Products & Services

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Ced Accessories

Circular Anode Membrane Cells

We Supply Amfor flushable anode Cell used in electro coating (ED) paint system with most types of paint. It serves as the opposition electrode and simultaneously removes solubilizer (usually a common organic acid) from the paint to maintain chemical balance. Anode cell’s  anolyte injection systems distribute the anolyte evenly across the anodes in anocel box and semi-circular. And the delivery system in Anocel tubular cells increases dirt and oxygen removal by a minimum factor of three over conventional designs.


Safe and Esay Handing
Hard to Damage Design
Low Electrical Resistance
Quick and Easy Inspection Procedure
Maintenance Friendly

Anolyte Circulation Systems:

Pre-engineered and factory assembled package systems for circulating anolyte through the Cells (each Cell requires 2 to 3.6 lpm) Includes:

  • Tanks304 SS  or Polypropylene tanks from 120  to 300 Litres.
  • Pump: Sealless Magnetic Drive Polypropylene or CPVC pumps from 40 to 280 lpm with safety features.
  • Conductivity monitor/controller and solenoid valve for deionized water addition.
  • Ultraviolet Rays Bacterial disinfection system prior to discharge. 
  • PN 16 U - PVC anolyte supply piping with flow control valve, check valve, bypass, and SS pressure gauge.
  • Drain valve, low level switch, and anolyte return filter 
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Plating Bath Metal Recovery

Chromic Acid Bath Purification

Chromic acid baths are used in metal working plants for plating and passivation of metal surfaces. A typical spent chromium plating bath contains about 300 g/L of chrmic acid and 25 g/L of Cu+2, Fe+3 and Cr+3 cause of the the dissolution of a small amount of the metal piece being plated results in high current densities, decreased bright range,increased tendency to burn, rough and pitted deposits. Even chromic baths used for aluminum are also can be treated cause they are having concentration  of 100 g CrO3/L and 10 g Al2O3/L. This baths treated with ion exchange systems will have longer running life results in overall economic of the plant.

Chromic Acid Rinse Water Recycle

These rinse water contain about 20 to 200 ppm of chromates with metal impurities(Cu+2, Fe+3 and Cr+3) at 5 to 50 ppm levels. This chromic is recovered with ion exchange system to get it back to the main plating bath while effluents are converted into clean demineralized water which will be taken back to the  rinsing tank.

Nickel & Copper Recovery 

In all plating shops where Ni & Cu plating is carried out, these is wasted in terms of rinse and waste water. The concentration of these metals can be found in the ppm level to gms level for different industries in generally acidic forms. This are treated to take the metal back to the main plating bath. 

Precious Metal Recovery

The high price of noble or precious metals such as gold, platinum and silver makes a high dent to the economic of such plants. Systems are very small and compact in design with high efficiency to reduce the leakage to ppt levels. The matal is then recoverd by incineration in powder form.

Spent Pickling Bath Purification

The hydrochloric acid used for the pickling process gets contaminated with Fe2+ and Zn2+ .At these chloride concentrations Zn2+ forms anionic complexe, ZnCl4. Iron(Fe2+) forms such complexes but at very high HCl concentrations (>9N) while Fe3+ forms such complexes at 1.5 N HCl. The  purification process will be double benefit since it produces ferric chloride which can be used for waste water treatment and HCl is recovered for bath.

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Waste Water Treatment Plants

Equalization & Neutralization 

The addition of an EQ tank results in a steady, even, and consistent flow of wastewater throughout the system and effluent generally acidic are neutralized with caustic.

Precipitation & Coagulation

The ionic metals are converted to an insoluble form (particle) by the chemical reaction between the soluble metal compounds and the precipitating reagent.


The wastewater with it’s precipitated pin floc is introduced to the flash mix zone where a polymer flocculent is added.

Clarifier, Inclined Plate:

The flocculated wastewater is introduced into the clarifier where the settling particles land on the inclined plates and are directed downward and into the sludge chamber. 

Filter Press

The thickened clarifier sludge is allowed to accumulate sufficiently to provide a full batch for the Filter Press.  The filter press is pumped full of the sludge until it is full.

Sand/Carbon Filter

The water to be discharged finallly goes thru these filters which makes final effluent colorless, odourless, free from any organics with very low amount of suspended solids.

Typical industries include:

  • Electroplating shops, captive or independent
  • Automotive suppliers, trucks, motorcycles etc – Metal to rubber suspension and body parts
  • Jewelry mfg
  • Machine tool mfg.
  • Metal forming such as stamped metal parts that require plating of various types. 
  • Building materials, cadmium plated nuts, bolts etc.  .
  • Aerospace
  • Wire forming - nails, screws etc
  • Appliance makers
  • Electronics – gold and silver plating of electrical connectors etc.
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Cartridge Bag Filtration

A device made of housing and a removable cartridge (element) for fluid filtration. Elements can be cleanable and reusable or disposable.

Cartridges is a medium due to which filtration happens & Cartridge Filter Housing is a structure in which cartridge gets placed. Both Comes in different types. 

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Sand Carbon Filtration

Sand filtration is one of the oldest wastewater treatment technologies known. If properly designed, constructed, operated and maintained, a sand filter produces a very high quality effluent. Sand filters are beds of granular material, or sand, drained from underneath so that pretreated water and wastewater can be treated, collected and distributed to the land application system. 

Carbon filters uses Granular activated charcoal, is made from raw materials (such as coconut shells or coal) that are high in carbon. Heat is used to increase (activate) the surface area of the carbon; this is why these filters are sometimes referred to as “charcoal” filters.

The activated carbon removes Colours, Bad Odours, Dissolved Organic impurities and other chemicals that are dissolved in water passing through a filter containing GAC by trapping the chemical in the GAC. However, other chemicals, like sodium or nitrate, are not attracted to the carbon and are not removed. Eventually, the ability of the GAC to bind and remove chemicals is used up and new, or regenerated, GAC is needed.

The Sand and Carbon Filters are used individually or in combinations for below applications:

  • Pretreatment of R.O./D.M./U.F./Softener
  • Posttreatment of Waste Water before Discharge
  • Municipal Water Filtration
  • Industrial Water Purification
  • Chemical Purification
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Ced Ultra Filters

System Includes

  1. Membranes : 4” & 8” High Flow PVDF
  2. Membrane Housings: High Grade PVC/ SS
  3. Automation :Control Panel with/without PLC
  4. Pumping: Feed/Cleaning Pressure Pumps
  5. CIP : ‘Cleaning In Place’ PP Tank for Membrane
  6. Filtration: Bag Filters – S.S./PP Fabricated
  7. Monitors: Pressure Monitors – Glycerin Filled
  8. Flow Monitors - Digital & Rotameter
  9. Switches: Pressure Switches
  10. Level Switches
  11. Piping: Std PVC/ PVC-U - +George Fischer+ or Equivalent
  12. Stainless Steel - Fabricated.
  13. Frame : S.S./ M.S. Powder Coated 


System Construction

       We designs systems to produce 10 lpm (2.5 gpm) +/- 10% from each  8” (8040) UF element. The system is manufactured to provide reliable, steady long-term performance, the customer avoids the frustration of unexpected system performance after start-up. Our systems are robust — an element can be taken off line for cleaning, replacement, or “rest” without placing stress on the remaining elements.

Clean In Place (CIP) System

Our CIP has superior design features that make for reliable performance. A Flush and Drain valve is part of the clean return piping, allowing heavier paint solids to flow back to the ED tank and not into the CIP clean tank, thus saving paint solids. A low level switch installed inside the CIP tank will stop the pump when the tank’s liquid level is below minimum tank depth to protect the pump from cavitations. The CIP is included with a solenoid valve also for DI water flow. UF membranes are also protected by a filter bag vessel installed in the CIP piping that removes dirt from the cleaning solution before it flows back into the UF Elements.

Bag Filters 

Our systems include individual bag filters (one filter for each Element),
each with its own isolation valve(s). This is a standard feature with 2 membrane system also. So that bag filters can be serviced without interrupting paint flow to any Element. The use of several bag filters provides a duplex system where filtered paint is always being sent to the UF Elements.


The sturdy powder-coated frame is constructed to support the piping and UF Housings during shipment and operation at your plant.

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Electrophoretic Ultra Filters

Description / Specification of Electrophoretic Ultra Filters

We are involved in offering a wide range of Electrophoretic Ultra Filters to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Electrophoretic Ultra Filters. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

  1. Sturdy design
  2. Highly durable
  3. Application specific design 
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Reverse Osmosis

3 Separation Systems is water treatment plant manufacturing organization dedicated to offer customers the superior commercial, industrial and medical reverse osmosis systems. Our goal is to provide the most advanced system with proven components, better engineered and tailor made for each & individual clients. Our experience enables us to manufacture major items in-house to ensure system reliability and a proven product you can trust. 


System Includes

  • 4” & 8” Composite Polymer High Flow Membranes
  • Pretreatment – Sand/Carbon/Softener*
  • Posttreatment – Demineralization/EDI
  • Control Panel with PLC
  • Feed & High Pressure Pumps
  • Cartridge/ Bag Filters
  • Pressure Monitors
  • Flow Monitors
  • Feed/ Booster Pumps
  • Chemical Dosing Pumps
  • Pressure Switches
  • Conductivity/Level Controller
  • S.S./ M.S. Powder Coated Frame
  • Std PVC/ PVC-U/ S.S. Piping


  • Configuration: Spiral Wound Membranes
  • Operating Process: Single Stage/Recycling/Openflow
  • Recovery : Upto 60%
  • Operating Temperature : < 40 C                                                                   
  • Operating Pressure: 8 – 15 Bar
  • Flow Rate: Upto 25 M3/Hr
  • Product Turbidity: ≤ 0.1 NTU
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Each plant for the production of demineralized water is custom made whether it is 100 lph or 15M3/Hr. Every plant idesigned is based on the following parameters.

