refining.
Laboratory and research medical application.
Nuclear applications - for creating inert atmosphere in the manufacture of rare and semi-rare metals.
Cryogenics and refrigeration.
Brazing and soldering.
Gas Chromatography and Gas Analysis.
Its use as inert gas or atmosphere in miscellaneous applications is growing as fast as new production can take care of the demand.
Argon is available in buyer`s cryogenic road tankers.

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GSFC has two Caprolactam Plants having rated capacities of 20000 TPA and 50000 TPA. The main raw materials are Benzene, Oleum, Ammonia, Carbon dioxide, Synthesis Gas, Sulphur dioxide, Caustic soda and Sulphuric acid.


Caprolactam is a base material for manufacture of Nylon-6. Its applications are in the manufacture of

Nylon-6 fibres for textile and tyre cord.
Moulding engineering components and other extrusion profiles.
Monomer castings.


25 Kg net sealed in low density polythylene inner bag with high density polythylene lined craft paper as outer cover.

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Melamine (Gujlamine)

GSFC has two Melamine Plants having rated capacities of 5000 TPA and 10000 TPA. The main raw material is Urea.

GUJALAMINE is the trade name of Melamine pure chemical powder being manufactured by GSFC. Melamine is always reacted with formaldehyde and then made into resins or moulding powder for making innumerable products of beauty and utility.

Melamine powder is tasteless, odourless and non-toxic. Melamine formaldehyde resins used for laminates offer good hardness, resistance to scratch, stain, water and heat. Laminates used in some industrial electrical applications possess high mechanical strength, good heat resistance and good electrical insulating properties.

Asbestos filled Melamine resins possess very high dielectric strength and high heat resistance. Besides the best dimensional stability, Melamine Formaldehyde moulding powder gives clear and bright colours, is easily mouldable and offers resistance to surface scratching.
For table tops, kitchen shelves, platforms, wall cladding, bus bodies, interior  of  railway  coaches,  counters, deckings, instrument panels.
Consumer Moulded Goods
Bowls, trays, spatulas, mixer's  base,  crockery,  cutlery  items, launderable buttons, lamp shades.
Industrial Moulded Goods
Circuit  breakers,  television   tube   support,   automotive  ignition  components,  washing  machine,  agitators,  soda fountain parts, switch gears,  switch  housings, connector  plus inserts, wattmeter terminal block, junction boxes, fuse carriers, plating tanks.
Treatment Resin for Paper
For currencies, toilet paper, facial tissues, shopping and shipping bags, map papers, food wrappers, photographic paper.
Resin for Lacquer Paints
For motorcars, refrigerator cabinets, washing machines, kitchen equipment, typewriters, water heaters.
Melamine adhesives from Melamine resins are extra strong, extra tough, highly water resistant and colourless (veneered doors).
Melamine Resin for Textile Auxiliaries
For providing anti-crease treatment to cotton and other fabrics.
Leather Chemical
MF resins act as pre-tanning agents.
In 25 Kg. multiwall craft paper bag.

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GSFC has production capacity of 525 MTPD of Methanol. The product conforms to the highest purity grade of 'US Federal AA'.

Major Applications
Acetic Acid
MTBE etc
Di Methyl Amines
Acetic Acid
Methyl Amines
Sold in carbon steel tankers

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Methyl Ethyl Ketoxime (Gujoxime)

GSFC has total installed capacity of 4450 MTPA (MEKO-I : 1200 MTPA and MEKO – II : 3250 MTPA) of MEK Oxime The main raw materials for MEK Oxime are MEK, Ammonia and HX Sulphate. The technology is developed by GSFC`s Research Centre.

MEK Oxime is an essential additive for the paint, varnish and printing ink industries. It is an ideal anti-skinning agent.
25Kg. HDPE Carboys. and 190 Kgs zinc galvanised mild steel drums

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Nylon (Gujlon)

GSFC has the largest capacity Engg. Plastic Nylon-6 Plant in the country with a rated capacity of 7,000 MT. The main raw material for Nylon-6 is Caprolactam which is available from captive capacity.

Gujlon is the registered trade name of Nylon-6 chips manufactured by GSFC. Nylon-6 is tough, lightweight, abrasion resistant, shock resistant, corrosion resistant, heat resistant with higher melting point, low specific gravity, electrical insulation property and dimensional stability.

