Products & Services

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Tiki Polymer And Rubber Modified Bitumen

This invention relates to the process for the preparation of a Polymer and Rubber based modified binder, which is usefulfor the construction of roads catering to heavy traffic and also for the formation of airfields surfacing, besides its use as binder for stress absorbing membrane (SAM) and stress absorbing membrane interlayer (SAMI) for sealing of cracks, preventive maintenance of flexible pavement and delaying reflective cracking. Modified bitumen performs better than ordinary bitumen in high rain fall area and in situations where the aggregates are prone to stripping.

Flexible pavements constitute major portion of existing road network and airfields in India.An extensive highway network with desired high speed corridors and air-fields constructed with long lasting pavement and overlays are felt essential.The growth of the economy of a country depends largely upon efficient transport system with minimal possible hindrance to road user due to frequent maintenance needs.

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Tiki Ezrepair

Tiki ezRepair is an environmentally friendly cold asphalt repair for potholes in roads. It is an efficient, affordable, durable, and permanent material designed to repair asphalt failure and for general maintenance. Use to repair potholes, cracks and broken surfaces in macadam and asphalt without the need for cutting out.

Tiki ezRepair mix is the most cost effective way to repair pot holes on asphalt surfaces such as drive ways, parking areas, school yards, playgrounds, walk ways, bike paths, and any other asphalt area. It doesn't matter if the ground is wet or dry the Bitumen cold mix compound will bond equally as well in both conditions.

Pot hole repairs using a Tiki ezRepair mix can withstand traffic flow within 1- 2 hours The compound will continue to harden and could take up to 3 - 4 hours to completely set.

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Paint Ink And Coating

Tiki Oxidized bitumen comply with International Standards. Tiki Oxidized bitumen has got a range of uses. It can be used in industries as an adhesive, protective coating, bonding agent, electric insulator and structures below ground. Because of their softening point, it shows excellent physical stability, no exudation or bleeding in contact with highly absorptive material and a remarkable resistance against atmospheric corrosion.

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Bulk Bitumen Storage

To spearhead of its growth, Tiki Tar has already commissioned a Port Storage Terminal at Karwar in sothern state of Karnataka on west coast of India.

Storage Capacity of the tank is 5000MT and has underground pipeline transfer facility to the tank with loading arms and weigh bridge systems.

Karwar port is one of the main port of Karnataka serving to the hinterland of Northern Parts of Karnataka, Goa & Southern parts of Maharastra, with a total length of 355 meters quay has two berths with a draft capacity of 9.25 meters each for berthing of Deep Ocean Going Ships. This port
 has been developed as an all weather port in the Karwar bay with 355 mtr. long
 quay for accommodating simultaneous berthing of two ships with other matching
 infrastructure facilities. The port has been declared by Government of India for handling all types of commodities including "B" & "C" class of petroleum products.


Bulk Bitumen Storage * Paint Ink And Coating * Tiki Ezrepair * Tiki Polymer And Rubber Modified Bitumen