Welcome to C. Abhaykumar & Co.
C. Abhaykumar & Co. was incorporated in 1971 as importers for filter Papers, Silica ware and others various instruments. Slowly the company started marketing indigenous products to provide total laboratory solution. Subsequently the company ventured in stocking and selling of imported Analytical Instruments and has been a prime company in the laboratory & scientific field having 40 years of experience. The company has excellent reputation in the field of scientific instruments with backing of strong sales & after sales service which form the key forte. C.Ahaykumar & co provides Installation, Demonstration by qualified engineers at negligible extra charges. All instruments are covered under one year Warranty. The name C.Abhaykumar & Co. is synonymous with laboratory / scientific instruments.
Products & Services
Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.