It requires no lubrication and can be machined and finished in ways similar to metals. This versatile plastic is available in general purpose injection moulding grades, glass fibre reinforced grade, plasticised grade and extrusion grades to suit diverse applications.

Precision engineering components.
Components for textile machinery, railway, defense and automobile industries.
Components for electrical and electronic industries.
Components for appliances and consumer goods.
Film for packaging of food stuffs, vegetable oils.
Monofilaments, rods and pipes, profiles and strappings.
Components for hardware, building and furniture industries.

25 Kg. net sealed in inner LDPE bags and outer BOPP metalized / HDPE laminated paper bags.

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GSFC has SO2 Oleum Plant with a rated capacity of 28,000 TPA.. The raw material for Oleum is Sulphur.

Dyestuff Industries
Detergent Industries
As a whitening agent in Paper Industry
Petrochemical Products
Oleum 23% is made available in Customer’s mild steel road tankers.

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Sulphuric Acid

GSFC has got two Sulphuric Acid Plants with a rated capacity of 1350 MTPD & 400 MTPD. The main raw material for Sulphuric Acid is Sulphur which is imported.

It has various uses in the following fields :
Steel Industry
For the production of Hydrochloric Acid, Phosphoric    Acid, Boric Acid
Synthetic Detergents
Aviation Gasoline
Laboratory Reagents
Dairy Industries
Sulphuric Acid is made available in Customer`s Mild Steel Road Tankers.

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Acetone Cyanohydrine Ach (Gujach)

GUJACH (Acetone Cyanohydrine) a colourless liquid, highly toxic and hazardous which can cause damage to human life. Its poisoning symptoms in case of absorption through skin come slower than those of HCN.


Preparation of methacrylic acid and its esters.
To prepare ethyl hydroxy-isobuty rate a pharmaceutical intermediate.
For manufacture of azobisisobutyro-nitrile (AIBN) a very useful catalyst for vinyl polymerization.
ACH can be hydrogenerated in methanolic acetate acid in the presence of cobalt or silica gel to give predominantly -B-hydroxy- Isobuty/amine with liquid - secondary and tertiary amine by products.

185 kgs. HM-HDPE barrels.

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Anone Anol Mixture

Cyclohexanone - Cyclohexanol Mixture (Anone - Anol Mixture) is an intermediate product of the Caprolactam Plant.


. Most important use is as an intermediate in the production of Adipic Acid which can be employed in the manufacture of Nylon-6,6 a polymer of adipic acid and hexamethylenediamine.
. It is also used as an intermediate in the production of Caprolactam, (CH2)5CONH, which has its application in the manufacture of Nylon-6 polymer.
. Another major use is in manufacture of ester for the use of plasticizers like Cyclohexyl and Di-cyclohexyl phthalates.
. Used as stabilizers for soaps and synthetic detergents and emulsions.
. Used as dye solvent and kierbelling assistant for textile industry.
. Used as solvent in paint, varnish and other chemical industries.

Mild steel drums of capacity of 200 litres or in customer's mild steel road tankers.

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Cyclohexane(C6H12) is one of the intermediate products of the Caprolactam Plant.


. Cyclohexane is used as a solvent for resin, paint and varnish and for extraction of essential oils.
. As an intermediate in the manufacture of Caprolactam.
. Pharmaceuticals

  Sold in customers mild steel drums of capacity of 200 ltrs. provided by customers mild steel road tankers

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CYCLOHEXANONE (C6H10O) is an intermediate product of the Caprolactam Plant.


. Most important use is as a chemical intermediate in the production of Adipic Acid and in the manufacture of Caprolactam.
. It is also used as solvent and thinners for lacquers, especially those containing nitrocellulose or vinyl chloride polymer and copolymer resins including polyvinyl chloride and methacrylate ester polymers.
. It is excellent solvent for DDT and organic phosphorus insecticides and pesticides.
. It is used as a sludge solvent in oil for piston type aircraft lubrication.

Anone is sold in customers Mild steel drums of 200 litre capacity, whereas the bulk Anone is sold in MS road tankers of about 10 MT or higher capacity.


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Hydroxylamine Sulphate

Hydroxylamine Sulphate (NH2OH)2 H2SO4 is one of the intermediate products of the Caprolactam Plant.


