Products & Services

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Water Treatment System

3 Separation Systems is water treatment plant manufacturing organization dedicated to offer customers the superior commercial, industrial and medical Water Treatment System. Our goal is to provide the most advanced system with proven components, better engineered and tailor made for each & individual clients. Our experience enables us to manufacture major items in-house to ensure system reliability and a proven product you can trust.

System Includes:

  • 4” & 8” Composite Polymer High Flow Membranes
  • Pretreatment – Sand/Carbon/Softener*
  • Post treatment – Mineralization/EDI
  • Control Panel with PLC
  • Feed & High Pressure Pumps
  • Cartridge/ Bag Filters
  • Pressure Monitors
  • Flow Monitors
  • Feed/ Booster Pumps
  • Chemical Dosing Pumps
  • Pressure Switches
  • Conductivity/Level Controller
  • S.S / M.S. Powder Coated Frame
  • Std PVC / PVC-U / S.S. Piping

Operating Specification:

  • Configuration: Spiral Wound Membranes
  • Operating Process: Single Stage/Recycling/Open flow
  • Recovery : Upto 60%
  • Operating Temperature : < 40 C                                     
  • Operating Pressure: 8 – 15 Bar
  • Flow Rate: Upto 25 M3/Hr
  • Product Turbidity: ≤ 0.1 NTU


High Quality Water:

Our reverse osmosis not only rejects most organics and salts from water but residual synthetic detergents, bacteria, viruses and suspended microscopic particles.

Components :

Each piece of component selected for use in RO system goes thru stringent quality control while manufactured to ensure minimum maintenance during operation. To mention, we only work with the best in the industry to produce only the systems with highest return, higher stability & longer servicing period are the key to our continuous success.

Construction :

The design are the most compact with great aesthetics backed by the fact of minimum labour requirement during maintenance. Our U-PVC or SS both systems are constructed with ease of mantle and dismantle the whole plant combine with simple piping is an added advantage.


Our system comes with all preoccupied monitors, instrumentation, controllers keeping in mind each part of plant to prevent any kind of deterioration of the filter, membranes and of mechanical and electrical systems with minimum shutdown time for regular maintenance priod.


We use Composite Polymer Based Serial Wound with FRP taped Membranes for the superior flow, High Servicing life with stringent quality constraints. Commonly used membranes includes :

  • FILMTEC, Dow, USA,

Membrane Housings:

FRP - Fiber Reinforced Plastic & Stainless Steel grade housings. SS housings are manufactured In-House with sophisticated manufacturing process while for FRP we use CODE LINE, Pentair or Equivalent Standard brands.

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Water Softener

Every household and every factory uses water, and none of it is pure. One class of impurity that is of special interest is "hardness". This refers to the presence of dissolved ions, mainly of calcium Ca2+ and magnesium Mg2+which are acquired through contact with rocks and sediments in the environment. The positive electrical charges of these ions are balanced by the presence of anions (negative ions), of which bicarbonate HCO3– and carbonate CO32– are most important. These ions have their origins in limestone sediments and also from carbon dioxide which is present in all waters exposed to the atmosphere and especially in groundwater. 
These "hardness ions" cause two major kinds of problems. First, the metal cations react with soaps, causing them to form an unsightly precipitate— the familiar "bathtub ring". More seriously, the calcium and magnesium carbonates tend to precipitate out as adherent solids on the surfaces of pipes and especially on the hot heat exchanger surfaces of boilers. The resulting scale buildup can impede water flow in pipes. In boilers, the deposits act as thermal insulation that impedes the flow of heat into the water; this not only reduces heating efficiency, but allows the metal to overheat, which in pressurized systems can lead to catastrophic failure.
Types of water hardness:
Temporary hardness:
This refers to hardness whose effects can be removed by boiling the water in an open container. Such waters have usually percolated though limestone formations and contain bicarbonate HCO3– along with small amounts of carbonate CO32– as the principal negative ions. Boiling the water promotes the reaction

2 HCO3– → CO32– + CO2

by driving off the carbon dioxide gas. The CO32– reacts with Ca2+ or Mg2+ ions, to form insoluble calcium and magnesium carbonates which precipitate out. By tying up the metal ions in this way, the amounts available to form soap scum are greatly reduced.

Permanent Hardness:
Waters that contain calcium and magnesium cannot be re mediated by boiling, and are said to be "permanently" hard. The only practical treatment is to remove all the ions, normally by the method described below.

Conventional Water Softening:
Most conventional water-softening devices depend on a process known as ion-exchange in which "hardness" ions trade places with sodium and chloride ions that are loosely bound to an ion-exchange resin or a zeolite(many zeo lite minerals occur in nature, but specialized ones are often made artificially.)

The illustration depicts a negatively-charged zeolite to which [positive] sodium ions are attached. Calcium or magnesium ions in the water displace sodium ions, which are released into the water. In a similar way, positively-charged zeolites bind negatively-charged chloride ions (Cl–), which get displaced by bicarbonate ions in the water. As the zeolites become converted to their Ca2+ and HCO3– forms they gradually lose their effectiveness and must be regenerated. This is accomplished by passing a concentrated brine solution though them, causing the above reaction to be reversed. Herein lies one of the drawbacks of this process: most of the salt employed in the regeneration process gets flushed out of the system and and is usually released into the soil or drainage system— something that can have damaging consequences to the environment, especially in arid regions. For this reason, many jurisdictions prohibit such release, and require users to dispose of the spent brine at an approved site or to use a commercial service company.  

