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Self Priming Centrifugal Mud And Sewage Pump

 SPM is a signle stage, Horizontal, Centrifugal, Self Priming, End suction Coupled pump.Automatic and quick self priming, no foot valve required. No priming of suction pipe line. Sturdy construction, and simple design. 
       Minimum maitenance required. Non closing and handles soilds up to 17mm.

Ball Valve * Barrel Pump * Butterfly Valve * Centrifugal Chemical Process Pumps (Type Pcf) * Centrifugal Chemical Process Pumps (Type Scp) * Diaphragm Valve * Foot Valve * Helical Rotor Pump * Non Return Valve * P. P. Monoblock Pumps * Pinch Valve * Piston Valve * Polypropylene Chemical Process Pumps * Products * Rotary Gear Pumps * S. S. Monoblock Pumps * Self Priming Centrifugal Mud And Sewage Pump * Mechanical Seals * Barrel Pumps * Self Priming Pumps * Vertical Glandless Pumps * Helical Rotor Pumps * Axial Flow Pumps * Diaphragm Pump * Fluoro Polymer Pumps * Metallic Pumps * Pp Pumps