  • Raw Water Analysis
  • Quality of Product Water
  • Production of DM water per hour
  • Regeneration period
  • Automation & Controls

All systems are pretested, validated, compact and ready to use.

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Demineralizerz is a two vessel system with separate cation and anion exchange vessel. It produces ultra pure water free from minerals. In this, all the cations and anions are converted to their respective acids. Finally the water is left with only hydrogen and hydroxyl ions that combine to form pure water.

  • The strong base demineralizer is a two-vessel system
  • First, water is passed through a strong acid cation exchange vessel
  • In this vessel, the ionizable salts in the water are converted to their respective acids
  • Then the water is passed through strong base anion exchange vessel
  • The negative radicals of the acids are converted to hydroxyl (OH-) ions in this vessel
  • Finally the output water contains only hydrogen (H+) and hydroxyl (OH-) ions that combine to form pure water
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Demineralization Plants

Each plant for the production of demineralized water is custom made whether it is 100 lph or 15 m3/hr.Demineralization Plant is designed with the following parameters.

  • Raw water analysis
  • Quality of product water
  • Production of dm water per hour
  • Regeneration period
  • Automation & controls

System includes:

  • Frp/msrl/ssrl pressure vessels
  • Multi port valve/ball valve piping
  • Ion exchange resins
  • Sand/gravel/carbon
  • Control panel with plc
  • Pressure monitors
  • Feed/ booster pump
  • Level controller
  • Batch controller
  • S. S. / m. S. Powder coated frame
  • Regenerate drums
  • Std pvc/ pvc-u/ . S. Piping


  • Non regenerative type
  • Continuous high quality water
  • Compact design
  • Low equipment cost
  • Negligible labor charges
  • Lower to medium productions

Mixed bed:

  • Regenerative type
  • Low cost for production per ltr of water
  • High equipment cost
  • Fully automatize process
  • Medium to higher productions

Pressure vessels:

FRP - fiber reinforced plastic – pentair international ltd, SSRL& MSRL - stainless steel & mild steel rubber lining are fabricated in-house with advanced manufacturing processes gives low maintenance, higher servicing life with space savings.

Lon Exchange Resin:

As a part of the best industry practice we only use mono dispersion resins having size distribution of 0. 6 mm through. Results in high quality, longer generation periods, low channeling with high pressure and shock resistivity and longer changing periods.

Multiport valves:

Instead of conventional six way valve type pattern we use new generation multiplexor valves (for small to medium systems) which not only reduces labor requirement but also saves space, reduces maintainer time during servicing and importantly very economical also.

Type: manual multiplier valves, automatic multiplier valves


PVC/ PVC-u pipes and fittings are of George Fischer, Switzerland or any standard Indian make. S. S. Piping are custom made at our fabrication shop with elector polishing which makes it suitable for all purposes including pharma & electronic industry.

Automation & controls:

We offer following automation as part of the standard package. Even other can also be included upon customer request.

  • Conductivity controls
  • Level controls (raw water & product water tank)
  • Auto regeneration
  • Batch process auto cut offs
  • PLC based sync with other plants
  • Pressure controls
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Ion Exchange Dm Plant

High Purity Demineralized Water

Two Column Principle Cation - Anion

Co-Current & Counter Current Systems

Fully Automatic & Manual Units

Circulation loop to unwanted regeneration

Feed Water Cartridge or Bag Filtration

Availability for Low to High Consumption

Skid Mounted, Compact Design

Continous Quality Monitoring

Isolated or In-Built Regeneration Tank Skid



Continous Conductivity Monitoring

Flow thru PH Monitoring

Hourly Production Flow Meters

Sampling before & after each column

Colour Changing Indicator Resin Optional

Quality Limits with Alarm Functions

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Two Bed Dm Plant


Composite Ion Exchange Vessels

High Productive Grade Resins

Imported Multiport Valves

Industrial UPVC Pipes, Fittings & Valves

UPVC/ MSRL Ejectors

Conductivity & Other Meters

Regeneration Stations

Stainless Steel 316/ 304 Pumps

Stainless Steel Frame

Proven Electronic Components

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Automatic Demineralization Unit

Description / Specification of Automatic Demineralization Unit

We are involved in offering a wide range of Automatic Demineralization Unit to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Automatic Demineralization Unit. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Manual Demineralization Plant

Description / Specification of Manual Demineralization Plant

We are involved in offering a wide range of Manual Demineralization Plant to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Manual Demineralization Plant. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Manual D.M Plant

Description / Specification of Manual D.M Plant

We are involved in offering a wide range of Manual D.M Plant to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Manual D.M Plant. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Water Softeners

We are an able manufacturers and exporters of a wide range of high quality Water Softening System.Engineered in accordance to ion based technology these products are capable of removing calcium and magnesium ions from water and are available with multiports. These products are available in different shapes, sizes and are built up of different materials like MS, HDPE and FRP materials and are automated, semi-automated and manually operated machines. 

  • Apartments/Condominiums
  • Boiler Feedwater
  • Car Washes
  • Food Processing Plants
  • Hospitals
  • Laundries
  • Manufacturing Plants
  • Office Complexes
  • Restaurants


  • High efficient regeneration
  • Lesser power consumption
  • Higher quantity of soft water per regeneration
  • Consistently lesser residual hardness in the water
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Semi Automatic Water Softening System

Automatic Water Softening plant is used to remove scale forming salts and ions. Softening Plant based on ion exchange process. The hard water passes through the caution resin in the exchange tank, the calcium and magnesium in water will be exchanged, absorb by sodium in the resin to remove calcium, magnesium, carbonate hardness, thus softening water.

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Water Softening Plant

Hardness of water is parameter represents to the total concentration of calcium and magnesium ions .And its best solution Water Softening Plant.

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Automatic Water Softners

We are design and manufactured of Automatic Water Softening Plant

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Industrial Water Softening System

Industrial Water Softeners is catering to wide range of industrial requirements with high quality.

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Automatic Industrial Water Softening Plant

Automatic Industrial Water Softening Plant works on to remove hardness of water like Calcium and Magnesium formation of the scale which in turn results into clogging of pipelines and fixtures, cooling tower fines; solar heater coils.

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Waste Water Treatment Systems

Equalization & Neutralization :

The addition of an EQ tank results in a steady, even, and consistent flow of waste water throughout the system and effluent generally acidic are neutralized with caustic.

Precipitation & Coagulation:

The ionic metals are converted to an insoluble form (particle) by the chemical reaction between the soluble metal compounds and the precipitating reagent.


The waste water with it’s precipitated pin floc is introduced to the flash mix zone where a polymer flocculation is added.

Clarifies, Inclined Plate:

The flocculation waste water is introduced into the clarifies where the settling particles land on the inclined plates and are directed downward and into the sludge chamber.

Filter Press:

The thickened clarifies sludge is allowed to accumulate sufficiently to provide a full batch for the Filter Press. The filter press is pumped full of the sludge until it is full.

Sand/Carbon Filter:

The water to be discharged finally goes thru these filters which makes final effluent colorless, odorless, free from any organics with very low amount of suspended solids.

Typical industries include:

  • Electroplating shops, captive or independent
  • Automotive suppliers, trucks, motorcycles etc – Metal to rubber suspension and body parts
  • Jewelry mfg
  • Machine tool mfg.
  • Metal forming such as stamped metal parts that require plating of various types.
  • Building materials, cadmium plated nuts, bolts etc. .
  • Aerospace
  • Wire forming - nails, screws etc
  • Appliance makers
  • Electronics – gold and silver plating of electrical connectors etc.

Packaged Systems

3 Separation Systems has a great deal of experience and technical knowledge in designing custom packaged systems for your waste water treatment needs. We dedicate a great deal of time and effort to ensuring that the system we recommend will be a great fit for your application, and will be cost effective as well.

  • Fully engineered skid mounted treatment systems are an excellent choice for fully automatic, reliable waste water treatment in a compact, easy to install and use package.
  • Systems can be configured for a wide variety of waste water conditions, making them the most versatile systems available.
  • Treatment systems come complete with all the components integrated and skid mounted to make a complete waste water treatment system. The integral chemical mixing and separation chambers, automatic pH adjusting system, chamber mixers, chemical pumps, sludge de watering, and system control panel are included.

Chemical Reaction Systems:

We manufactures following reaction systems:

  • PH adjustment,
  • PH neutralization,
  • Multi stage chemical reaction systems
  • Flash mix and flocculation systems

Advanced Wastewater Treatment Solutions:

  • Ion Exchange
  • Disinfection
  • Activated Carbon
  • Filtration
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Commercial Wastewater Treatment Systems

Our commercial wastewater treatment systems are designed to the individual needs of our clients. This may include the removal of all principle environmental contaminants including BOD5, suspended solids, nitrogen and phosphorous. All systems employ either chlorination and/or UV disinfection for the destruction of pathogens.

Alarm systems can be installed into a system to immediately notify the owner of system faults. These can be linked to automatic paging systems where necessary.

Wastewater treatment plants can be designed for stand alone operation or constructed as part of an ongoing development. Our modular products allow for future expansion and ensure that capital is not wasted during initial development phases.

Further to this we can build additional unit processes for upgrading sewage treatment plants to provide improved effluent quality. This can include algae decomposition, anoxic zones and suspended solids removal.

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Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems

The 3 Separation Wastewater Treatment System is the safest, most reliable, cost effective and environmentally friendly approved system.

