Products & Services

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Electrolytic Nickel Cathode


Vale™ electrolytic nickel is the world’s leading brand of electroplating nickel. Full size cathodes are produced by electrolytic refining at Vale’s Thompson Nickel Refinery in Manitoba, Canada. The controlled and consistent quality of the Thompson refining process have established Vale™ Electrolytic Nickel Cathode as an industry standard for general purpose electroplating:

  • High purity
  • Thickest cathode available (~15 mm)
  • Smooth, shiny and defect-free surface
  • Produces minimal metallic residues upon dissolution
  • Dissolves at 100% anode efficiency in common nickel plating solutions (containing chlorides)
  • Must be cut into squares or strips prior to using
  • Proven and trusted by the world’s leading electroplaters
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Electrolytic Nickel Squares


Vale™ electrolytic nickel is the world’s leading brand of electroplating nickel. Nickel Squares are cut from full size cathodes produced by electrolytic refining at Vale’s Thompson Nickel Refinery in Manitoba, Canada. The controlled and consistent quality of the Thompson refining process have established Vale™ Electrolytic Nickel Squares as an industry standard for general purpose electroplating:

  • High purity
  • Thickest cathode available (~15 mm)
  • Smooth, shiny and defect-free surface
  • Produces minimal metallic residues upon dissolution
  • Dissolves at 100% anode efficiency in common nickel plating solutions (containing chlorides)
  • Added directly to titanium anode baskets
  • Proven and trusted by the world’s leading electroplaters
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Electrolytic Nickel S Rounds


Vale™ Electrolytic Nickel S-Rounds™ are a high purity form of sulfuractivated nickel specifically designed for electroplating with titanium anode baskets – especially in chloride-free plating baths. The sulphur in this product does not enter the plating solution; it forms an insoluble nickel sulphide residue, which is 100% contained using cloth anode bags, where it acts to remove unwanted copper impurities. The controlled and consistent quality of S-Rounds™, their distinctive shape and size, and the advantages of sulfur activation make Vale™ S-Rounds™ ideally suited for high-end electroplating applications (e.g. high-speed engineering, electronics, electroforming):

  • High purity
  • Sulfur activation promotes uniform dissolution and low operating voltage, even in chloride-free plating baths
  • Unique shape prevents the formation of bridges and voids in the basket
  • Unique shape ensures good solution flow and mixing through the basket
  • Settles uniformly in basket, ensuring uniform current density and high quality deposits
  • Flows easily into regular and shaped baskets of various mesh sizes
  • Safe to handle (no sharp edges)
  • Dissolves at 100% anode efficiency in common nickel plating solutions – with or without chlorides
  • Produces minimal metallic residues upon dissolution
  • Proven and trusted by the world’s leading electroplaters
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Nickel Plating Chips


Nickel Plating Chips™ are a high purity form of nickel specifically designed for electroplating with titanium anode baskets. Chips™ are produced by a unique carbonyl gas refining process at the Copper Cliff Nickel Refinery in Sudbury, Canada. The controlled and consistent purity of Chips™ and the advantages associated with its distinctive shape make this product attractive for general purpose plating with titanium anode baskets:

  • Carbonyl refining produces the purest form of nickel available
  • Unique shape prevents the formation of bridges and voids in the basket
  • Settles uniformly in basket, ensuring uniform current density and high quality deposits
  • Flows easily into regular baskets with standard mesh sizes
  • Safe to handle (no sharp edges)
  • Dissolves at 100% anode efficiency in common nickel plating solutions (containing chlorides)
  • Proven and trusted by the world’s leading electroplaters
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Nickel P Pellets


Nickel P-Pellets™ are a high purity form of nickel widely used for electroplating with titanium anode baskets. P-Pellets™ are produced by a unique carbonyl gas refining process at the Copper Cliff Nickel Refinery in Sudbury, Canada. The controlled and consistent purity of P-Pellets™ and the advantages associated with its distinctive shape make this product ideal for general purpose plating with titaniumanode baskets:

