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utmost performance in just 0.9 seconds.

Road barriers with passage clearance up to 2.75 m / 9 ft

Engineered to control passage openings up to 2.75 m wide, the new Gard 3 barriers are designed for intesive traffic flows thanks to a series of features that make them especially sturdy and reliable. The reinforced steel structure with anti-oxydation treatment and electrostatic powder varnishing, provides long lasting and resistance over time of its aesthetics, while the dedicated control panel and the evolved balancing system are for managing the required continuous operations and passive inertia pheonomenons that are typical of quick movements. The rounded shapes and soft corners confer a modern-design look to the Gard 3 barrier, making it easy to integrate it in any architectural context. The oval or round-shaped barrier arm reduces the sail effect, typically found in windy conditions.

Our Vision

* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Came, Corsa And Rodeo, Ferni, Fly, Frog, G And G The Quick Passage Barriers, Gard, Gard A New Concept Of Automatic Barrier, Hydraulic Armoured, Jsst, Jszm Series Retractable Gates, Krono, Luxor, Parking Saver, Products, Rolling Shutter, Sliding Gate, Urbaco, Zhanshen Series Retractable Gate