Diamond And C.B.N Honning Sticks
Diamond & CBN Honning Sticks with their economically longer life. have contributed in a big way measure to their rapid development in usage. Diamond/CBN honning has proved in particular suitable means of honning mass - production in cast - iron parts, steel components, like gear bores, connecting rod etc, which major application in the transport industry.
Materials successfully honed with Diamond and CBN now include tungsten carbide, hardened steel, non-ferrous metals and glass. Diamond/CBN honing is not restricted merely to the finishing of cylindrical bores. It may also be used to advantage for finishing conical bores. Infact, almost all types of materials may be honed to obtain optimum surface finish, high tolerances and high removal rates. The noise level of a CBN hone is far less when compared with conventional abrasives hone.