. The major use is in its reaction with organic compounds to produce derivatives such as Oximes which may be intermediates in the production of materials such as Nylon-6. The oximes may also be used as anti-oxidants, stabilizers and anti-skinning agents in inks and paints.
. As reducing agents in photographic processes, dyeing, synthetic fibres and purification of a number of water-soluble products.

High density polyethylene Carboys.

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Methacrylic Acid Maa (Gujmet)

GUJMET (Methacrylic Acid) a colourless liquid with a pungent odour. A highly corrosive acid which can cause serious burns of the skin and eyes.

. Textile Processing - Sizing
. Leather technology - Binder, tanning agent
. Ion-exchange resins - Water treatment
. Cosmetics - Thickening agent, Suspending agent.
. Oil-well Drilling - Drilling-mud additive, anti-caking agent.
. Industrial-waste treatments - Suspending agent, flocculating agent.
. Paper Industry - Filler-retention aid.
. Transportation - Skid-proof tyres.
. Rubber technology - Creaming of latex.
. Agriculture - Soil conditioners.
. Others - Coating, adhesive.

200 kg. HM-HDPE barrels

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Methyl Methacrylate Mma (Gujmer)


GUJMER (Methyl Methacrylate Monomer) a clear/colourless liquid, is the ester of Methacrylic Acid.


. Semi-finished products like rods, tubes and sheets
. Moulding and extrusion resins
. Dental Prosthesis
. Paints , Adhesives , Lacquers, Enamels and water proofing agent.
. Textile Auxiliaries and sizing materials
. Leather finishing resins
. Polymer impregnated concrete
. PVC modifiers
. Addivite for lubricating and industrial oils


190 Kg. HM-HDPE Barrels

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Nitric Acid

Nitric Acid (HNO3) is a co-product in Caprolactam manufacturing process with annual capacity of 8300 MT.

. Used in manufacturing of Sodium Nitrate & Potassium Nitrate.
. Manufacture of Dyestuff & dye intermediates
. Preparation of Nitrocompounds.


Customer's stainless steel road tankers.

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Nylon Filament Yarn (Gujnyl)

GUJNYL is the trade name of Nylon filament yarn manufactured by GSFC`s Fibre unit having rated capacity of 6000 TPA. The process know how is from M/s LURGI GmbH, Germany, world renowned for technology of the synthetic fibres. 

The spinning machines are from M/s BARMAG, Germany and hence the quality of the products is of international standards. The plant has versatility to manufacture NYLON - POY that is Partially Oriented Yarn, HSO - High Speed Only besides the conventional flat yarn.

. FOR CRIMPING POY - 55 SD, 55 FD 80 SD , 115 SD, 124 SD, 220 SD


Corrugated cartons

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Polymethyl Methacrylate (Pellets)

GUJPOL-P is the registered trade mark of Acrylic Moulding Pellets. GUJPOL-P is Polymethyl Methacrylate thermoplastic in form of pellets (it is also available in bead form-minute spherical beads)


. Automobiles Tail lamps, lenses, dash board, crystals instrument covers etc.
. Optical Camera viewing lenses, personal lenses, magnifying lenses & goggles.
. Electric / Electronic Appliances Radiodials , Audio- video windows and channel covers and mixi/juicer jars and bowls, microware oven doors etc.
. General Gift and novelty items etc.
. Light absorption; Minimum in clear transparent sheets.
The outstanding characteristics of Gujpol-P are
. Crystal clear transparency.
. Distinctive resistance to ageing and outdoor weathering. 
. Attractive gloss both in colourless and coloured articles.
. Excellent resistance to impact, dimensional change, heat and most chemicals.
. Absence of odour and taste.
. Easy and accurate mouldability even for complex shapes.

Packed in 25kg. air tight bags with thick LDPE lines.

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Polymethyl Methacrylate (Sheet) Gujpol S (Pmma)

GUJPOL-S is the trade name of Acrylic sheets manufactured by GSFC. GUJPOL-S sheets are manufactured from virgin MMA by cell casting process the best optical properties among all transparent plastics. GUJPOL-S has an excellent resistance to the effect of long exposure to sunlight, heat and weather


.  Light fitting and fixtures
.  Street light covers
.  Sanitary articles
.  Sigh-boards and novelties
.  Helicopter canopies and other defence items

 The outstanding features of Gujpol-S sheets are
.  Light in weight; It has only half the weight of glass.
.  Weather resistance; Longer period of resistance to sunlight and other weather conditions.
.  Light absorption; Minimum in clear transparent sheets.
.  Wide range; Transparent, translucent and opaque colours.
.  High surface gloss.
.  Easy formability and machinability.
.  Low thermal conductivity; Almost equivalent to phenolics and only one sixth that of glass.
.  Resistance to a wide range of chemicals insoluble in most inorganic chemicals but dissolves in ketones, esters, aromatic hydro carbons, chlorinated solvent etc.

