Energy Recovery Wheels (Hrws)
The EcoFresh Energy Recovery Wheel, which recovers total energy (sensible as well as latent), assists in meeting all the requirements of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), humidity control and energy saving.
DRI offers the Highest Recovery Enthalpy Wheels in the world (Aluminum substrate coated with a choice of desiccants).
Incorporation of EcoFresh Heat Wheels into the air-conditioning system means more outdoor air at lower energy cost (reduced chiller load).
Energy Recovery Wheels also known in the industry as Energy Conservation Wheels, Energy Recovery Wheels, Enthalpy Wheels, Sensible Wheels, Hygroscopic Wheels, Condensation Wheels or Sorption Wheels. These air-to-air Heat Exchangers can recover both sensible (Heat) and latent (Moisture) energy but may use different technologies and offer different efficiencies.