Products & Services

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A CE product
Compliance with E N61324
Ultrasonic Transit time Measurement 
40 Pico second sampling rate 
8 mm to 10000 mm, +/- 20 m/s
Built in data logger Up to 47000 records
Built in printer interface
Built in pressure (Head) measurement *
Suitability with Partially filled pipe lines*
Accuracy better than +/- 1 % of reading.
Low power consumption less than 2.5 W 
PC connectivity through RS 485 / RS 232 port

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Jalsonic Ultrasonic Inline Flow Meter And Water Meter

A new generation flowmeter. Best option against traditional full bore Magnetic & Woltman Bulk flow meters, flowmeter. 100% tamperproof, ideal for billing, available with retrofitting models for traditional Bulk water meters. Multiple options with GSM / GPRS connectivity, available with pre-paid water card up to sizes 200mm.

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Picosonic P Ultrasonic Portable Flow Meter

PicoSonic-P works on transit time technology, which is the most accurate technique of flow measurement. Advanced improvement in sensor design & signal processing made transit time technology efficient to handle all range of applications of liquid flow metering with battery back up of 10 hrs.

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Bulk water meter available up to 400 mm pipe line with removable mechanism.

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Water Meter With Pulse Output

Class B multijet water meter with pulse output enables connectivity of electronic display & control.

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After serving flow measurement industry for more than a decade, Chetas Control Systems Private Limited. is Proud to introduce yet another revolutionary product. The concept & designs will create a revolution since Rota meters & mechanical water meters are outdated. In-house R&D efforts of more than 2 years for development of Floredo, proves our Zeal for continuous improvement which keep us way ahead of the competition. Industrially designed, manufactured using the best quality material and versatile in operation, Floredo meets all the requirements of the customer.
We are sure, Floredo is going to be yet another example where we can say "others follow, We lead" !

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Rudra Hybrid Data Communicator

Silent Features

100% Battery Powered
No more data failures due to non availability of power supply
Tamper Alerts
High RF Sensitivity
Combination of GSM (SMS) + GPRS as per network strengh on Dual band & Quad band frequencies.
Local display of water flow rate & totaliser which avoids hectic opening of meter chambers every time.

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Ultrasonic level transmitter. 
Non contact type level measurement of liquids, slurries, granular. Ideal for level monitoring of sump, MBR, GSR, ESR. Totally maintenance free solution. Available from 5 meters to 25 meters range.

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Ultrasonic level transmitter up to 0-5 meter non-contact type measurement. 100% maintenance free solution, no wear & tear, contacts for pump control with programming facility.

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Ultrasonic level transmitter up to 0-25 meter non-contact type measurement. 100% maintenance free solution, no wear & tear relay contacts for pump control with programming facility.

A * Baylan Water Meters * Digimech Water Meters * Floredo * Jalsonic Ultrasonic Inline Flow Meter And Water Meter * Picosonic * Picosonic P Ultrasonic Portable Flow Meter * Products * Rudra Hybrid Data Communicator * Smart * Smartcost * Swing * Water Meter With Pulse Output * Wphx * 1 Dilips * 1 Dilip 1