An effective environmentally friendly wastewater treatment process that is safe, with clean usable recycled wastewater all the time. It has a superior treatment process working for you to safeguard your family’s health.

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Electrophoretic Ultrafilter Unit

Electrophoretic Ultrafilters are single stage membrane based units to be use for pigment/ Dye/ Clear base Polyeurathene/ Acrylic Resin solutions most commonly found in coating applications. The units manufactured matches all the very basic commercial needs of the advance electroplaters with minimal spacing & very low maintainance for the longer service life to reap the maximum efficiency to well check the unnecessary spending on the plant overall running.


The very basic function of the Ultrafilter in the Electrophoretic laquer bath is to remove the unwanted impurities generated in the bath during coating process. The basic assembly comprises a pump, membrane & an ion exchange cartridge to use the fresh permeate back into the phoretic bath.

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Electrophoretic Dye Laquer Ultrafiltration Unit


Skid Mounted, Compact Design

Highly reliable permeate quality

Forward & Reverse Flow Design

Batch & Continous Operation

Choice of UPVC/ SS Systems

Choice of Cartridge/ Bag Filtration

Pump Suction Y-Strainer

Cleaning Station Integration


SpiraFlux-ED Brand Membranes

Industrial SS/ UPVC Pipes, Fittings & Valves

Permeate Flowmeters/ Pressure Guages

PN16 Pipe, Fittings & Ball Valves

Single Stage/ Multi Stage Steel Pumps

Ion Exchanger Assembly

Powder Coated Heavy Frames

PVC Thunder Hose

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Electrophoretic Laquer Ultrafilter Unit

Description / Specification of Electrophoretic Laquer Ultrafilter Unit

We are involved in offering a wide range of Electrophoretic Laquer Ultrafilter Unit to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Electrophoretic Laquer Ultrafilter Unit. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Electrophoretic Membranes


Electrocoating/ electrophoretic ultra filtration membranes

TRIFLUX provides complete range of Spiral Wound Electrocoating/ Electophoretic membranes for use in different kind of paints. The quality meets the stringent criteria of the electrocoating industry & serves them with high flow & longer life.Module Sizes:

2520, 4020, 4040, 6040, 7640, 8040


· Cathodic/ Anodic Paints

· PVA Recovery

· Waste Water Recycle

· Alakaline Cleaner Recovery


· Tap/ PE/ FRP Wrap

· Neutral Charge Membrane

· Fouling & Contamination Resistant

· Standard/ Tailored Dimensions

· Lab/ Commercial Modules

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Electrocoating Membranes


TRIFLUX provides complete range of Spiral Wound Electrocoating/ Electophoretic membranes for use in different kind of paints. The quality meets the stringent criteria of the electrocoating industry & serves them with high flow & longer life.APPLICATIONS

· Cathodic/ Anodic Paints

· PVA Recovery

· Waste Water Recycle

· Alakaline Cleaner Recovery


· Tap/ PE/ FRP Wrap

· Neutral Charge Membrane

· Fouling & Contamination Resistant

· Standard/ Tailored Dimensions

· Lab/ Commercial Modules

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Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier

Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier find wide application in many commercial establishments and industries for various applications. These RO plants is the cost effective solution for producing high quality demineralized water with low water rejection rate. All these reverse osmosis plants are available in varieties of construction like FRP, Stainless steel and MSRL. Extensively used in the food and beverage industry, pharmaceutical and electronics industries, these RO plants work on cross flow filtration method.

The process of water purification is carried out in following steps:

The feed water contains suspended particles and dissolved matter.

  • The water is filtered through sand filtration
  • After the filtration, the water is then passed through activated carbon beds for the removal of foul odor, color and carbon
  • Hard water is softened
  • Addition of scale inhibitor
  • Finally the water is passed through cartridge filters for removal of left our suspended particles

Technical specifications

  • Flow Range: 50 LPH to 50,000 LPH
  • Material of Construction: FRP / Stainless Steel / M.S.R.L
  • Operation: Semi – automatic / Fully automatic
  • Capacity: 100 LPH to 100 M3
  • Output TDS: 400 TDS to 45,000 TDS
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Commercial Reverse Osmosis Plant

Description / Specification of Commercial Reverse Osmosis Plant

We are involved in offering a wide range of Commercial Reverse Osmosis Plant to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Commercial Reverse Osmosis Plant. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Reverse Osmosis Plant

Industrial Reverse Osmosis Plant is best suited for small and large scale industries. This type of reverse osmosis plant can be configured easily as per the individual requirements of output water. It produces high-quality dematerialized water for various industrial applications. A systematic programme is integrated in the plant for studying the chemistry of water. Depending upon the contamination level of water, the RO plant itself selects the most suitable membrane configuration to provide a plant which gives a low water-rejection rate.


  • The input stream water is first passed through Pressure sand filter Unit
  • Removal of suspended matters and turbidity from water
  • Filtered water is then passed through activated carbon filter
  • Color, odor, chlorine, oil& grease get removed from raw water
  • For removing micron sized particle, the water is then passed through micron cartridge filter
  • The purified water is then stored in a storage tank with disinfection units

Technical specifications

  • 50 to 2000 Liter per Hour capacity
  • Output TDS: 10-50 ppm (input water with TDS levels under 600 ppm)
  • Pressure: 20 psi – 60 psi
  • Free Chlorine: <.1 ppm
  • Temperature: 35°F - 85°F
  • PH: 5.8 – 10
  • Silt Density Index: 5 (max)
  • Electrical: 1/ 3 phase, 220-230/440Volts AC supply
  • Turbidity: 1 NTU (max)
  • Percentage ionic rejection >96%
  • Percent recovery 50-75%
  • Effluent and wastewater purification
  • Food processing industry
  • Car washing
  • Hydrogen production
  • Fruit syrup production
  • Beverage industries
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Reverse Osmosis Plants

Description / Specification of Reverse Osmosis Plants

We are involved in offering a wide range of Reverse Osmosis Plants to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Reverse Osmosis Plants. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Water Treatment System

3 Separation Systems is water treatment plant manufacturing organization dedicated to offer customers the superior commercial, industrial and medical Water Treatment System. Our goal is to provide the most advanced system with proven components, better engineered and tailor made for each & individual clients. Our experience enables us to manufacture major items in-house to ensure system reliability and a proven product you can trust.

System Includes:

  • 4” & 8” Composite Polymer High Flow Membranes
  • Pretreatment – Sand/Carbon/Softener*
  • Post treatment – Mineralization/EDI
  • Control Panel with PLC
  • Feed & High Pressure Pumps
  • Cartridge/ Bag Filters
  • Pressure Monitors
  • Flow Monitors
  • Feed/ Booster Pumps
  • Chemical Dosing Pumps
  • Pressure Switches
  • Conductivity/Level Controller
  • S.S / M.S. Powder Coated Frame
  • Std PVC / PVC-U / S.S. Piping

Operating Specification:

  • Configuration: Spiral Wound Membranes
  • Operating Process: Single Stage/Recycling/Open flow
  • Recovery : Upto 60%
  • Operating Temperature : < 40 C                                     
  • Operating Pressure: 8 – 15 Bar
  • Flow Rate: Upto 25 M3/Hr
  • Product Turbidity: ≤ 0.1 NTU


High Quality Water:

Our reverse osmosis not only rejects most organics and salts from water but residual synthetic detergents, bacteria, viruses and suspended microscopic particles.

Components :

Each piece of component selected for use in RO system goes thru stringent quality control while manufactured to ensure minimum maintenance during operation. To mention, we only work with the best in the industry to produce only the systems with highest return, higher stability & longer servicing period are the key to our continuous success.

Construction :

The design are the most compact with great aesthetics backed by the fact of minimum labour requirement during maintenance. Our U-PVC or SS both systems are constructed with ease of mantle and dismantle the whole plant combine with simple piping is an added advantage.


Our system comes with all preoccupied monitors, instrumentation, controllers keeping in mind each part of plant to prevent any kind of deterioration of the filter, membranes and of mechanical and electrical systems with minimum shutdown time for regular maintenance priod.


We use Composite Polymer Based Serial Wound with FRP taped Membranes for the superior flow, High Servicing life with stringent quality constraints. Commonly used membranes includes :

  • FILMTEC, Dow, USA,

Membrane Housings:

FRP - Fiber Reinforced Plastic & Stainless Steel grade housings. SS housings are manufactured In-House with sophisticated manufacturing process while for FRP we use CODE LINE, Pentair or Equivalent Standard brands.

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Water Softener

Every household and every factory uses water, and none of it is pure. One class of impurity that is of special interest is "hardness". This refers to the presence of dissolved ions, mainly of calcium Ca2+ and magnesium Mg2+which are acquired through contact with rocks and sediments in the environment. The positive electrical charges of these ions are balanced by the presence of anions (negative ions), of which bicarbonate HCO3– and carbonate CO32– are most important. These ions have their origins in limestone sediments and also from carbon dioxide which is present in all waters exposed to the atmosphere and especially in groundwater. 
These "hardness ions" cause two major kinds of problems. First, the metal cations react with soaps, causing them to form an unsightly precipitate— the familiar "bathtub ring". More seriously, the calcium and magnesium carbonates tend to precipitate out as adherent solids on the surfaces of pipes and especially on the hot heat exchanger surfaces of boilers. The resulting scale buildup can impede water flow in pipes. In boilers, the deposits act as thermal insulation that impedes the flow of heat into the water; this not only reduces heating efficiency, but allows the metal to overheat, which in pressurized systems can lead to catastrophic failure.
Types of water hardness:
Temporary hardness:
This refers to hardness whose effects can be removed by boiling the water in an open container. Such waters have usually percolated though limestone formations and contain bicarbonate HCO3– along with small amounts of carbonate CO32– as the principal negative ions. Boiling the water promotes the reaction

2 HCO3– → CO32– + CO2

by driving off the carbon dioxide gas. The CO32– reacts with Ca2+ or Mg2+ ions, to form insoluble calcium and magnesium carbonates which precipitate out. By tying up the metal ions in this way, the amounts available to form soap scum are greatly reduced.

