An innovative method of packing tea
How do you rate a good tea? Very good taste, very good flavor or aroma, good strength, pleasant color for the decoction and the like. The plant lipids present in the tea contribute these properties. So by proper packaging these plant lipids are preserved as well as avoid entry of other degrading components to tea. The flavor or the aroma is due to the volatile content in the tea, which will escape, very fast if not properly preserved. So there should be minimum air in the package. Humidity is present in the atmospheric air and that will be absorbed by tea. The increase in humidity will accelerate fungal and bacterial growth. This in turn may change the taste of tea. Some enzymes produced by fungus or bacteria can be even toxic. So if the tea is not properly packaged it will be spoiled very fast. Prominent brands of the world have identified this and they have brought out their premium brands tea vacuum packed. Now it is the most suited time to offer customers the best of your products.