Products & Services

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Fertilizer Chemical

Fertilizer Chemical

We are a trusted Fertilizer Chemical Manufacturer and Supplier based in India. The manufacturing of specialty Fertilizer Chemical for DAP/NPK plants, it has recently developed deformers to provide optimum foam control in the process of phosphoric acid manufacturing, gradually company has gained dominance in the manufacturing of specialty chemicals for DAP/NPK. We proffer very reasonable rates for theses optimally reliable Fertilizer Chemicals. We carry one of the most effective ranges of Fertilizer Chemicals as Follows:

Defoamer for Phosphoric Acid Plant - Oil Based

Defoamer for DAP/NPK/PAP - Water Based

Defoamer for DAP/NPK - Water Based

Defoamer for Evaporator

Granulating agent / Bonding agent fertilizer

Anticaking agent for AN, CAN, DAP & NPK fertilizer-Oil & Water Based

Anticaking agent for urea

Dust Suppressing Agent

Colouring Agent - Oil & Water Based

Colouring Cum Anticaking agent

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Aluminum Chemical

Aluminum Chemical

We are a trusted Aluminum Chemical Supplier and Manufacturer based in India. Our super fine range of Aluminum Chemical for Alumina Industries is used by leading aluminum plants. We carry one of the most effective ranges of aluminum compound. We proffer very reasonable rates for these optimally reliable aluminum chemicals.
Range of Products for Aluminum Industry

RG-100 Defoamer
Precipator/ Washer

E.F.A Surfactant
Antifoam for Precipator

Crystal Growth Modifier

De-Watering Aid for Alumina Tri-Hydrate

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Explosive Chemical

Explosive Chemical

A superior quality range of Explosive Chemicals exists with us. We are prominently count amongst most reliable manufacturers and suppliers of Explosive Chemical Compounds for Explosive Industries. Most of the chief explosive industries are using our Explosive Chemical. Sobitol Mono Oleate - Sobitol Mono Oleate are available with us on very genuine prices.

We manufacture Sorbitan Monooleate

Having trade name : Emulsolite-EL

Most of the chief explosive industries are using our chemical Sobitol Mono Oleate - Sobitol Mono Oleate are available with us on very genuine prices.

Sorbitan Monooleate : Emulsolite-EL

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Paper Chemical

Paper Industries

Holding a strong position amongst the companies serving the Paper Industry of India, we bring forth an exuberant Paper Chemical. We offer complete solutions for Chemicals for Paper Industries. The property of our Paper Industry Chemical is in accordance to contemporary needs of paper industry. An incomparable range of Pulp Paper Chemical is obtainable from us on very economical rates.
Range of Products for Paper Industry

Defoamer for pulp Mill/ ETP

Defoamer for paper machine

Amotex BSW-329
Defaomer for brown Stock Washer

Fortified Rosin

Novasize C-15
AKD Size Alkaline Size

SIA- 7030
Anti fluff

Biozyme RF
Refining Enzyme

Biozyme GX
Bleach booster Enzyme based

Pulp Aid 100
Digester Cooking Additive

Digester Cooking Additivve

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Cement Additive

Cement Additive

We are distinctly reckoned in the Cement Additive for making available super quality Cement Additive. We have developed a new chemical Grinding Aid for Cement Additive. Additive For Cement are an additive, which improve the quality of cement as increase the grinding efficiency. It also increases the compressive strength of cement.

Simco G 950
Grinding Aid/ Performance Enhancer

Simco G 85
Grinding Aid/ Performance Enhancer

Simco MGA 60
Grinding Aid

Simco MGA 80
Grinding Aid

Simco G 1820
Grinding Aid/ Performance Enhancer

Simco G 970
Grinding Aid/ Performance Enhancer

Simco G 85 PSA
Grinding Aid/ Performance Enhancer

Simco G 3015
Grinding Aid/ Performance Enhancer

CGA 5050
Grinding Aid/ Performance Enhancer

CGA 1044
Grinding Aid/ Performance Enhancer

Grinding Aid/ Performance Enhancer

Aluminum Chemical * Cement Additive * Explosive Chemical * Fertilizer Chemical * Paper Chemical * Paper Chemicals