Permanent Hardness:
Waters that contain calcium and magnesium cannot be re mediated by boiling, and are said to be "permanently" hard. The only practical treatment is to remove all the ions, normally by the method described below.

Conventional Water Softening:
Most conventional water-softening devices depend on a process known as ion-exchange in which "hardness" ions trade places with sodium and chloride ions that are loosely bound to an ion-exchange resin or a zeolite(many zeo lite minerals occur in nature, but specialized ones are often made artificially.)

The illustration depicts a negatively-charged zeolite to which [positive] sodium ions are attached. Calcium or magnesium ions in the water displace sodium ions, which are released into the water. In a similar way, positively-charged zeolites bind negatively-charged chloride ions (Cl–), which get displaced by bicarbonate ions in the water. As the zeolites become converted to their Ca2+ and HCO3– forms they gradually lose their effectiveness and must be regenerated. This is accomplished by passing a concentrated brine solution though them, causing the above reaction to be reversed. Herein lies one of the drawbacks of this process: most of the salt employed in the regeneration process gets flushed out of the system and and is usually released into the soil or drainage system— something that can have damaging consequences to the environment, especially in arid regions. For this reason, many jurisdictions prohibit such release, and require users to dispose of the spent brine at an approved site or to use a commercial service company.  

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Filter Bag Housings

We are offering Filter Bag Housings. These products are extensively used for filtering large volumes of high viscosity liquids. We have constructed as well as designed this bag as per the requirement. This bag is also designed in according to need.  Available in a wide variety of sizes and specifications, our range is in high demand in the market.

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Cartridge Filters

We are offering Cartridge Filters. We offer micron cartridge filter is specially manufactured for adding extra clarity to the water that is already filtered. These are designed specifically for powder coating applications with all types of powder materials for superior performance. Further, these filters are precisely designed in manner that they can with stand high pressure conditions.

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Cartridge Housings

We are engaged in offering an extensive range of Cartridge Housings. The housing has a removable cartridge manifold to allow complete dismantling for down stream & easy cleaning of all contact fluids. Most filter housings are custom designed for unique application to meet a wide range of operating parameters with respect to flow, temperature, pressure and piping orientation.

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Filter Bags

We can custom design and fabricate a Filter Bags to meet your needs. These filter bags are manufactured using premium grade fabrics sourced from reliable vendors. These are manufactured using high grade raw material and selected media to ensure that the end product is safe, hygienic and conforms to international quality standards.

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Waste Water Treatment Plant

Our Waste water Treatment Plants are efficient to provide assessment of various effluent treatment plant and water management systems installed in the industries. These are maintained on the operation and maintenance of ETPs and CETPs, we also upgrade these services after proper Evaluation and selection.

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Demineralisation Plant

Owing to modern technology of manufacturing process, we offer a wide spectrum of demineralisation plant which is highly appreciated for its effective performance.The plant clean the polluted and infected water by killing the injurious microorganisms and bacteria.We offer sand filters which are available in manual as well as automatic configurations.

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Membrane Biological Reactor

  • It consist of biological reactor (bio reactor) with Suspended Biomass and Solids separated by Micro filtration membranes with nominal pore sizes ranging from 0.1 to 0.4 µm,are finding many applications in Waste water treatment.
  • This may be used with aerobic or anaerobic suspended growth bioreactors to separate treated wastewater from the active biomass.
  • The concept of the MBR system consists of utilizing a bioreactor and micro filtration as one unit process for waste water treatment thereby replacing, and in some cases supplementing, the solids separation function of the secondary clarification and effluent filtration.

The ability to eliminate secondary clarification and operate at higher MLSS concentrations provides the following advantages:

  • Higher volumetric loading rates and thus shorter reactor hydraulic retention times.
  • Longer SRTs resulting in less sludge production.
  • Operation at low dissolved oxygen concentrations with potential for simultaneous nitrification – denitrification in the long SRT designs.
  • High – Quality effluent in terms of low turbidity, bacteria, TSS, and BOD.
  • Less space required for the waste water treatment.
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Water Softener Plant

Water softener is a device or a substance, that remove or renders inactive and isolate minerals . This chemical softener is made using premium quality of raw materials and is widely demanded in the global markets. They can also be designed as per the required technical specifications and are easy to install. 

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Electrocoating Anode Cell Membrane Sheet


  • Electrocoating/ Electrophoretic Cathodic Anodic Systems
  • Metal Reclamation for Electroplating
  • Waste Water Treatment
  • Pure Water Generation for EDI Systems
  • Electrodialysis Units
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Electrocoating Anode Cell Sheet


  • Electrocoating/ Electrophoretic Cathodic Anodic Systems
  • Metal Reclamation for Electroplating
  • Waste Water Treatment
  • Pure Water Generation for EDI Systems
  • Electrodialysis Units
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Electrocoating Ultrafiltration Unit


  • Heavy Frames
  • SS/ PVC Membrane Housings
  • Individual Paint Supply/ Return Manifolds
  • Individual Permeate Manifolds
  • Drainage connections for Paint Manifolds
  • Spiral Membranes 
  • Permeate Flowmeters/ Pressure Guages
  • Pn16 Flanged Ball/ Butterfly Valves
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Anolyte Circulation System

3 Separation Systems supplies Anolyte Circulation Systems for use in integration with the Anode Cells for the maintenance
of the electrocoating Bath chemistry. The System is designed & developed with the inputs from the Membrane
manufacturers to provide the optimum performance of the membrane & coating bath with longer life.

  • Level Control                  : Ultrasonic/ SS Sensor Type
  • Holding Tank                  : Polypropylene/ Stainless Steel
  • Solenoid Valve               : Stainless Steel, 24 V DC/ 230 V AC
  • Conductivity Controller  :  0 -10000 µS/ Cm
  • Y-Strainer                      : UPVC/ Stainless Steel, 1800 Micron
  • Circulation Pump           : Stainless Steel, 230 V/ 415 V
  • Control Panel                 : PLC or
  • Capacities                      : 200 Ltrs / 400 Ltrs / 600 Ltrs / 800 Ltrs / 1000 Ltrs
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Ion Exchange Membranes


  • Electrocoating/ Electrophoretic Cathodic & Anodic Systems
  • Metal Reclamation for Electroplating
  • Waste Water Treatment
  • Pure Water Generation for EDI Systems
  • Electrodialysis Units
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Bag Filtration Solutions


  • Swing Bolt/Segment Clamping Top Cover
  • Top Flow/ Side Flow/ Bottom Flow Designs
  • SS304/ SS316 of Materials Range
  • Innovative On Sit Bag fit Design
  • Suitable for Different Bag Size & upto 12 No.s Bags
  • Cost Effective & Maintenance Free
  • Fastest Delivery
  • On-Site Installation Assist
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Demineralization Units


  • High Purity Demineralized Water
  •  Two Column Principle Cation - Anion
  • Co-Current & Counter Current Systems
  • Fully Automatic & Manual Units
  • Circulation loop to unwanted regeneration
  •  Feed Water Cartridge or Bag Filtration
  • Availability for Low to High Consumption
  • Skid Mounted, Compact Design
  • Continous Quality Monitoring
  • Isolated or In-Built Regeneration Tank Skid
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Mixed Bed Systems

Principle: The unit contains a mixture of cation & anion resin through which water passes from top to bottom allows
exchange of both types of ions from water to the resin thereby reducing the salt content & conductivity.
Regeneration: The regeneration takes place after cation & anion resins separation with Acid & Caustic lye & are air mixed for
water production.
Automation: The valves are pneumatic actuated with PLC Panel integrated with Conductivity controller to initiate the
regeneration & all other operations automatic. Choice between Volume, Conductivity or Timing selection is available
Competitive: A Mixed Bed unit is having high capacity for polishing of demineralized water, producing the high quality water
at a very low cost per litre of water for medium quantity of water consumption.

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M.B Polishers

No regeneration takes place results in the greater Convenience since
storage & handling of Acid and Caustic Flakes or lye is avoided. The unit
frame can be constructed individual or in combination with the two bed
demineralizaed water unit.

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Ion Exchange Cartridges

We supply Purolite ion exchange cartridges who are at the forefront in ion exchange resin technology and manufactures
several hundred varieties of resins. As a result, we have carefully selected the best performing product or combination of
products that allow us to optimize cartridge performance. The end result is that Purolite provides a family of products that
are engineered to meet the strictest quality requirements of today's most demanding applications.

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Reverse Osmosis System

3 Separation Systems is water treatment plant manufacturing organization dedicated to offer customers the superior
commercial, industrial and medical reverse osmosis systems. Our goal is to provide the most advanced system with proven
components, a better engineered and tailor made for each & individual client. Our experience enables us to manufacture
major items in-house to ensure system reliability and a proven product you can trust.

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Sand Or Carbon Filtration

Sand filtration is one of the oldest wastewater treatment technologies known. If properly designed, constructed, operated
and maintained, a sand filter produces a very high quality effluent. Sand filters are beds of granular material, or sand,
drained from underneath so that pretreated water and wastewater can be treated, collected and distributed to the land
application system.
Carbon filters uses Granular activated charcoal removes Colours, Bad Odours, Dissolved Organic impurities and other
chemicals that are dissolved in water passing through a filter containing GAC by trapping the chemical in the GAC. However,
other chemicals, like sodium or nitrate, are not attracted to the carbon and are not removed. Eventually, the ability of the
GAC to bind and remove chemicals is used up and new, or regenerated, GAC is needed.