GUJPOL-S well masked with craft paper on both side and packed in standard packing in thick corrugated paper and bundled with straps

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Polymethyl Methacrylates (Sheet) Gujpol S (Pmma)

GUJPOL-S is the trade name of Acrylic sheets manufactured by GSFC. GUJPOL-S sheets are manufactured from virgin MMA by cell casting process the best optical properties among all transparent plastics. GUJPOL-S has an excellent resistance to the effect of long exposure to sunlight, heat and weather

.  Light fitting and fixtures
.  Street light covers
.  Sanitary articles
.  Sigh-boards and novelties
.  Helicopter canopies and other defence items

The outstanding features of Gujpol-S sheets are
.  Light in weight; It has only half the weight of glass.
.  Weather resistance; Longer period of resistance to sunlight and other weather conditions.
.  Light absorption; Minimum in clear transparent sheets.
.  Wide range; Transparent, translucent and opaque colours.
.  High surface gloss.
.  Easy formability and machinability.
.  Low thermal conductivity; Almost equivalent to phenolics and only one sixth that of glass.
.  Resistance to a wide range of chemicals insoluble in most inorganic chemicals but dissolves in ketones, esters, aromatic hydro carbons, chlorinated solvent etc.

  GUJPOL-S well masked with craft paper on both side and packed in standard packing in thick corrugated paper and bundled with straps

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Gujcon Crf And Prf

Virgin Nylon-6 Fibres for Secondary Reinforcement in Concrete & Plaster 
A new revolution in Construction & Road Infrastructure
GUJCON CRF & PRF Polyamide-6 (Nylon-6) Fibres
.  A breakthrough in secondary reinforcement
.  Development based on extensive Research and Application trials
.  Unique and state-of-the-art next generation products for rendering long lasting solutions to some of the teething problems of construction and infrastructure industries
.  Superior to other secondary reinforcement Fibre products
.  Reliable secondary reinforcement material
Grade of GUJCON Nylon-6 Fibres
  .  GUJCON CRF for Concrete Applications
.  GUJCON PRF for Plaster Applications
.  GUJCON – CRF is specially engineered 18 mm length Nylon-6 Fibre for providing secondary reinforcement in RCC & PCC.


.  RCC & PCC – Slabs, Beams, Columns & Lintels 
.  Pavement, Flooring, Roads, Bridges, Airport Runways 
.  Pre Cast Concrete Structures 
.  Water Retaining Structures

.  Prevents cracks occurrence at point of inception
.  Increases compression, flexural and impact strength
.  Reduces water permeability and makes surface less porous
.  Improves surface finish
.  Increases wear/abrasion/impact/shock load resistance
.  Increases uniformity and workability of concrete mix
.  Enhances life of structures

.  GUJCON –PRF is specially engineered 06 mm length Nylon-6 Fibre for providing secondary reinforcement in plaster.

.  Plaster 
.  Shotcrete 
.  Guniting 

.  Reduces water absorption and penetration depth
.  Prevents cracks occurrence at point of inception
.  Improves shatter resistance of wall
.  Makes surface less porous and improves surface finish
.  Reduces rebound loss
.  Checks dampness and saves on repairing cost
.  Increases workability, uniformity and strength of mortar mix
.  Improves work pace by binding ingredients in thicker coat

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GSFC has two UREA-NH2CONH2, (46.2%) Plants with a rated capacity of 1,03,000 and 2,64,000 TPA. Main raw materials for UREA are Ammonia and Carbon Dioxide for which the feedstocks are Naphtha and Associated Gas.

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Ammonium Sulphate

GSFC's Ammonium Sulphate Plant (NH4)2 SO4 (20.6% N) has a capacity of 1,96,000 TPA. Ammonium Sulphate is available as co-product from Caprolactam Plants.


. Used as slow releasing nitrogenous fertilizer & reach source of Sulphur nutrient.
. Used as a raw material for various chemicals, dyes and pharmaceuticals.

