Products & Services

20 Steam * Acid Jointing Sheet * Asbestos Free Speciality Performance Packings * Asbestos Jointing Sheets * Asbestos Ropes * C. A. F. Jointing Sheets * Ceramic Blankets * Ceramic Ropes * Ceramic Wools * Champion Ptfe Flex O Seal Universal Joint Gasket * Champion Style A. F110 Steam * Compressed Asbestos Fibre Jointing Sheets And Gaskets * Duralon Gland Packing (Aramid Ptfe Yarn Combination) * Fiber Glass Ropes * Fiber Glass Sheets * Fibre Jointing Sheets * Flange Gasketing Material * Flurocarb Packing (High Tensile P. T. F. E Graphite) * Gasket Sheet Compressed Non Asbestos * Gland Packing And Seals * Grafosuper (Graphite Filament Packing) * Graphite Packing * Graphite Self Sealing Ring High Pressure * Heat Insulation * Heat Resisting Gasket Sheet * Home * Hydraulic Packing * Hydraulic Packings * Jointing Sheets * Kombiflon Packing (Ptfe Graphite With Aramid) * Listing Tapes * Lubricated And Graphited Synthetic Packing * Mechanical Gland Packing * Metalic Yarn * Metallic Ceramic Kiln Seal Rope (With Metal Wire) * Non Asbestos Compressed Gasket Jointing Sheets * Non Asbestos Fibre Jointing Sheets * Non Asbestos Gasket Fibre Sheet * Non Asbestos Gasket Sheet * Non Asbestos Gasket Synthetic Sheet * Non Asbestos Gland Packings * Non Asbestos Jointing Sheet * Non Asbestos Jointing Sheets * Non Asbestos Ropes * Non Asbestos Textiles * Non Metalic Yarn * Pre Cut Pure Graphite Gasket * Ptfe Thread Seal Tapes * Ptfe Universal Rope * Pure Graphite Packing Ring * Spiral Wound Metallic Gasket * Spiral Wound Metallic Gaskets * Stern Flon Marine Packing * Style 374 * Teflon Sealing Products * Ultraflon Packing (Pure Ptfe Packing Lubricated) * Universal Metallic * Frp (Fibre Jointing Sheets) * Fiber Glass Rope