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Cartridge Or Bag Filtration

A device made of housing and a removable cartridge
(element) for fluid filtration. Elements can be cleanable and
reusable or disposable.
Cartridges is a medium due to which filtration happens &
Cartridge Filter Housing is a structure in which cartridge
gets placed. Both Comes in different types.

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Softening Systems

When water contains a significant amount of calcium and
magnesium, it is called hard water. Hard water is known to clog
pipes and to complicate soap and detergent dissolving in water.
Water softeners are specific ion exchangers that are designed to
remove ions, which are positively charged. Softeners mainly
remove calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+) ions. Calcium
and magnesium are often referred to as hardness minerals'.
Softeners are sometimes even applied to remove iron. The
softening devices are able to remove up to five milligrams per
liter (5 mg/L) of dissolved iron.

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Plating Chemical Filters

Our company with its core area of filtration has put lot of efforts in designing & manufacturing the plating chemical filters for wide variety of acid and alkaline media. We serve our customer with performance oriented filters for years of use achieved by understanding the needs of the client with extensive research backed by technological background and using only the highest industrial class raw material to produce.
After years of service in the industry we have a wide presence in the country with efficient sales and service network to thoroughly satisfy the customer overall expectations.

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Magnetic Sealess Pumps

MPL series - Magnetic Driven Pumps are single stage, closed impeller type centrifugal pumps. These pumps can be dismantled and assembled without any special tools and rotating parts can be easily replaced, hence bringing down the
maintenance cost of the pump
A group of magnets turns jointly with the motor shaft, generating a magnetic torque that allows the rotation of the second magnets group on which is moulded impeller. A suitable shaped diaphgram separates the primary group of magnets from the impeller and consequently from the pumped fluid. This magnetic pumps are 100% leakproof, as they are without mechanical seal & packing free.

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Effluent Treatment Systems

3 Separation Systems has a great deal of experience and technical knowledge in designing custom packaged systems for your wastewater treatment needs. We dedicate a great deal of time and effort to ensuring that the system we recommend will be a great fit for your application, and will be cost effective as well.
• Fully engineered skid mounted treatment systems are
an excellent choice for fully automatic, reliable wastewater treatment in a compact, easy to install and use package.
• Systems can be configured for a wide variety of wastewater conditions, making them the most versatile
systems available.
• Treatment systems come complete with all the
components integrated and skid mounted to make a complete wastewater treatment system. The integral
chemical mixing and separation chambers, automatic pH adjusting system, chamber mixers, chemical pumps,
sludge dewatering, and system control panel are included.

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Electrophorectic Ultrafilters

Electrophoretic Ultrafilters are single stage membrane based units to be use for pigment/ Dye/ Clear base Polyeurathene/ Acrylic Resin solutions most commonly found in coating applications. The units manufactured matches all the very basic commercial needs of the advance electroplaters with minimal spacing & very low maintainance for the longer service life to reap the maximum efficiency to well check the unnecessary spending on the plant overall running.
Our Membranes & Components are resourced from our principles in the US & Europe, having very integrated manufacturing & quality control facilities and are supplied to the end customers only after each membrane passes through the numerous test of Permeability, Electrical Resistance, Thermal Resistance, Hydrotestings and are certified.
Operation & Maintenance Manual / Assembly & Piping Instrumentation Diagram / System Engineering Drawings / Components data sheet on request
Inventory Management:
Using only the proven components to build each and every component, we source through the globe & to bring down the costing we make rate contracts to keep the suffice amount of Materials to supply immediately to our customers in the minimum time.

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Electrocoating Ultrafilter


Paint Feed Pump: SS304/ SS316 Material, choice of double mechanical seal type horizontal or vertical pump with Y-Paint Feed strainer at the suction with valve isolation, Non-return valve at the outlet & drain facility.
Bag Filter Housings: SS304/ SS316 Material, Heavy duty swing Bolt construction, Flanged Ends, option of straight orcross flow upon request. Filter Bag supplied generally is 50 micron.
Paint Flowmeter: The output of bagfilter is measured by the Electromegnetic type flowmeter for better troubleshooting of the UF system.
Pressure Guages: The pump output head & bagfilter output pressure is measured thru gauges. 21/2” & 4”Dial with Psi &Kg/Cm2 readings.

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C.E.D Ultrafiltration Unit


  • Heavy Frames
  • SS/ PVC Membrane Housings
  • Individual Paint Supply/ Return Manifolds
  • Individual Permeate Manifolds
  • Drainage connections for Paint Manifolds
  • Spiral Membranes
  • Permeate Flowmeters/ Pressure Guages
  • Pn16 Flanged Ball/ Butterfly Valves
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E.D Coating Ultrafiltration Systems


  • UF Skid: Powder Coated MS Frame
  • Memberane Housings: SS304/ SS316 heavy duty housings with TC/ Grooved ends upon request for better handling of the membrane module.
  • Membrane: Spiral membranes are used for the longer life in 4040/ 8040 sizes.
  • Paint Piping: UPVC/ SS304/ SS316 materials are used depending on unit size & customer request.
  • Paint Valves: +GF+ UPVC or standard Indian make Ball Valves/butterfly valves are used on the system to ensure the longer life & lower maintenance.
  • Permeate Piping: UPVC, +GF+ Swiss make.
  • Permeate Valves: UPVC, +GF+ Swiss make.
  • Permeate flowmeter: UPVC, Imported Transparent Rotameters are supplied with all the membranes to know the flow of the permeate at any time.
  • Paint Manifolds: U-Bolt supported on the skid with drain arrangements of SS ½” ball valves.
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Electrophoretic Laquer Ultrafiltration Membrane


  • UF Skid: Powder Coated MS Frame
  • Memberane Housings: SS304/ SS316 heavy duty housings with TC/ Grooved ends upon request for better handling of the membrane module.
  • Membrane: Spiral membranes are used for the longer life in 4040/ 8040 sizes.
  • Paint Piping: UPVC/ SS304/ SS316 materials are used depending on unit size & customer request.
  • Paint Valves: +GF+ UPVC or standard Indian make Ball Valves/butterfly valves are used on the system to ensure the longer life & lower maintainance.
  • Permeate Piping: UPVC, +GF+ Swiss make.
  • Permeate Valves: UPVC, +GF+ Swiss make.
  • Permeate flowmeter: UPVC, Imported Transparent Rotameters are supplied with all the membranes to know the flow of the permeate at any time.
  • Paint Manifolds: U-Bolt supported on the skid with drain arrangements of SS ½” ball valves.
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C.E.D Ultrafilter Membrane

Our memebranes andcomponents are resourced from principles in the US & Europe, having very integrated manufacturing & control facilities and are supplied to the end customers only after each memberane passes through the numerous test of Permeability, Electrical Resistance, Thermal Resistance, Hydrotesting and are certified.

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Electrophoretic Ultrafilter Membrane

Applications :

  • Electrocoating/Electrophoretic Cathodic & Anodic Systems.
  • Metal Reclamation for electroplating.
  • Waste Water Treatment.
  • Pure Water Generation for EDI Systems.
  • Electrodialysis Units
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Spiraflux Electrocoating Membrane

We supply anolyte Circulation Systems for use in Integration with the Anodic Cells for the maintainance of the electrocoating Bath chemistry. The system is designed and developed with the inputs from the membrane manufacturers to provide the optimum performance of the membrane & coating bath with longer life.

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Spiraflux C.E.D Ultrafilter Membrane

These are imported in the original tubular form instead of the glued one supplied by many companies which manitains performance of the membranes in the harshest conditions of electrocoating in the long life.

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Spiraflux Electrophoretic Ultra Filter Membrane

Our membranes andcomponents are resourced from principles in the US & Europe, having very integrated manufacturing & control facilities and are supplied to the end customers only after each memberane passes through the numerous test of Permeability, Electrical Resistance, Thermal Resistance, Hydrotesting and are certified.

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Electrocoating Anolyte Circulation System

Additional Features :
Permeate Tank : This tank stores permeate for rinsing stages of coating.
Turbidity Meter : Used to detct the leakage of the point in permeate.
Digital Monitors : Pressure, Flow, Conductivity & Temperature are monitored & recorded with PLC panel.
Drain Pans : Generally installed at the bottom to collect the spilled paint.

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C.E.D Anolyte Circulation System

We supply Anolyte Circulation System for use in integration with the Anode Cells for the Maintainance of the Electrocoating Bath Chemistry. The system is designed and developed with the inputs from the membrane manufacturers to provide the optimum performance of the membrane & coating bath with longer life.

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Anolyte Conductivity Controller

Applications :

  • Electrocoating/Electrophoretic Cathodic & Anodic Systems.
  • Metal Reclamation for electroplating.
  • Waste Water Treatment.
  • Pure Water Generation for EDI Systems.
  • Electrodialysis Units.
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Electrocoating Tubular Membrane

Our Membranes & Components are resourced from our principles in the US & Europe, having very integrated manufacturing & quality control facilities and are supplied to the end customers only after each membrane passes through the numerous test of Permeability, Electrical Resistance, Thermal Resistance, Hydrotestings and are certified.

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Electrocoating Tubular Anodes

Description / Specification of Electrocoating Tubular Anodes

We are involved in offering a wide range of Electrocoating Tubular Anodes to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Electrocoating Tubular Anodes. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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C.E.D Tubular Membrane

Using only the proven components to build each and every component, we source through the globe & to bring down the costing we make rate contracts to keep the suffice amount of Materials to supply immediately to our customers in the minimum time.

