Cartridge Heater
This Product group is an excellent choice for direct insertion heating of platens, dies, various metal shapes and products requiring maximum amount of heat within a limited or short space. With the addition of either threaded or leak tight mountings/fittings these heaters are also an excellent choice for direct immersion into liquids.
[Cartridge heater]
Heater diameter is varying precise in designing the heaters. Units without mounting /fittings are designed to fit holes with a diameter tolerance of + .0254 mm - minus. 000 of nominal heater diameter. For example a heater of 12.7 mm i. e. ½"diameter is designed to fit a hole size of 12.71 mm -0.000". Higher rated watt densities on the heaters combined with larger hole clearances will reduces the heater life.
Holes preferably rimed to accept heaters should be rimed all the way through are advisable. Corrosion or scaling may make heater replacement difficult in blind holes.
Do not allow the heated portion of heater to operate in air or an air pocket. Do not operate any standard cartridge heater in open air.
Straightness or total run-out along the axis can be held to plus or minus 0.5 mm per 25 mm for length upto 100 mm & 1 mm per 25 mm upto 300 mm. Heaters are normally flexible enough to fit into long holes.
Heaters installed into moving blocks or dies should have provisions for preventing the leads from being damaged from motion.
Cartridge heaters with liquid tight mountings/fittings could be used for liquid application. Heaters mounted in a tank or vessel should be mounted horizontally near the bottom. Heater must be in liquid all the time. Product, process, or system should include a device to protect heater from operation if no liquid covering the heater. System should be designed to avoid air entrapments or pockets of overheated liquid around the heater.
Heating performance can be improved by agitation of liquid in the tank. In all cases, due to normal high temperature attainable on any metal-sheathed heater, avoid contact with combustible surface or materials.
As with any electrically heated product, the proper application of heater and temperature control is the most important factor in optimum performance, efficiency. No two systems are alike It is extremely important that attention has been given to the total product or system design as well as operating environment.