Anode And Cathode
“Tifab” Electrodes (Anodes & Cathodes) consist of a basic component, which is responsible for mechanical stability and uniform current distribution. As Titanium has all these character, insoluble electrodes are manufactured with titanium as basic component. Occasionally electrodes are also made from Nb, Ta or Zr. In general, electrodes are available in the form of plate, mesh, rod, wire, ribbon, and customs built. Electrocatalytically selective electrodes from “Tifab” are superior to conventional Nickel, Lead, Lead alloy, steel, Graphite & Magnetite Electrodes.
MMO coated Titanium Anodes are designed for the nominal life of 6 years & plus MMO coating is the excellent electrical conductor and giving good chemical stability, when it will be coated on Titanium base even in very low PH environments.
Titanium MMO Anode remains dimensionally stable over time. Direct current transfer is accomplished through the mixed metal oxide catalyst, which is highly conductive and fully oxidized so that higher current outputs are possible (approximately 10 amps / ft2 in fresh water and over 50 amps/ft2 in salt water). This two part composition allows for a maximum current density and it can be used in sands with various levels of moisture and salt contents, acid environments with extremely low pH levels (under 1) and high chloride concentrations; it can be designed to provide effective protection for 6 years and more.i.e. the mixed metal oxide coating on the anodes has an almost negligible consumption rate of less than 1.0mg / amp-yr.
Platinized Titanium Anode is an absolutely vital element for wet electro deposit precious metals like Gold, Rhodium, Platinum, Palladium and nonferrous metals, chromium, Nickel, Copper and Zinc. We offer Platinized Titanium Anodes in any size maximum of 1.2 X 1.2metre) in single piece. Titanium plate, mesh rod and Niobium, Tantalum can also be Platinized for various applications. We can coating / plating from 2.0 micron to 15.0 micron thickness as per customer application and request.