[Packing] Packing
  50 Kg. Net HDPE bags.

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Di Ammonium Phosphate

GSFC's Diammonium Phosphate [(NH4), HPO. (18 % N, 46% P2O5)] plant has a capacity of 1,08,000 TPA. Main raw material for DAP are Sulphur & Rock Phosphate. The main feedstock is Naptha & Associated Gas.

GSFC has also a coastal DAP Plant at Sikka in Jamnagar district with a rated capacity of 3,26,000 TPA. The main raw materials are imported Ammonia and Phosphoric Acid. At Sikka, the capacity had been expanded by 3.96 LT in the recent past.

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GSFC's Ammonium Phosphate Sulphate plant has a capacity of 2,56,000 TPA. The DAP plant is designed in such a way that APS also can be produced. Sulphuric acid, Phosphoric acid and Ammonia are used to produce this product.


. Used as complex fertilizer for supply of 'N', 'P2O5' & 'Sulphur' nutrients.

[Packing] Packing
  50 Kg. Net HDPE bags.


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GSFC produce NPK grade 12-32-16 at Sikka Unit in Jamnagar District of Gujarat State. Main raw materials for NPK are Imported Phosphoric Acid, Imported Ammonia and Muriate of Potash. Plant is designed to produce DAP, APS and various grades of NPK fertilizers like 12-32-16 & 10-26-26.

[Applications] Applications

. Used as a Complex Fertilizer for supply of all three Major Nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potash.
. Used in a Basal Application in crops like Wheat, Paddy, Maize, Pulses, Sugarcane, Vegetables etc.

[Packing] Packing
  50 Kg. Net HDPE bags.

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GSFC produces NPK grade 10-26-26 at Sikka Unit in Jamnagar District of Gujarat state. Main raw materials for NPK are imported Phosphoric Acid, Imported Ammonia and Muriate of Potash. Plant is designed to produce DAP, APS, and various grades of NPK fertilizers like 10-26-26 & 12-32-16.

[Applications] Applications

. Used as a complex fertilizer for supply of all three major nutrient like Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potash.
. Used in a basal application in crops like Wheat, Paddy, Maize, Pulses, Sugarcane, Vegetables etc.

[Packing] Packing
  50 Kg. Net HDPE bags.

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Water Soluble Fertilizers

GSFC has introduced five most popular grades of FCO approved Water - Soluble Fertilizers Viz.19-19-19, 00-52-34, 13-00-45, 12-61-00 and 00-00-50 under the brand SARDAR NUTRISOL for application through drip & sprinkler irrigation and foliar spray.

[Applications] Applications

. Used as chemical fertilizers in drip & sprinkler irrigation systems and also as foliar spray to augment yield and improve quality of a variety of crops like fruits, vegetables, oil seeds, pulses, cereals, cotton, tobacco, sugarcane, tea etc.


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Micro Mix


Micro Mix G-4 CCH is a Govt. of Guj. approved Micronutrient Formulation. It contains five micronutrients, which are required by crops in trace quantity. GSFC R & D unit produces Sardar Micro Mix which contains Zinc, Iron, Copper, Manganese in chelated form and Boron. It helps in enhancing quality & crop productivity.

[Applications] Applications

. Used as Micronutrient supplement for variety of crops like fruits, vegetables, oil seeds, cotton, tobacco flowers etc.

[Packing] Packing
  250 grams LDPE bag

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Gypsum is a by-product available from Phosphoric Acid Plant and used in production of Ammonium Sulphate. GSFC has been first in the country to develop and implement successfully Phospho-Gypsum process for manufacture of Ammonium Sulphate.

This product is available in a fine mesh powder form Phosphoric Acid Plant mainly used in Agriculture as soil amendment.

[Applications] Applications

. For Agricultural use
It works as an agent to remove Saline/Alkaline ingredients in the soil. It acts more or less like manure.
. For industrial use
- It is used to manufacture Gypsum boards.
- It is used in manufacturing lime and in cement industry.
- It is also used in manufacturing Plaster of Paris.

[Packing] Packing
  Available in 50 kg Bag Packing and in loose powder form on "As is where is" basis.

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Sardar Amin Granules And Liquid

The products contain amino acids derived from plant protein and certain micronutrients which favour better seed germination, root & shoot development, impart tolerance to the plant, increase flower & fruit setting etc. The granular product is used by soil application and liquid by foliar spray.

