Krishna Mineral Industries is a market-focused mineral miner & manufacturer. We are committed in setting standards for the mineral market in areas such as innovation, technical assistance, product quality, health, and ethical behaviour. With the widest mineral product range and unsurpassed applications expertise...
Krishna Mineral Industries is a market-focused mineral miner & manufacturer. We are committed in setting standards for the mineral market in areas such as innovation, technical assistance, product quality, health, and ethical behaviour. With the widest mineral product range and unsurpassed applications expertise, we are the only mineral manufacturer that can meet all end-use requirements globally.
Our major object is to create optimum value for our —customers—by remaining the mineral supplier of choice with a commitment to excellence and responsibility. We can guarantee supply all round the year because we are continuously upgrading our processes and the stock storage flexibility.
Strict quality control is applied at every stage i.e. processing, packaging and delivery, which is of prime importance in Krishna Mineral’s product. Krishna Mineral Industries invests a percentage of its turnover in research and development every year.
Krishna Mineral Industries environmental obligation requires that we want to be a steward of the environment and the natural resources under our responsibility and be a respected member of the community. To work with the minimum of environmental damage is our main aim.
Mineral imparts benefits to a wide section of products i.e. cosmetics, ceramics, glass, rubber, soaps and detergents, plastic, paper, paints, pharmaceuticals etc. Krishna Mineral Industries produces and sells a wide range of mineral products from its different plants in India to customers in different countries, ranging from major papermakers to cosmetic manufacturers, from paint industries to ceramic plants. To meet the needs of its customers in the 21st century by providing them with value -based mineral products, Krishna Mineral Industry aims to be truly market focussed.
Our strong leadership, desire to explore new ideas and our desire for innovation has placed us in a strong position to deal with risks and uncertainties, which has made us what we are today. To conduct business in an ethical manner and treating our employees fairly is our commitment. Honesty, reliability, respect are all expressions of our people's integrity.
Products & Services
Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.