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Gas Tight Suits

Gas Tight Suits

PERSONNEL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT, generally known as PPE forms a basic necessity for every industry handling hazardous chemicals and liquids. While there are different types of PPE Equipment for different safety applications, for Oil and Gas industries, Petrochemicals, Fertilizers and Chemicals etc., the GAS PROTECTIVE SUIT is of greater significance.

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Butyl Suits

This suit which hardly weighs 4 kg. is an ideal protective garment for handling hazardous chemicals and toxic gases.

It is made out of polyamide fabric with butyl coating on both, inside and outside. This easy to wear suit is most ideal for handling ‘FURFURAL’.

One of the most dangerous chemicals is handled frequently in petrochemical industries.

The suit comes with a provision for carrying Breathing apparatus to work in toxic atmosphere for hours together.

Butyl Suits * Charter Hire Services * Dry Chemical Powder Tender * Elkhart Nozzle * Fire Extinguisher * Fire Fighting Equipment On Hire * Fire Fighting Machinery * Fire Fighting Services * Foam Based Auto Detection And Extinguishing System * Foam Pourer System * Gas Detection System * Gas Tight Suits * Heat Detection System * High Expansion Foam Flooding Generator * High Volume Long Range Monitors * Hydrant System * Leak Sealing Pad * Products * Remote Controlled Monitors * Rim Seal Protection For Floating Roof Tanks * Round The Clock Fire Protection With Equipment Materials And Trained Manpower * Smoke Detection System * Spray System * Sprinkler System * Ul Listed Fire Foam Monitor Model Gm Sgc * Water Tender * Fire Fighting Equipments * Fire Extinguishers