  • Carbonyl refining produces the purest form of nickel available
  • Unique shape prevents the formation of bridges and voids in the basket
  • Settles uniformly in basket, ensuring uniform current density and high quality deposits
  • Flows easily into regular and shaped baskets with standard mesh sizes
  • Ideal for use with automated basket loading devices
  • Safe to handle (no sharp edges)
  • Dissolves at 100% anode efficiency in common nickel plating solutions (containing chlorides)
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Nickel Pellets


Nickel Pellets are a high purity form of nickel widely used in melting applications. Nickel Pellets are produced by a carbonyl refining process at the Clydach Nickel Refinery in the UK. The controlled and consistent purity of Nickel Pellets and the advantages associated with its distinctive shape make this product an industry standard for the production of high-nickel alloys and iron-base alloys:

  • Carbonyl refining produces one of the purest forms of nickel available, allowing for its use in the most demanding applications in the aerospace, electronic and nuclear industries
  • High nickel content and low impurity levels allow for its addition at any stage of the alloy-making process
  • Distinctive shape results in high packing density, easy flow and permits semi- and fully-automated handling operations, such as transfer from bulk storage to weighing and furnace charging stations
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Nickel Sulphate


This High Quality Nickel Sulphate is being Manufactured in Japan by using LME Grade Nickel Cathodes.

Characteristics :

Uniform and fine Crystals.
Zero Level Moisture.
No Dust.

Applications :

  • Electrolytic Nickel
  • Electroless Nickel
  • Battery Materials
  • Aluminium Colouring & catalysts
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Nickel Chloride

This high purity materialis suitable for use in a chloride bath. Most nickel chloride is used for plating. It accelerates the issolution of anode metal nickel, whileacting to increase the electrolyte level of the solution. In various types of nickel plating, impurities such as zinc, copper, lead, and iron are not desired. Therefore, high-purity nickel chloride is required.

Characteristics :

  • Containing no silver sulfate and silver nitrate.
  • Monoclinic crystal
  • Granular shape
  • High deliquescence.


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Phosphorised Copper Anode Ball

This High Quality Copper Anode Balls are being Manufactured in Japan with Intra modern technology. The Manufacturer has its own refining facility to produce their own LME Grade Copper Cathodes and further processing it to produce Copper Balls, unlike other companies who buy Copper Scrap and process it further.

  • Standard Size: 27mm
  • Other Sizes: 11mm, 40mm (Available on Request)
  • Advantages of Japanese Copper Balls versus Others:
  • Uniform and fine micro structure results in good solubility.
  • Non-oil forging process results in low contamination.
  • High purity brings less sludge.
  • Commercially competitive rates.
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Oxygen Free Copper Nuggets

Oxygen – Free Copper Anodes (Nuggets) are made specifically for electroplating purpose. They have a high purity level - 99.99% minimum and have a clean surface. Because of their cast crystal structure and even practical size, copper anodes are easily dissolved and their free – flowing material allows ease of handling.

Advantages of Oxygen Free Copper Nuggets versus Others :

  • Uniform and fine micro structure results in good solubility.
  • Non-oil forging process results in low contamination.
  • High purity brings less sludge.
  • Commercially competitive rates.

Typical Chemical Analysis :

  • Product Description : Copper Slug/ Nugget Cu-OF
  • Typical Chemical Compositions of : Oxygen Free Copper
  • Standard Size : 14 * 20mm
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Copper Sulphate

Copper metal consists of clean, untinned, uncoated and unalloyed copper wire. Purity 99.95 %.

Sulphuric Acid

Grade – Chemically Purified (CP Grade)

Chloride : 0.0005 %
Iron : 0.0001 %
Nitrate : 0.00001 %
Density : 1.84

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Chromic Acid Flakes

This High Quality Chromic Acid is being manufactured in Turkey by using high quality Chrome Ore.

