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NTC Sensor input

LED indication for setpoint lock, defrost, Relay ON, Alarm ON.

°C/°F selectable

Defrost management

High and low temperature alarm

Upto 20A relay output, Compact size,Easy to use.

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Adapter Plates, Advance Pid, Ammeters, Analog, Apfc, Cables And Adaptors, Cooling, Counter Electronic, Counters Electronic, Current Protection, Digital Counter, Digital Counters, Digital Timers, Digital Totalisers, Din Rail, Din Rails, Dual Display Multifunction, Earth Leakage Current, Economy, Energy Meters, Fixed Configuration Models, Flexys, Frequency Meters, Hmi, Hyct, Io Modules, Mini Plc, Mm, Multifunction Meters, Phase Sequence, Plug And Panel Mounted, Power Factor Meters, Products, Profile, Programmable And Preset, Programmable Timers, Rate Indicators And Counters, Rct, Relays And Power Supply, Sequential, Snubber Circuit, Software, Softwares, Spct, Temp And Analog Input And Alarm, Temp. Controllers, Temperature And Analog, Temperature Controller, Temperature Controllers, Temperature Inputs, Temperature Scanner, Time Measuring, Timers, Totalisers, Transparent Full Cover, Universal Indicator Rs, Vaf Meters, Voltage And Current Inputs, Voltage Protection, Voltmeters, Water Level Controller