        .Contains nutrients N, P, K, Zn, Mn & Fe

        .Optimises metabolism, germination, plant growth, flower & fruit setting

         and there by  improve yield & quality.

        .Increases resistance to biotic & abiotic stresses.

Product Packing Dose/Acre Method of application
Sardar Amin Granules 8 Kg. 8 Kg. Soil Application Periodically 2 times 
Sardar Amin Liquid 500 ml,1 Litre 250 ml Foliar Spray 2-3 times at  the time of flower & fruit 1 setting

The manufacturing of Sardar Amin Granules & Sardar Amin Liquid is carried out in GSFC's subsidiary company GSFC Agrotech Limited.


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Liquid Bio Fertilizers

Nitrogen & Phosphorous are two major nutrients for plant growth which are provided through Chemical Fertilizers or Organic Manure. Certain soil microorganisms have an ability to fix part of elementary form of atmospheric nitrogen to the available form for the plants and / or solubilize part of the bound phosphates of the soil and thereby make them available to the plant which increases fertility of the soil and yield. These characteristics make them useful as Biofertilizers.

Thus, the Biofertilizers are the 'Live Fertilizers' of biological origin. GSFC is one of the leading manufacturers of Biofertilizers since 1984. GSFC's Biofertilizers are available under the brand name of 'Sardar Biofertilizers'.

With the expanding horizon of science, GSFC envisage demand of time and decided to switch over from carrier based Biofertilizers and put 'Liquid Biofertilizers' in the service of farming community with the proven production technology from Anand Agricultural University, Anand. The manufacturing of Liquid Biofertilizers will be undertaken shortly under the brand name of 'Sardar'.

Initially following 3 products of Sardar Liquid Biofertilizers would be available

Azotobacter (for Cereals, Cash Crops, Horticultural Crops)
Azopirillum (for Cereals, Cash Crops, Horticultural Crops)
Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (for all Crops) 

[Advantages of Biofertilizers in general] Advantages of Biofertilizers in general

Harmless and Eco-friendly low cost agro-input.
Higher Shelf-life
Higher bacterial count
Add nutrients to the soil / make them available to the crop & secret certain growth promoting substances.
Help the proliferation and survival of beneficial microorganisms in soil.
Under certain conditions it exhibit anti-fungal activity and thereby protect the plant from pathogenic fungus.
Increase soil fertility and crop production.
Varied application methods including Drip Irrigation.

Packing.. 500 ml & 1 ltr.


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Plant Tissue Culture

The Tissue Culture technology provides unique opportunity to rapidly multiply the elite types in vegetative propagated plants. A whole plant can be regenerated from a small tissue in a suitable culture medium under controlled environment. The plantlets so produced are called tissue culture raised plants. These plantlets are a true copy of the mother plant and show characteristics identical to the mother plant.

Advantages of Tissue Culture raised plants:   

. Disease free planting material
. Uniform growth & true to type plants 
. Increase productivity
. Less field mortality
. Less harvesting period
. Round the year availability

[New Plant Species under Development] Tissue Culture raised plants available :

. Banana - Variety: Grand Nine & Robusta

. Sugarcane - Variety: CO 86032

. Stevia

. Budded Rose

. Dahlia

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GSFC offers seeds of high yielding, disease and pest resistant public bred and research hybrids/varieties of various crops under 'Sardar' brand to cater varied needs of the farmers.
[Specifications] Seeds (Varieties & Hybrids) of following crops are available:
Bajra, Castor, Cotton, Groundnut, Paddy, Soybean, Tur, Mustard, Potato, Wheat, Cumin & Mung.
[Packing] Packing

The seeds are offered in standard packing size for various crops to sow 1 acre land as specified under seed Act, 1966.

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Sardar Nirmal

The product is a result of GSFC's Agricultural expertise backed up by highly experienced Research & Product Development team. The product is manufactured with the support of patented Canadian technology.
Sardar NIRMAL is a low nutrient fertilizer that contains organic matter, beneficial micro-organisms, essential macro nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Calcium, Sulphur as well as micronutrients like Zinc, copper & Iron which are required for crop growth & development. It gives soil conditioning effect & helps to pulverise the soil combined with reducing soil alkalinity.

