Fst 420
Design Details
- Mechanical parts in corrosion resistant steel.
- Stand with adjustable screws.
- Thermoforming web gripped through patented chains and clips. (Web thickness 50 upto 1500microns)
- Thermoforming mould and sealing pneumatic parts cooled by water circulation.
- Top web unrolling devices with Electro magnetic brake.
- Support and groove studded for each size.
- Loading area.
- Control panel in front of the machine.
- Program sequence control via programmable controlling device.
- Chains motion through a 2 speed motion controlled by an optical coding unit with electronical pre-selection and digital display of the front panel.
- Print registration for top web.(optional)
- Thermoforming system by contact heating and compressed air.
- Arrangement for Die Cutting.
- Waste rewinding.