welcome to TECHSHARP Hydraulic Solutions
Tech-Sharp Hydraulics Solutions for which we are well known manufacturer, supplier for Professional Hydraulic Tools for all construction, Industrial & Sub-Sea Application. We are proud to partner with SPX POWER TEAM USA world’s leading brand in high pressure hydraulic tools & equipments serving industrial customers worldwide. We, at TECH-SHARP Excel in product application, supervision & maintenance services for precise bolting with 18 years of experience, we are a trusted name for expediting bolting contracts, providing complete range of advanced and efficient torque application, tensioning, flange management tools, cold cutting machines with accessories to several industries. In addition, TECH-SHARP also guarantees joint integrity on bolted joints and ensures leakage-free joints through their Controlled Bolting Services; this includes trained crew with precision bolting tools for carrying out the job with unmatched speed, precision, and safety. Maintenance Service We have the aim, with our qualified and experienced employees, of offering our customers a first class technical service. TECH-SHARP operates a fully equipped workshop repair facility, using contemporary repair and testing techniques and equipment, carried out by trained and qualified personnel. We maintain enough stocks of commonly used spare parts and offer first class guaranteed repair service for all brands under TECH-SHARP umbrella. All items are repaired & returned to the customer with an individual test certificate. Wherever and whenever companies have critical business need, there is TECH-SHARP ready to help meet the challenge. Why we are good? We are fast, easy and economical. Where can we save? Certainly not in material costs, for us safety and quality are always priority
Products & Services
Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.