Automatic Barrel Cleaning System
This consist of two chambers such as ultrasonic chamber and vapour degreasing chambers Degreasing solvent is poured in both the chambers and electrically heated. The temperature is adjusted by thermostats. The job is loaded on basket or fixture and immersed in ultrasonic chamber for ultrasonic cleaning and then transferred to vapour degreasing chamber.
High Degree of cleanlines can be achived.
When degree for contamination is more and heavy production is desired, third chamber as pre-cleaning chamber is necessary. The degreasing solvent remains same for all the three chambers. Solvent is electrically heated. The job is loaded on basket or fixture and immersed in pre-cleaning chamber first and subsequently in other two chambers.
Appropriate liquid is poured in the tank for removing specific contamination. Heating if desired is also incorporated. The Job is loaded on jigs. Fixtures, Wire, Baskets or any other convenient method and immersed in tank for prescribed time. Single stage ultrasonic cleaning system is useful with Neutral or Alkaline liquid. Acidic solution to be used with special arrangements.