Filter Test Machine
We are specialized in manufacturing, exporting and supplying Filter Test Machine of world class quality. For quite a period screen life tests for rating the quality and dispersibility tests of colorants in polymer melts have been performed. But the comparison of those test were poor. Now, the draft of the new standard EN 13900-5 describes a procedure which increases the comparability of those tests. On one hand this standard describes which kind of extruder, melt pump, sieves and breaker plate have to be used and on the other hand the composition of mixture, the test routine and the evaluation is described. One parameter, the filter pressure value 'FPV' describes the quality and dispersion of the pigments. Due to standardized quality control an improvement of the products is possible. Also the ranking of the same products from different vendors by comparing the FPV results is now easier. The use of the FPV test to check raw materials ensures the quality of your products and the up time of screen changers is more predictable.