Packaging :

25kg/50kg drum

Applications :

  • Decorative Plating
  • Metal Plating
  • Hard chrome plating
  • Other Chromium Substances
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Flat Wires Brass

Form of supply:

Spool / Coil/ Pancake Coil
Zip Fasteners, Springs, Clocks, Watches, Stitching application, Electrical & Electronic/Switchgear Industry.

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Round Wires Brass

Form of supply:

Spool / Coil / Coil Stand
Spectacle frames, Springs, Brazing, Fasteners – Screws/ Rivets/Nails/Hooks/ Eyes/ Needles, Imitation Jewellery, Automobile & Engineering Industry

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E.D.M. Wires

Form of supply:

Spool: DIN125(3.50kgs) / EP-5(5.0kgs) / DIN160(6.0kgs)
Electric Discharge Machine - Wire Cutting and suitable for All EDM machines

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Copper Beryllium

Form of supply:

Copper Beryllium is a copper alloy with a optimum combination of mechanical and physical properties such as tensile strength, performance under elevated temperatures, electrical conductivity, ebding formability and corrosion resistance. Copper Beryllium is widely used as contact springs in various applications line connectors, switches, relays, etc. NGK offers a variety of Copper Beryllium alloys in several tempers to cover different applications. Their Copper Beryllium products are available in Strip, plate, rod and wire form.

Aluminium Cubes * Aluminium Ingots * Aluminium Powders * Aluminium Shots * Aluminium Sticks * Basic Plating Chemicals * Brass * Brass Plating Chemicals * Cadmium Plating Chemicals * Chemicals For Plating On Plastics * Chromate Conversion Coating Chemicals * Chrome Plating Chemicals * Chromic Acid Flakes * Copper Beryllium * Copper Metal * Copper Phosphorus Patta * Copper Plating Chemicals * Copper Sulphate * E. D. M. Wires * Electro Less Nickel Chemicals * Electro Polishing Chemicals * Electrolytic Nickel Cathode * Electrolytic Nickel S Rounds * Electrolytic Nickel Squares * Electroplating Chemical * Electroplating Chemicals * Electropolishing Chemical * Ferro Molly * Ferrous Metal * Ferrous Raw Materials * Flat Wires Brass * Gold Plating Chemicals * Lead * Lead Anodes * Lead Metal * Nickel Cathodes * Nickel Chloride * Nickel Inco * Nickel Metal * Nickel P Pellets * Nickel Pellets * Nickel Plating Chemicals * Nickel Plating Chips * Nickel Sulphate * Non Ferrous Metal * Non Ferrous Raw Materials * Organic Protective Coating Chemicals * Oxygen Free Copper Nuggets * Phosphorised Copper Anode Ball * Plating Chemical * Plating Chemicals * Potassium Cyanide * Products * Round Wires Brass * Silver Plating Chemicals * Tin Ingot * Tin Metal * Tin Plating Chemicals * Zinc Ingot * Zinc Metal * Zinc Plating Chemicals * Hastelloy * Atomised Iron Powder * Monel * Germanium Tin Master Alloy * Hot Work Steel * Case Hardened Steel * Nitriding Steel * Electrolytic Iron Powders * Chrome Moly Steel * Copper Strip * Brass Chips * Nickel * Metal Fibres * Nickel Alloy * Die And Tool Steel * Copper Powder * Iron Powder * Brass Powder * Bronze Chips * Calcium Aluminium Master Alloy * Brass Metal * Bronze * Metal Powder * Metal Powders * Bronze Powder * Nickle Master Alloys * Copper Chips * Inconel * Alloy Iron Powder * Nickel Phosphorus Master Alloy * Copper Alloys * Cold Work Steel * Copper Arsenic Master Alloy * Aluminium Bronze * Aluminium Based Master Alloys * Zinc Powder * Phosphor Tin * Tin Powder * Tool Steel * Plastic Mould Steel * Sponge Iron Powder * Metal Finishing (Plating Chemicals) * Electroplating (Plating Chemicals) * Galvanization Chemical * Chemical (Plating Chemicals)