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The flexible element of any Expansion Joints consisting of one or more convolution, with or without reinforced ring and the end tangents with minimum 5mm with no more than FIVE plies, that is call Bellows Element.

There are so many type of Expansion Joints use in industry and to make the complete assembly of Expansion Joints, need ONE or more Bellows Element. Bellows Expansion Joints are employed in piping systems to absorb differential thermal expansion while containing the system pressure. They are being successfully utilized in refineries, chemical plate, fossil and nuclear power systems, heating and cooling systems, and cryogenic plates.

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Bellow, Exhaust And Vent Silencers, Flexible Hoses, Metallic Circular Expansion Joints, Metallic Expansion Joints, Metallic Rectangular Or Squire Expansion Joints, Metallic Thick Wall And Cold Spun Expansion Joints, Non Metallic Composite Type Expansion Joints, Non Metallic Elastomeric Type Expansion Joints, Non Metallic Fabric Expansion Joints, Non Metallic Rubber Expansion Joints, Pressure Vessel, Products