Products & Services

Air Curtains * Autoclave Horizontal High Pressure * Autoclave Vertical High Pressure * B. O. D. Incubator * Bacteriological Incubator * Carbon Di Oxide Incubator And Co2 Incubators * Cement Autoclaves * Conductivity Meters * Deluxe Ph Meter * Digital Conductivity Meter * Digital Flame Photometer * Digital Ph Meter * Digital Photo Colorimeter * Digital Tds Meter * Digital Visible Spectrophotometer * Double Beam Uv Vis Spectrophotometer * Enviornmental Test And Control Chambers * Flame Photometer * High Precision Laboratory Balances * High Precision Water Bath * High Speed Lab Centrifuge * Hot Air Oven * Incubator Shaker * Industrial Drying Oven * Laminar Air Flow * Microcontroller Ph Meter * Microprocessor Flame Photometer * Microprocessor Photo Colorimeter * Microprocessor Visible Spectrophotometer * Other Products * Ph Meter * Photo Colorimeter * Plant Growth Chamber * Seed Germinator * Single Beam Uv Vis Spectrophotometer * Temperature And Humidity Control Chamber * Tray Dryer * Universal Shaking Machine * Walk In Incubator