Sardar NIRMAL improves soil health therefore improving the efficiency of chemical fertilizers. It meets all standards for protecting the environment and human health by being pathogen-free. The beneficial microbes present in Sardar NIRMAL slowly breakdown the readily-digestible nutrients in the product. This results in slow release of nutrients which maintains soil health over time.

The loose, fertile soil produced by Sardar NIRMAL is shown to have an abundance of aerobic bacteria meaning that it is oxygen rich for "good bugs" to flourish. While pathogens are destroyed during the manufacturing process, beneficial micro-flora still exists which improves soil health.
[Applications] Applications :
Can be used in all crop conditions @ 2-3 MT per acre.
[Packing] Packing
50 kg Net HDPE Bag.

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GSFC is in the business of Pesticides trading since very long. Company is marketing pesticides of various quality pesticides manufacturers in the state of Gujarat through our own Farm Information Centers cum Fertilizer Depots. Currently we have 205 depots in the state located all over the state. The idea of selling the pesticides is to provide right product to the farmer with the detailed guidance of usage.It also helps farmers to find all the agro input products under one GSFC Depot roof.


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Zinc Sulphate

Zinc Sulphate is being marketed under Sardar Brand in the state of Gujarat. The ultimate purpose of trading zinc sulphate is to provide quality product to the farmers of Gujarat State. The product is packed in reusable & attractive bag pack. Zinc Sulphate Hepta Hydrate (Zn 21%) is a high demand product among the farming community of the state.

The product is available in 5 kg and 10 kg attractive packing.


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Muriate Of Potash (Mop)

We are selling MOP in 50 Kg pack in SARDAR brand. Muriate of Potash (potassium chloride) typically contains 60% potash and is the most widely used form of potash. This fertilizer helps in the formation of vegetative parts and roots of the plats. Murate of potash is beneficial in those crops that require large amount of potash such as potatoes, ginger sugar beets etc.

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Single Super Phosphate (Ssp)

We are selling high quality Single Super Phosphate fertilizer, which is known for its cost-effectiveness and increased output. Single super phosphate is a highly demanded fertilizer mostly used at the time of land preparation. It constitutes 16% water soluble phosphate which is readily available to the plants. The fertilizer effectiveness of SSP is very high as phosphorous remains available for plant for long time. The pack size is 50 Kg which is widely accepted by the farming community.


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Magnesium Sulphate

Magnesium Sulphate contains 9.6% Magnesium and 12% sulphur nutrients. It is recommended for all crops like paddy sugarcane cotton sunflower pulse crops oil seed crops spice crops vegetable crops flower crops etc. which are grown in all types of soils. Dosage: For soil application: Apply 5 kg to 10 kgs / acre at the time of sowing or transplanting of crops. Available pack sizes are 5 Kg 10 Kg and 25 Kg.

Acetone Cyanohydrine Ach (Gujach) * Acid * Ammonium Sulphate * Anone Anol Mixture * Aps * Argon Gas * Caprolactam * Chemical * Chemicals * Cyclohexane * Cyclohexanone * Di Ammonium Phosphate * Fertilizer Machinery * Gas Company * Gujcon Crf And Prf * Gypsum * Hydroxylamine Sulphate * Liquid Bio Fertilizers * Magnesium Sulphate * Melamine (Gujlamine) * Methacrylic Acid Maa (Gujmet) * Methanol * Methyl Ethyl Ketoxime (Gujoxime) * Methyl Methacrylate Mma (Gujmer) * Micro Mix * Muriate Of Potash (Mop) * Nitric Acid * Npk * Npks * Nylon 6 * Nylon Filament Yarn (Gujnyl) * Nylon (Gujlon) * Oil Company * Oleum * Pesticides * Petrochemicals Company * Plant Tissue Culture * Plastic Raw Materials Mfgrs * Polymers * Polymethyl Methacrylate (Pellets) * Polymethyl Methacrylate (Sheet) Gujpol S (Pmma) * Polymethyl Methacrylates (Sheet) Gujpol S (Pmma) * Products * Refineries * Sardar Amin Granules And Liquid * Sardar Nirmal * Seeds * Single Super Phosphate (Ssp) * Sulphuric Acid * Urea * Water Soluble Fertilizers * Zinc Sulphate * Polycarbonate Compounds * Pvc Compounds * Pvc Stabilizer * Stabilizer * Fertilizers * Fertilizer * Fertilisers * Govt. (Oil And Gas Company)