Aluminum Wire Rod Rolling Mill
We provide turnkey installation for producing aluminum wire rod through con-tinuously casting and rolling route . Aluminum wire rod rolling mill is available for different wire rod diameter and with capacity ranging from as low as 300 tons per month to 2000 tons per month . Different equipments used for the manufacture of aluminum and alloy wire rod are -
Suitable to produce EC/CG/Alloy wire rod of 6 mm to 12 mm dia @ 1 to 5 MT/hr. The construction shall be all steel heavy duty fabricated struc-ture with casting mold of 1200 to 1800 mm dia. The machine shall be provided with internal and external cooling system. A suitable drive along with reduction gear box is connected to the casting wheel. An ad-justable Idealer Wheel system with belt tensioning device is fitted on casting wheel. Pneumatic belt press roll system presses the belt on cast-ing wheel. Inner and outer water spray jacket shall be made out of SS 304 material. An internal spray system shall be divided in to compart-ments having individual valve for regulation of flow of water. An outer spray jacket shall be divided in to different compartments having indi-vidual valve for flow control of water. The speed of the casting machine shall be variable between .5 to 4 RPM. The casting machine shall be pro-vided with horizontal pouring system with metal flow control attachment. The casting machine shall be able to deliver metallurgical sound cast bar up to 5 tons per hour for EC grade material and @ 4 tons per hour for 6201 grade alloy material.