
Company Profile

We SEW, commenced its activities started in 1984 to establishments of surface coating plants all over INDIA. Using our engineering expertise & expirience, we started our own Manufactuing unit in 1996, which gives full satisfaction to our all customers up-to plant erection & commissiong from plant purchase. We belive in under one roof every thing, which controls quality & commitment to customer.

Our Specialities

 Experience of 25 years in the field of powder and liquid painting systems.
 Experience in lay-outing plant in minimum space.
 Service up to the full satisfaction of the customers.
 Aesthetically excellent engineering quality & economy.
 Unmatched running cost.

Organization Sturcture - Board Of Directors

Our Borad of Director's are indeed conscious of our undertaking in the organization to expand organization growth, to make it highly effective & efficiancy, to ensure its perception in long term success and growth of the organization.

Mr. Bhise Ramesh A., (Mechanical Engineer) 
Managing Director & Chairmen 

Mr. Kulkarni S. Y. ( Mechanical / Electrical Engineer)


Products & Services

Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.

Auto Powder Coating Booth * Back To Back Powder Coating Booth * Batch Type Booth * Batch Type Oven * Batch Type Ovens * Camelback Conveyorised Powder Curing Oven * Chain Conveyor * Coating Machine * Con Ovens * Conveyorised Booth * Conveyorised Camel Back Oven * Conveyorised Conventional Oven * Conveyorised Powder Curing Oven Camel Back * Conveyorized Camel Back Oven * Dip Pretraetment Plants * Dip Pretreatment Plants * Downdraft Powder Coating Booth * Dry Liquid Painting Booth * Ground Conveyorised Ovens * Heavy Conveyor * In Line With Pretreatment Plant * Liquid Coating Booth * Liquid Painting Plant * Liquid Painting Plants * Lliquid Painting * Manual Gun With Cyclone Recovery * Moisture Drying Ovens * Other Products * Overhead Conveyorised Ovens * Paint Booth * Paint Curing Oven * Painting Booth * Powder Coating Booth And Plants * Powder Coating Booth Pressurisation Zone * Powder Coating Booth With Pressuriasation Zone * Powder Coating Booth With Pressurization Chamber * Powder Coating Booths * Powder Coating Gun * Powder Coating Machine * Powder Coating Machinery * Powder Coating Ovens * Powder Coatong Gun * Powder Curing Oven * Powder Curing Oven Conventional * Powder Curring Oven * Powder Recovery * Powder Recovery System * Powder Sieving Machines * Pre Heating Or Moisture Drying Oven * Pre Treatment Plants (Manual * Pre Treatment Plants (Automatic And Manual) * Pre Treatment Plants (Automatic) * S. S. Booth With Auto Reciprocated Gun * Special Pupose Machine * Special Purpose Oven * Special Purpose Ovens * Special Purpose Ovens And Machines * Spray Pretreatment * Spray Pretreatment Plants * Spray Treatment Plants * Standard Powder Coating Booth * Varnish Curing Oven * Varnishing Plant * Varnishing Plant (Auto * Varnishing Plant (Manual) * Water Drying Oven * Water Drying Oven Camel Back * Water Drying Oven Conventional * Water Drying Oven Inline With Pt Lline * Water Drying Ovens * Water Wall Type Powder Coating Booth * Metal Finishing (Powder Coating Machinery) * Metal Finishing (Powder Coating Equipments) * Coating (Powder Coating Machinery) * Coating (Powder Coating Equipments) * Powder Coating Systems * Powder Coating Plants * Powder Coating Equipments * Powder Coating Equipment