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C.E.D Tubular Anodes

Description / Specification of C.E.D Tubular Anodes

We are involved in offering a wide range of C.E.D Tubular Anodes to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  C.E.D Tubular Anodes. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Electrocoating Tubular Sheet Membrane

Description / Specification of Electrocoating Tubular Sheet Membrane

We are involved in offering a wide range of Electrocoating Tubular Sheet Membrane to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Electrocoating Tubular Sheet Membrane. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Electrocoating Tubular Extruded Membrane

We have a numerous installations in the field of Electrocoating Systems, hence lot of experience with,

Designs & Drawings
On-Site Installation & Commisioning
Fast Sales After Service & Trouble Shooting
Plant Integration & Automation

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Electrocoating Box Membrane


Our Membranes & Components are resourced from our principles in the US & Europe, having very integrated manufacturing & quality control facilities and are supplied to the end customers only after each membrane passes through the numerous test of Permeability, Electrical Resistance, Thermal Resistance, Hydrotestings and are certified.

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C.E.D Box Anode

We have a numerous installations in the field of Electrocoating Systems, hence lot of experience with,

  • Designs & Drawings
  • On-Site Installation & Commissioning
  • Fast Sales After Service & Trouble Shooting
  • Plant Integration & Automation
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C.E.D Anode Membrane Sheet

Description / Specification of C.E.D Anode Membrane Sheet

We are involved in offering a wide range of C.E.D Anode Membrane Sheet to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  C.E.D Anode Membrane Sheet. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Electroplating Plant

Our company with its core area of filtration has put lot of efforts in designing & manufacturing the plating chemical filters for wide variety of acid and alkaline media. We serve our customer with performance oriented filters for years of use achieved by understanding the needs of the client with extensive research backed by technological background and using only the highest industrial class raw material to produce.

After years of service in the industry we have a wide presence in the country with efficient sales and service network to thoroughly satisfy the customer overall expectations.

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Electrophoretic Plants

Components and Features :

  • PP/ PVDF/ CPVC Filter Chambers GFRPP/ PVDF/ CPVC Pumps
  • Cartridge/ Plate/ Bag Filter Media Choice SS316 Clamps & Nut Bolts
  • PP/ FRP Support Structure Nitrile/ EPDM/ Viton Sealing Foot Valve/ Check Valve
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Nickel Electroplating Plants

Electrophoretic Ultrafilters are single stage membrane based units to be use for pigment/ Dye/ Clear base Polyeurathene/ Acrylic Resin solutions most commonly found in coating applications. The units manufactured matches all the very basic commercial needs of the advance electroplaters with minimal spacing & very low maintenance for the longer service life to reap the maximum efficiency to well check the unnecessary spending on the plant overall running.

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Electrophoretic Laquer Plants

The very basic function of the Ultrafilter in the Electrophoretic laquer bath is to remove the unwanted impurities generated in the bath during coating process. The basic assembly comprises a pump, membrane & an ion exchange cartridge to use the fresh permeate back into the phoretic bath.

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Electrophoretic Filters

Electrophoretic Ultrafilters are single stage membrane based units to be use for pigment/ Dye/ Clear base Polyeurathene/ Acrylic Resin solutions most commonly found in coating applications. The units manufactured matches all the very basic commercial needs of the advance electroplaters with minimal spacing & very low maintainance for the longer service life to reap the maximum efficiency to well check the unnecessary spending on the plant overall running.

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Electrophoretic Cartridge Filters

Feaures :

  • Skid Mounted, Compact Design
  • Highly reliable permeate quality
  • Forward & Reverse Flow Design
  • Batch & Continuous Operation
  • Choice of UPVC/ SS Systems
  • Choice of Cartridge/ Bag Filtration
  • Pump Suction Y-Strainer
  • Cleaning Station Integration
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Nickle Plating Filters

In all plating shops where Ni & Cu plating is carried out, these is wasted in terms of rinse and waste water. The concentration of these metals can befound in the ppm level to gms level for different industries in generally acidic forms. This are treated to take the metal back to the main plating bath.

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Copper Plating Filters

In all plating shops where Ni & Cu plating is carried out, these is wasted in terms of rinse and waste water. The concentration of these metals can befound in the ppm level to gms level for different industries in generally acidic forms. This are treated to take the metal back to the main plating bath.

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Chemical Filter System

We manufacture following reaction systems :

  • pH adjustment
  • pH neutralization
  • Multi-stage chemical reaction system.
  • Flash mix and flocculation systems
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Electroplating Filters

Our company with its core area of filtration has put lot of efforts in designing & manufacturing the plating chemical filters for wide variety of acid and alkaline media. We serve our customer with performance oriented filters for years of use achieved by understanding the needs of the client with extensive research backed by technological background and using only the highest industrial class raw material to produce.

After years of service in the industry we have a wide presence in the country with efficient sales and service network to thoroughly satisfy the customer overall expectations.

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Chromic Solution Filter

Filters for Pre-Plating Degrease Solution Standard Filtration of Electroplating Solution

Filtration with Activated Carbon Treatment of Electroplating Solution Auxiliary Cylinder Added Filters

Chromium & Electroless Nickel Plating Filters Filters with Self Priming Pumps

Filters with Self Priming Tanks & Pumps

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Magnetic Pump

A group of magnets turns jointly with the motor shaft, generating a magnetic torque that allows the rotation of the second magnets group on which is moulded impeller. A suitable shaped diaphgram separates the primary group of magnets from the impeller and consequently from the pumped fluid. This magnetic pumps are 100% leakproof, as they are without mechanical seal & packing free.

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Electroplating Chemical Pumps

The MPL Series Pumps are manufactured with thermoplastic materials such as GFRPP and PVDF suitable for temperatures range of -300 C to +1200 C depending on the materials. Sealing Materials are EPDM/ VIton/ Teflon with all wetted parts are corrosion resistance material as pure ceramic / silicon carbide and GFP/PP/CFT/PTFE.

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Chemical Pumps

Features :

  • Material: GFRPP/ PVDF
  • Head: 2- 16 Meter
  • Power: 0.065 – 0.55 KW
  • Temperature Limit: 0 - 800 C
  • Motor Speed: 2900 RPM
  • Inlet/ Outlet: BSP Male Thread
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G.F.R.P.P Magnetic Pump

Features :

  • Material: GFRPP/ PVDF
  • Head: 4- 29 Meter
  • Power: 0.55 KW – 5.5 KW
  • Temperature Limit: 0 - 800 C
  • Motor Speed: 2900 RPM
  • Inlet/ Outlet: Flange Type
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P.V.D.F Magnetic Pump

Features :

  • Material: GFRPP/ PVDF
  • Head: 2- 30 Meter
  • Power: 0.55 KW – 4.0 KW
  • Temperature Limit: 0 - 800 C
  • Motor Speed: 2900 RPM
  • Inlet/ Outlet: Flanged/ Union Type
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Self Suction Magnetic Pump

A group of magnets turns jointly with the motor shaft, generating a magnetic torque that allows the rotation of the second magnets group on which is molded impeller. A suitable shaped diaphragm separates the primary group of magnets from the impeller and consequently from the pumped fluid. This magnetic pumps are 100% leak proof, as they are without mechanical seal & packing free.

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Polypropylene Magnetic Pump

MPL series - Magnetic Driven Pumps are single stage, closed impeller type centrifugal pumps. These pumps can be dismantled and assembled without any special tools and rotating parts can be easily replaced, hence bringing down the maintenance cost of the pump

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Electrocoating Bag Filtration System

Features :

  • Top Flow/ Side Flow/ Bottom Flow Designs
  • SS304/ SS316 of Materials Range
  • Innovative On Sit Bag fit Design
  • Suitable for Different Bag Size & upto 12 No.s Bags
  • Cost Effective & Maintenance Free
  • Fastest Delivery
  • On-Site Installation Assist
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C.E.D Electrocoating Ultrafilters

Cleaning in Place' Skid :

  • Clean Tank: PP-H cylindrical/ rectangular type, 200 Ltrs capacity with necessary arrangement of drain & overflow
  • Cleaning Pump: SS304/ SS316 Material, single mechanical seal type horizontal or vertical pump with Y-strainer at the suction with valve isolation, Non-return valve at the outlet & drain facility.
  • Bag Filter Housings: SS304/ SS316 Material, Heavy duty swing Bolt construction, Flanged Ends
  • Clean Piping: UPVC, +GF+, Swiss Make.
  • Clean Valves: UPVC, +GF+, Swiss Make.
  • Drain & Overflow: UPVC, +GF+, Swiss Make.
  • Nuts & Bolts: All SS304 certified.
  • Clean Line Manifolds: U-Bolt supported on the skid & flanged joints with Bagfilter outlet.
  • DM Water Supply: 1”, UPVC Valves, +GF+, Swiss Make.
  • Control Panel: IP 55/ 65 protection panel with motor, heater & lavel control for the cleaning skid.
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Water Bag Filter Assemblies

Description / Specification of Water Bag Filter Assemblies

We are involved in offering a wide range of Water Bag Filter Assemblies to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Water Bag Filter Assemblies. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Ss Bag Filter Plants

Description / Specification of Ss Bag Filter Plants

We are involved in offering a wide range of Ss Bag Filter Plants to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Ss Bag Filter Plants. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Plastic Bag Filter Assemblies

Description / Specification of Plastic Bag Filter Assemblies

We are involved in offering a wide range of Plastic Bag Filter Assemblies to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Plastic Bag Filter Assemblies. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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P.P Filter Bags


  • Automotive
  • Paint & Laquer
  • Electroplating
  • Jewellery
  • Food & Beverage
  • Chemical & Pharmaceutical
  • Resins, Ink & Coatings
  • Water & Waste Water
  • Electronics
  • Petrochemicals & Power Plants
  • Hospital & Societies
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Liquid Filter Bags


  • Automotive
  • Paint & Laquer
  • Electroplating
  • Jewellery
  • Food & Beverage
  • Chemical & Pharmaceutical
  • Resins, Ink & Coatings
  • Water & Waste Water
  • Electronics
  • Petrochemicals & Power Plants
  • Hospital & Societies
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Water Filter Bags

Description / Specification of Water Filter Bags

We are involved in offering a wide range of Water Filter Bags to our most valued clients. Our range of these are widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all round the nation. We offer our range of it at most affordable prices.