Activated Carbon Air Filters * Anolyte Circulation System * Anolyte Conductivity Controller * Automatic Demineralization Unit * Automatic Industrial Water Softening Plant * Automatic Water Softners * Bag Filtration Solutions * Ball Check Valve * C. E. D Anode Membrane Sheet * C. E. D Anolyte Circulation System * C. E. D Bath Chiller System * C. E. D Bath Circulation Eductors * C. E. D Bath Circulation Systems * C. E. D Bath Heat Exchanger Units * C. E. D Box Anode * C. E. D Electrocoating Ultrafilters * C. E. D Tubular Anodes * C. E. D Tubular Membrane * C. E. D Ultrafilter Membrane * C. E. D Ultrafiltration Unit * Carbon Cartridges * Carbon Filters * Cartridge And Bag Filtration * Cartridge Bag Filters * Cartridge Bag Filtration * Cartridge Filters * Cartridge Housings * Cartridge Or Bag Filtration * Ced Ultra Filters * Certridges Filters * Chemical Filter System * Chemical Pumps * Chromic Solution Filter * Commercial Reverse Osmosis Plant * Commercial Wastewater Treatment Systems * Copper Plating Filters * D. M. Machinery * Demineralisation Plant * Demineralization Plants * Demineralization Units * Demineralizers * Desalination Equipments * Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems * E. D Coating Ultrafiltration Systems * Effluent Treatment Systems * Electric Actuated Ball Valve * Electric Actuated Butterfly Valve * Electro Phoretic Ultra Filters * Electrocoating Anode Cell Membrane Sheet * Electrocoating Anode Cell Sheet * Electrocoating Anolyte Circulation System * Electrocoating Bag Filtration System * Electrocoating Bath Chiller Systems * Electrocoating Bath Circulation Educator * Electrocoating Bath Circulation Pumps * Electrocoating Bath Circulation Systems * Electrocoating Bath Heat Exchanger Units * Electrocoating Box Membrane * Electrocoating Membranes * Electrocoating Tubular Anodes * Electrocoating Tubular Extruded Membrane * Electrocoating Tubular Membrane * Electrocoating Tubular Sheet Membrane * Electrocoating Ultrafilter * Electrocoating Ultrafiltration Unit * Electrophorectic Ultrafilters * Electrophoretic Cartridge Filters * Electrophoretic Dye Laquer Ultrafiltration Unit * Electrophoretic Filters * Electrophoretic Laquer Plants * Electrophoretic Laquer Ultrafilter Unit * Electrophoretic Laquer Ultrafiltration Membrane * Electrophoretic Membranes * Electrophoretic Plants * Electrophoretic Ultrafilter Membrane * Electrophoretic Ultrafilter Unit * Electroplating Chemical Pumps * Electroplating Filters * Electroplating Plant * Filter * Filter Bag Housings * Filter Bags * Filter Plates * Filters * Flanged Check Valve * Flanged True Union Ball Valve * G. F. R. P. P Magnetic Pump * Gas Filters * Handle Level Butterfly Valve * Hepa Absolute Filter * High Flow Pleated Cartridge * High Performance Bag Filters * Industrial Water Softening System * Ion Exchange Cartridges * Ion Exchange Dm Plant * Ion Exchange Membranes * Leaf Filters * Liquid Filter Bags * M. B Polishers * Magnetic Pump * Magnetic Sealess Pumps * Manual D. M Plant * Manual Demineralization Plant * Membrane Biological Reactor * Membrane Filteration * Micro Filters * Mixed Bed Systems * Mixing Educators * New Compact Ball Valve * Nickel Electroplating Plants * Nickle Plating Filters * Oil Filters * P. P Filter Bags * P. V. D. F Magnetic Pump * Plastic Bag Filter Assemblies * Plating Chemical Filters * Pneumatic Actuated Ball Valve * Pneumatic Actuated Butterfly Valve * Polypropylene Magnetic Pump * Pph Vertical Pump * Pressure Filters * Products * R. O. Machinery * Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant * Reverse Osmosis Plant * Reverse Osmosis Plants * Reverse Osmosis System * Reverse Osmosis Systems * Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier * Rotary Filters * Sand And Carbon Filtration * Sand Or Carbon Filtration * Self Suction Magnetic Pump * Semi Automatic Water Softening System * Sewage Treatment Machinery * Softening Systems * Spark Erosion Machinery Filters * Spiraflux C. E. D Ultrafilter Membrane * Spiraflux Electrocoating Membrane * Spiraflux Electrophoretic Ultra Filter Membrane * Ss Bag Filter Plants * Synthetic Media Extended Surface Filters * True Union Ball Valve * Two Bed Dm Plant * U. V. Sterilizers * U. V. Filters * Ultra Violet Purifiers * Waste Water Treatment Machinery * Waste Water Treatment Plant * Waste Water Treatment Systems * Water Bag Filter Assemblies * Water Filter Bags * Water Softener * Water Softener Plant * Water Softeners * Water Softening Plant * Water Treatment Machinery * Water Treatment System * Worm Geared Butterfly Valve * Filter Mfgrs. And Dealers * Basket Filter * Spark Erosion Machines Filters * D. M. Plants * Water Treatment Plants * Sewage Treatment Plants * R. O. Plants * Waste Water Treatment Equipment * Water (Water Treatment Plants) * Water (Water Treatment Machinery) * Water Treatment Equipments