We introduce ourselves as an eminent trader and supplier of an extensive array of  Water Filter Bags. Prior to dispatch, our quality controllers run numerous tests on the entire range on various parameters of quality and durability. The offered equipment is manufactured using superior quality components with the aid of sophisticated techniques at the vendors' end. Moreover, our precious clients can purchase it in different technical specifications at reasonable price from us within promised time frame.

Sturdy design
Highly durable
Application specific design 


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Electrocoating Bath Circulation Educator

Eductors use a venturi design, which enables small pumps to circulate large volumes of tank solution. When pumping is used for solution agitation, the use of an eductor will circulate four to five litres of solution in the tank for every one-litre you pump.

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Electrocoating Bath Circulation Systems

Chromic acid baths are used in metal working plants for plating and passivation of metal surfaces. A typical spent chromium plating bath contains about 300 g/L of chrmic acid and 25 g/L of Cu+2, Fe+3 and Cr+3 cause of the dissolution of a small amount of the metal piece being plated results in high current densities, decreased bright range,?increased tendency to burn, rough and pitted deposits. Even chromic baths used for aluminum are also can be treated cause they are having concentration of 100 g CrO3/L and 10 g Al2O3/L. This baths treated with ion exchange systems will have longer running life results in overall economic of the plant.

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C.E.D Bath Circulation Systems

Our company with its core area of filtration has put lot of efforts in designing & manufacturing the plating chemical filters for wide variety of acid and alkaline media. We serve our customer with performance oriented filters for years of use achieved by understanding the needs of the client with extensive research backed by technological background and using only the highest industrial class raw material to produce.

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C.E.D Bath Circulation Eductors

Eductors use a venturi design, which enables small pumps to circulate large volumes of tank solution. When pumping is used for solution agitation, the use of an eductor will circulate four to five litres of solution in the tank for every one-litre you pump.

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Electrocoating Bath Circulation Pumps

Our Membranes & Components are resourced from our principles in the US & Europe, having very integrated manufacturing & quality control facilities and are supplied to the end customers only after each membrane passes through the numerous test of Permeability, Electrical Resistance, Thermal Resistance, Hydrotestings and are certified.

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Electrocoating Bath Chiller Systems

Using only the proven components to build each and every component, we source through the globe & to bring down the costing we make rate contracts to keep the suffice amount of Materials to supply immediately to our customers in the minimum time.

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C.E.D Bath Chiller System

Our Membranes & Components are resourced from our principles in the US & Europe, having very integrated manufacturing & quality control facilities and are supplied to the end customers only after each membrane passes through the numerous test of Permeability, Electrical Resistance, Thermal Resistance, Hydrotestings and are certified.

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Electrocoating Bath Heat Exchanger Units

Features :

  • Heavy Frames
  • SS/ PVC Membrane Housings
  • Individual Paint Supply/ Return Manifolds
  • Individual Permeate Manifolds
  • Drainage connections for Paint Manifolds
  • Spiral Membranes
  • Permeate Flowmeters/ Pressure Guages
  • Pn16 Flanged Ball/ Butterfly Valves
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C.E.D Bath Heat Exchanger Units

Process Instrumentation:

Digital Pressure Sensor - Conductivity meter - pH meter - Analog Temperature Gauge - Total Permeate flowmeter - Bypass Valves and Piping, and other process gauges can be installed on the UF System upon requested

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New Compact Ball Valve


  • Material: PVC, CPVC, HT-CPVC
  • Size: 1/2' - 4'; 20mm - 110mm ; DN15 - DN100
  • Joint End: Socket, Threaded NPT, BSPF and PT
  • Standard: ANSI, DIN, JIS, CNS
  • Working Pressure: 150 PSI
  • Operating Temperature: PVC(0~55℃); CPVC & HT-CPVC(0~95℃)
  • Handle color : red, blue
  • Valve body color : PVC(dark gray/white), CPVC(light gray), HT-CPVC (light yellow)
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True Union Ball Valve

Description :

  • Material: PVC, CPVC, PP, PVDF
  • Size: 1/2' - 4'; 20mm - 110mm; DN15 - DN100
  • Standard: ANSI, DIN, JIS
  • Joint End: Flanges
  • Working Pressure: 150 PSI
  • Operating Temperature: PVC(0~55℃); CPVC & PP(0~95℃)
  • Handle color : red, blue, green, orange
  • Valve body color : PVC(dark gray), CPVC(light gray),
  • PP(light yellow), PVDF(ivory)
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Flanged True Union Ball Valve


  • Material: PVC, CPVC, PP, PVDF
  • Size: 1/2' - 4'; 20mm - 110mm; DN15 - DN100
  • Standard: ANSI, DIN, JIS
  • Joint End: Flanges
  • Working Pressure: 150 PSI
  • Operating Temperature: PVC(0~55℃); CPVC & PP(0~95℃)
  • Handle color : red, blue, green, orange
  • Valve body color : PVC(dark gray), CPVC(light gray),
  • PP(light yellow), PVDF(ivory)
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Electric Actuated Ball Valve


  • Material: PVC, CPVC, PP, PVDF
  • Size: 1/2' - 4'; 20mm - 110mm; DN15 - DN100
  • Standard: ANSI, DIN, JIS
  • Joint End: Socket, Threaded(NPT, PT, BSPF), Fusion, Welding
  • Working Pressure: 150 PSI
  • Operating Temperature: PVC(0~55℃); CPVC & PP(0~95℃)
  • Valve body color : PVC(dark gray), CPVC(light gray),
  • PP(light yellow), PVDF(ivory)
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Pneumatic Actuated Ball Valve


  • Material: PVC, CPVC, PP, PVDF
  • Size: 1/2' - 4'; 20mm - 110mm; DN15 - DN100
  • Standard: ANSI, DIN, JIS
  • Joint End: Socket, Threaded(NPT, PT, BSPF), Fusion, Welding
  • Working Pressure: 150 PSI
  • Operating Temperature: PVC(0~55℃); CPVC & PP(0~95℃)
  • Actuator's Lowest Air Pressure: 45PSI; Max.Operating Pressure: 120PSI
  • Valve body color : PVC(dark gray), CPVC(light gray),
  • PP(light yellow), PVDF(ivory)
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Handle Level Butterfly Valve


  • Material: PVC, CPVC, PP, PVDF
  • Size: 1/2' - 4'; 20mm - 110mm; DN15 - DN100
  • Standard: ANSI, DIN, JIS
  • Joint End: Socket, Threaded(NPT, PT, BSPF), Fusion, Welding
  • Working Pressure: 150 PSI
  • Operating Temperature: PVC(0~55℃); CPVC & PP(0~95℃)
  • Actuator's Lowest Air Pressure: 45PSI; Max.Operating Pressure: 120PSI
  • Valve body color : PVC(dark gray), CPVC(light gray),
  • PP(light yellow), PVDF(ivory)
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Worm Geared Butterfly Valve

1) Material: PVC, CPVC, PP, PVDF
2) Size: 8" - 12"; 225mm - 315mm ; DN200 - DN300
3) Standard: ANSI, DIN, JIS
4) Joint End: Flanges
5) Working Pressure: 150 PSI
6) Operating Temperature: PVC(0~55℃); CPVC & PP(0~95℃) 7) Valve body color : PVC(dark gray), CPVC(light gray), PP(light yellow)

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Electric Actuated Butterfly Valve


1) Material: PVC, CPVC, PP, PVDF
2) Size: 1½" - 12"; 50mm - 315mm ; DN40 - DN200
3) Standard: ANSI, DIN, JIS
4) Joint End: Flanges
5) Valve's Working Pressure: 150 PSI
6) Operating Temperature: PVC(0~55℃); CPVC & PP(0~95℃)

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Flanged Check Valve

1) Material: PVC, CPVC, PP
2) Size: 1/2' - 2'; 20mm - 63mm ; DN15 - DN50
3) Standard: ANSI, DIN, JIS
4) Joint End: Flanges
5) Working Pressure: 150 PSI
6) Operating Temperature: PVC(0~55℃); CPVC & PP(0~95℃)
7) Valve body color : PVC(dark gray), CPVC(light gray), PP(light yellow)

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Ball Check Valve

1) Material: PVC, CPVC, PP
2) Size: 1/2' - 2'; 20mm - 63mm ; DN15 - DN50
3) Standard: ANSI, DIN, JIS, CNS
4) Joint End: Socket or Threaded(NPT,PT,BSPF), Fusion, Welding
5) Working Pressure: 150 PSI
6) Operating Temperature: PVC(0~55℃); CPVC & PP(0~95℃)
7) Valve body color : PVC(dark gray/white), CPVC(light gray), PP(light yellow)

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Pneumatic Actuated Butterfly Valve


1) Material: PVC, CPVC, PP, PVDF

2) Size: 1½" - 12"; 50mm - 315mm ; DN40 - DN200

  • Standard: ANSI, DIN, JIS
  • Joint End: Flanges
  • Valve's Working Pressure: 150 PSI
  • Actuator Lowest Air Pressure: 45PSI; Max.Operating Pressure: 120PSI
  • Operating Temperature: PVC(0~55℃); CPVC & PP(0~95℃)
  • Valve body color : PVC(dark gray), CPVC(light gray), PP(light yellow)
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Filter Plates

We are offering high quality array of Filter Plates. The offered plates are manufactured by using the finest quality raw material and progressive technology by our proficient professionals. Used for removing particles from chemicals or electroplating solution,these plates are widely utilized in different industries due to theirvaried quality features.
Advantages : 

  • Improved Flow Distribution.
  • Fast & easy assembly
  • Quick Filter Element Change
  • Industrial Class Raw Materials
  • Sealless Magnetic pumps
  • SS316 Clamps & Eyebolts
  • Oil Degreasing Filter Units
  • Engineered Yet Flexible
  • Economical & Fast Delivery
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Pph Vertical Pump

We are offering PPH Vertical Pump. This pump set is used for the purpose of fetching water from deep inside in a very conservative,Submersible monoset pumps,High head water pump and efficient manner. Besides being manufactured from high-grade raw material and latest technology, the offered pump set is inspected properly by our expert professionals. Owing to features like high efficiency and durability, the offered pump set is exceptionally valued by our precious clients.

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Mixing Educators

We are offering wide range of Mixing Educators for Chemical Industry. These products are broadly demanded in the market due to its easy installation, optimum performance, easy installation energy efficiency and long service life. 
Hassle free performance Precisely design Low maintenance

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Carbon Cartridges

We are offering Carbon Cartridges. These cartridges designed for high effective filtration of water for certain VOC’S, pesticides, chlorine, odor & test & sediment reduction down to 5 micron. These cartridges are manufactured entirely from FDA compliance materials. They are suitable for potable water filtration, as well as many industrial, commercial & food service applications.These cartridges are effective at filtering giardia & cryptosporidium cysts from potable drinking water.
Features & Benefits:

  • High lodine value
  • High flow rate
  • High dirt holding capacity
  • Greater chlorine removal efficiency
  • Good Oil adsorption medium
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High Flow Pleated Cartridge

We are offering our clients High Flow Pleated Cartridge. These cartridges provide “depth” filtration for greater sediment removal, along with more surface area with our pleated design. These cartridges can also be used in return-line to eliminate metal dust and rubber impurity. This is manufactured using excellent quality raw material and advanced technology as per set industry norms. Moreover, our clients can avail the offered range of cartridges from us at very reasonable rates.


  • Fine finish
  • Light weight
  • High strength
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Desalination Equipments

All these equipment are widely used in Desalination Equipment for making sea water fir for drinking purposes and other industrial activities. These equipments work on the principle of reverse osmosis. Sea water is fed in to the equipment and then passed through number of filters in which impurities like dissolved elements, chemicals, minerals and other materials get removed leaving behind the fresh water.


  • Seawater is fed in to the equipment
  • The water is then passed through Pre-treatment filters where solid matter like sand and sediment are removed from the water
  • Filtered sea water is then passed through reverse osmosis process
  • Ultra-fine membranes ware sued for removing seawater concentrate
  • Desalined water is then remineralized as per the standards

Technical specifications
The desalination equipment produces high quality water with 1.0 to 50 ppm TDS

Application areas:

All these equipments are very useful in regions where there is shortage of water.

Other application areas are:

  • Agriculture sector
  • Industries
  • Submarines and ships
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Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant

Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant produce high quality drinking water from seawater. This type of plant has the capability of producing up to 25 million gallons per day of drinking water to industry. Seawater fed to the plant is treated through a rigorous process and finally freshwater is separated from the seawater using reverse osmosis. Today, Desalination plants have been working on number of technologies such as desalination, reverse osmosis, distillation, electro-dialysis and vacuum freezing.


  • Seawater drawn from oceans is fed in to plant through specially designed intake structures
  • Pre-treatment filters then remove solid matter like sand and sediment from the water
  • Filtered sea water is then passed through reverse osmosis process
  • The water is passed through ultra-fine membranes where seawater concentrate is left behind
  • Desalined water is then remineralized as per the standards
  • Seawater concentrate is then returned to ocean through diffuser structure

Technical specifications
The desalination plant produces high quality water with 1.0 to 50 ppm TDS.

In this desalination plant, if, 100 gallons of sea water is fed, 15 to 50 gallons of pure water would be produced.

Activated Carbon Air Filters * Anolyte Circulation System * Anolyte Conductivity Controller * Automatic Demineralization Unit * Automatic Industrial Water Softening Plant * Automatic Water Softners * Bag Filtration Solutions * Ball Check Valve * C. E. D Anode Membrane Sheet * C. E. D Anolyte Circulation System * C. E. D Bath Chiller System * C. E. D Bath Circulation Eductors * C. E. D Bath Circulation Systems * C. E. D Bath Heat Exchanger Units * C. E. D Box Anode * C. E. D Electrocoating Ultrafilters * C. E. D Tubular Anodes * C. E. D Tubular Membrane * C. E. D Ultrafilter Membrane * C. E. D Ultrafiltration Unit * Carbon Cartridges * Carbon Filters * Cartridge And Bag Filtration * Cartridge Bag Filters * Cartridge Bag Filtration * Cartridge Filters * Cartridge Housings * Cartridge Or Bag Filtration * Ced Ultra Filters * Certridges Filters * Chemical Filter System * Chemical Pumps * Chromic Solution Filter * Commercial Reverse Osmosis Plant * Commercial Wastewater Treatment Systems * Copper Plating Filters * D. M. Machinery * Demineralisation Plant * Demineralization Plants * Demineralization Units * Demineralizers * Desalination Equipments * Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems * E. D Coating Ultrafiltration Systems * Effluent Treatment Systems * Electric Actuated Ball Valve * Electric Actuated Butterfly Valve * Electro Phoretic Ultra Filters * Electrocoating Anode Cell Membrane Sheet * Electrocoating Anode Cell Sheet * Electrocoating Anolyte Circulation System * Electrocoating Bag Filtration System * Electrocoating Bath Chiller Systems * Electrocoating Bath Circulation Educator * Electrocoating Bath Circulation Pumps * Electrocoating Bath Circulation Systems * Electrocoating Bath Heat Exchanger Units * Electrocoating Box Membrane * Electrocoating Membranes * Electrocoating Tubular Anodes * Electrocoating Tubular Extruded Membrane * Electrocoating Tubular Membrane * Electrocoating Tubular Sheet Membrane * Electrocoating Ultrafilter * Electrocoating Ultrafiltration Unit * Electrophorectic Ultrafilters * Electrophoretic Cartridge Filters * Electrophoretic Dye Laquer Ultrafiltration Unit * Electrophoretic Filters * Electrophoretic Laquer Plants * Electrophoretic Laquer Ultrafilter Unit * Electrophoretic Laquer Ultrafiltration Membrane * Electrophoretic Membranes * Electrophoretic Plants * Electrophoretic Ultrafilter Membrane * Electrophoretic Ultrafilter Unit * Electroplating Chemical Pumps * Electroplating Filters * Electroplating Plant * Filter * Filter Bag Housings * Filter Bags * Filter Plates * Filters * Flanged Check Valve * Flanged True Union Ball Valve * G. F. R. P. P Magnetic Pump * Gas Filters * Handle Level Butterfly Valve * Hepa Absolute Filter * High Flow Pleated Cartridge * High Performance Bag Filters * Industrial Water Softening System * Ion Exchange Cartridges * Ion Exchange Dm Plant * Ion Exchange Membranes * Leaf Filters * Liquid Filter Bags * M. B Polishers * Magnetic Pump * Magnetic Sealess Pumps * Manual D. M Plant * Manual Demineralization Plant * Membrane Biological Reactor * Membrane Filteration * Micro Filters * Mixed Bed Systems * Mixing Educators * New Compact Ball Valve * Nickel Electroplating Plants * Nickle Plating Filters * Oil Filters * P. P Filter Bags * P. V. D. F Magnetic Pump * Plastic Bag Filter Assemblies * Plating Chemical Filters * Pneumatic Actuated Ball Valve * Pneumatic Actuated Butterfly Valve * Polypropylene Magnetic Pump * Pph Vertical Pump * Pressure Filters * Products * R. O. Machinery * Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant * Reverse Osmosis Plant * Reverse Osmosis Plants * Reverse Osmosis System * Reverse Osmosis Systems * Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier * Rotary Filters * Sand And Carbon Filtration * Sand Or Carbon Filtration * Self Suction Magnetic Pump * Semi Automatic Water Softening System * Sewage Treatment Machinery * Softening Systems * Spark Erosion Machinery Filters * Spiraflux C. E. D Ultrafilter Membrane * Spiraflux Electrocoating Membrane * Spiraflux Electrophoretic Ultra Filter Membrane * Ss Bag Filter Plants * Synthetic Media Extended Surface Filters * True Union Ball Valve * Two Bed Dm Plant * U. V. Sterilizers * U. V. Filters * Ultra Violet Purifiers * Waste Water Treatment Machinery * Waste Water Treatment Plant * Waste Water Treatment Systems * Water Bag Filter Assemblies * Water Filter Bags * Water Softener * Water Softener Plant * Water Softeners * Water Softening Plant * Water Treatment Machinery * Water Treatment System * Worm Geared Butterfly Valve * Filter Mfgrs. And Dealers * Basket Filter * Spark Erosion Machines Filters * D. M. Plants * Water Treatment Plants * Sewage Treatment Plants * R. O. Plants * Waste Water Treatment Equipment * Water (Water Treatment Plants) * Water (Water Treatment Machinery) * Water Treatment Equipments